《" Soulmates " - Sanemi x Reader // choinamraswifee》Chapter 3 - " Soulmates "


" I'm ready (Y/N) ... " Sanemi walks up to you , " How about you ? " You meet his eyes and you guys freeze . After all the silence , " I-I'm ready it's just that I'm tired ... " You lean against his chest for a few minutes before he speaks up , " Let's sleep first , we need the energy . " He closes then locks the door and guides you upstairs so you could sleep .

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You woke up with the sun shining in your eyes , " Argh -- " You quickly cover your eyes but your hand brushes on something , ' What ? ' You thought before you looked up . You were sleeping on Sanemi's chest -- ' Oh -- He's asleep ' You think as you carefully get up but ending up getting stuck in Sanemi's grip . " Let's stay like this for a bit .. "He whispers as you lay back down on his chest .

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After he was well rested you guys decided to set out to find that place called a Demon Slayer Corps . " We have money , clothes and food , right ? " You ask while you walk out the door with him , " Yep " He looks back and smiles at you and you smile back . " Sanemi , why are people staring at us ? " You look around you as people are curiously staring at you . " I don't know ... " He stops walking , " I'll go ask one of them " You walk slowly up to one of the villagers , " Excuse me .. Sir , why are you staring at us ? " The villager looks at you and grabs you real quick and very roughly by the hand and pulls you close to him , " What the heck ?? " You yell as you try to struggle out of his grip , " Very pretty lady , don't squirm to much , I'll end up hurting you . " The villager stared at you intensely and you knew he wasn't gonna let go . " S--Sanemi , help me !! " You yell while trying to squirm out of his grip , " What the hell --- " He yelled as he turned around from the villager he was talking with , " Please --- " tears start to form in your eyes as you give up with squirming . "Yes , please stay like that . Your squirming was tiring . " The villager angrily says as Sanemi walks up to you and him . " Oh --- " The villager surprisingly says as Sanemi grabs his arm , " Never touch her again . " Sanemi says as he releases your hand from the man's grasp . Once your hand was free you run into Sanemi's arms and he pulls you away from the man , " B--But --- Why do you get to have her ?! S--She is so pretty --- I'm more handsome then you !! " The villager yells at Sanemi attracting others attention . Some lady comes out of the same house as the villager , probably related to him . "Brother ! Why in the world are you yelling ?! " the lady smacks him on the back of the head , " Im so sorry about my brother , he is really annoying !! " She bows as you turn away . " Let's go Sanemi .. " You look at the ground as Sanemi reaches out his hand , " (Y/N) ... Are you sure you're alright ? " He gently touches your shoulder , " Yes . " as you start walking , Sanemi following right behind .


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