《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 22: Comment Title Ideas I Ran Out
[Chapter 22: Comment Title Ideas I Ran Out]
"Hinata-tan..." I spoke in a soft whisper, staring intently at my dear female. Lifting a hand, I propped her chin up with my thumb and index finger. She flinched at my gentle touch, looking up at me with her doll-like eyes.
"Me-Megumi-chan?!" She stammered on her timid words, a bright red tint blossoming her face. Kyaaa... she's so cute~! "Wha-what are you doing...?!
In response, I pushed her against the wall, trapping the girl with my other hand. She trembled, shifting just a bit as she continued staring at me with a flustered expression. "Ara, ara~" I leaned in closer, practically feeling the heat radiating off of her. "I can't help it, my angel. You know how I feel when you act so cute~!" I released a deep breath, my eyes trailing down to her soft, pristine lips. I giggled, my smile stretching wider. "Oh, how I could kiss you right now."
Hinata then closed her eyes shut as I inched ever close—
"Hinata!" The door suddenly banged open, a loud familiar shout accompanying it. I sighed as my girl opened her eyes in surprise and moved her face away from me towards the voice.
"Na-Naruto-kun!" She voiced out, not believing that he would come in, had straightened her back.
Pouting, I removed my hands from the wall and her chin, placing them behind my back and shifting my weight. "Come on, Naruto...! You can't just do that to me!" I whined childishly. "Let me have this moment." I added with a 'hmph!'.
"Yeah, no." The blond rejected, marching towards us with a frown. He grabbed Hinata's hand and pulled her towards him, "She's mine, you know that, dattebayo!"
The long-haired female blushed, even brighter when her crush declared that. "Yes, yes," I somewhat casually dismissed, waving them off to express that. I looked away with deadpan and wilted self-esteem, "Now go so that I can drown myself with my depression, you lovebirds."
Well, this was a terrible dream, wasn't it?
I woke up with a start. Well, I woke up to someone throwing cheese at my face to be exact. I suddenly sat up, earning a little headache in return, "Sasuke, what the ever-loving fuck?!" I didn't even have to guess: it's always him that does that.
"Ahhhhh!!! You teme, why did you do that?!" Yelled Naruto who was also sleeping beside me just prior. Ah, I guess he also got the classic cheese in his face-- and he's eating it.
Before us was my dear younger brother, sitting on one of the chairs from the kitchen. As we usually do when we decide to crash the other person's apartment, we slept in the small living room, which just so happened to be connected to the dining and kitchen area. In his hands was a grilled cheese sandwich (cuz he can't cook hAH) and a scowl on his face. "Because knowing you idiots, you would oversleep and miss the fights." He answered, taking a bite from his food.
But I'm not even gonna comment about that because what the fuck— I noticed that one: he was already in his ninja gear and two: it was fucking 7:32 in the morning. It starts at 9 am. The walk is literally just 15 minutes away, civilian speed. I blinked before pouting at my twin, "You just wanted us to suffer, didn't you? You big fat, white nasty, smelling fat bitch. Why you took me off the motherfucking schedule your trifling dirty white racist ass big fat bitch
(Naruto grumbled as the girl continued her ranting, reaching up to scratch his head. He yawned in disdain but didn't really do anything to his best friend as by the look of increasing horror on his face and Megumi's face that clearly showed that she wasn't gonna stop anytime soon, he didn't really need to do anything about it.)
"And then he turned himself into a pickle. Funniest shit I've ever seen." I told my blond friend when we entered the arena just in time. Maybe Sasuke was right, we are slow. Nyeh, we have enough plot armor so it's fine.
Naruto laughed loudly as he clutched his stomach in slight pain, "Wha- was he a ninja or something?! That's so weird, dattebayo!"
"I-it really is," Hinata commented timidly in between quiet giggles, shuffling in pace with us. Oh yeah, we met Hinata and Kiba along the way and decided that we should go in together. "Why would so-someone turn themself into... into a pi-pickle?" She was sandwiched between Naruto and I but surprisingly, she's faring quite well. I guess all my heart-warming hugs are helping her!
"We should go," Kiba said, looking at the arena as Akamaru barker in excitement. I giggled, dogs are so cute...! "Come on, Hinata, Megumi-chan! And you," He pointed towards the opposing blonde with an index finger, "You better win. You won against me after all!"
Blinking once, the orange Genin grinned as he lifted a determined thumbs-up. "Yeah! Imma ace this competition and then become Hokage!"
How did this turn into becoming Hokage? I casually thought before waving my blond bestie off, turning away to go to the spectator's area. Well, let's hope we don't die this time.
You know, Naruto's doing surprisingly well, considering the canon version of this fight. Of course, he's still spamming out shadow clones but he's being more versatile about it, even getting Neji in a pinch at one point.
Glancing at Hinata, her eyes were glued on the two of them, expressing both worry and amazement as she held her hands close to her chest. Hehe, she really does care for them... I hummed, turning my attention back to the fight. That reminds me... I had to sniffle a giggle as a memory flew in my mind.
Kuruma's such a dork.
"Ok, first and foremost!" I created a pen and clipboard out of thin... chakra, I guess? I pushed up my professional glasses that I somehow got and clicked my pen, "How's it like being cooped up in that space for 13 years?"
"And how does that make you feel?"
"Mhm," I let out with a smile, looking at the glaring, giant fox. He snarled, releasing a breath at gave a breeze to my face. I giggled, "Are you angry, fluffy bum bum?"
He grumpily spoke, his nine tails swaying like it was one of those tire balloons.
"Ehhh?" I couldn't help but continue entertaining myself, "But I don't know your name!"
"No, I mean your actual name!" I interrupted the huge being, tossing my glasses and therapist tools to who knows where. I feel like people forget that this isn't a mind space but the seal, which means we would be at Naruto's stomach, ew. "And since you've never announced it ever, I doubt you'd want me to learn it."
Kuruma huffed, not looking at me in the eye. And no, he's not intimidated (ok maybe he is, just the tiniest bit), he's just being cautious. The Kyuubi demanded menacingly, well, not to me.
"No, no, no, not at all, fluffy bum bum—"
I giggled, plopping my ass onto the surface of the water. "First of all, you need to have the mangekyou Sharingan, which I don't have." I lied as easily as I breathed. "Second of all, even if I did, I'm not strong enough to even get a hold of you, and third of all, why the bloody hell would I want to hurt dear Naruto?" Looking around the place, I noted one thing, "Damn, this place sucks: no entertainment, no nothing! It makes sense that you're such a bully."
He growled at me, his big red beady eyes glaring at me with untamed fury,
"I mean, considering the fact that you can't even get out, I'm doing much better than you." I pointed out, giggling as the fox snarled at me once again. Ok, ok, time to stop before he somehow breaks the seal. "And I'm not here to be your first friend for your lonely, furry ass: that's someone else's job." My smile only widened when even though the beast tried to conceal his thoughts, his eyes showed confusion.
I sat up from my spot, not even surprised to find my clothing still dry even when touching the weird water. "Well, I only came here to self-appoint myself as your therapist so I'll be going now." I moved the position of my feet, turning around as I clasped my hands behind my back.
But before stepping out of the seal, I tilted my head back to eye the large mass of chakra, "... I'm sorry for what my family has done to you all."
I transported out before finding out his reaction.
The sound of shakey yet close coughing dragged me back to the present. "Hinata-tan!" I exclaimed, scooting closer to the person next to my to or her back with my hand. I grimaced at how hard she was exhaling, even though she turns out ok after this, I can't help to be concerned for her.
"Oi," Kiba yelled at her in concern, inching closer to also help her. "Are you alright?!" Audible gasps echoed the arena, prompting the boy to turn back from the Hyuuga, "Huh?"
"I.. I told you... I'm not good at giving up...!" I faintly heard Naruto struggle to yell from the distance. I internally cheered, yeah! Go avenge your Waifu!
My female friend continued to cough out, "No, Naruto... no more!" She tried to say as it only worsened.
"For once, shut the hell up, Hinata-tan!" I ordered her, holding her up so that she doesn't fall off her chair. I kept on patting her back, as if that was gonna do anything.
"Let me take a look." A sudden voice in front of me spoke during the chaos. Looking up, it was a person with an anbu mask. My eyes narrowed, god why this guy, even if he does help.
"Who're you?!" The Inuzuka demanded hot-headedly at the older male, Akamaru barking in agreement.
"...No one suspicious."
"That's exactly what someone suspicious would say," I muttered under my breath, though I'm sure all of them still heard it but decided not to pay attention to it. I turned at Kabuto with a frown, "Ok, just do ya magic. If not, I'll castrate you!"
Kiba winced at the mere mention at that but released Hinata, who had fallen unconscious. "Megumi-chan, you should stay with Akamaru."
I hummed in confusion, "You aren't taking Akamaru with you?" To be honest, this was a great opportunity, since Kabuto would, later on, knock him out, something don't need at the moment.
He let out a laugh as Akamaru jumped down to lay in my lap, "Nah, Akamaru's nose is very sensitive to blood, more than me, so I think it's better that only I go." He replied. The boy gave me a grin, "Don't worry, Hinata will be fine in no time!"
I giggled, petting the pup on me, "Ok, tell her that I love her when she wakes up!" I said with a wave before they walked away with Hinata's body. F in the chat for dog boy.
"If you're going so far, I might as well tell you it." I heard Neji say when I tuned in the fight again. "The Hyuuga's Destiny for hatred."
Ok, hold the fuck up— why the ever-loving are the big clans always hated or hate each other?! Like- it's not like we wanted the bloodline or anything? Ok, some people did but that's not the point! Really, who the hell is so pissy about people with kekkai genkai— oh wait:
Ducking piece of shit, why the fuck did Hashirama, the person who wanted peace, choose Tobirama, the person who has a huge bias and hatred, to lead a village: where to people will be affected by their leader's belief? He's the reason why
And don't even get me started on all the Justus that he created. Fucking dumbass, who thought having people oh wait, . 'Genius'? More like 'If Madara's Kin, Stab You with My Raijin'.
"Ah." I let out when I felt a strong breeze flow against me. Blinking, I found myself feeling and staring at orange chakra surrounding everyone's favorite blonde. "I should really stop zoning out..." I muttered to myself, maybe it's because the author hates writing fight scenes when it doesn't even matter in the plot? Or just fight scenes in general cuz of how long they are? I mean— what?
Hearing a whimper below my ears, I lowered my head at the slightly trembling puppy on me. Probably sensing the massive killer intent. "Oh my, sorry." I apologized, stroking the mammal's fur as if to give comfort. I huddled with him closer. I'm glad I wore long sleeves so that I warm against the whirling wind going haywire. Well, not that I needed to, I'm an Uchiha for God's sake!
And so for once, I actually paid attention to the fight: how Naruto slashed at the asshole, how Naruto used his talk-no-jutsu, and how he was declared the winner.
And so now, the other matches were gonna start.
"Next up: Sakura Haruno vs Hiro Hyuuga!" Announced Genma to the audience. I straightened my back in my seat, alone with only myself and Akamaru. It was actually the last battle before Sasuke's, which means that if Kakashi wasn't late on purpose, my twin would probably come in during the fight. Yay!
"Hmmm... I wonder who'll win," I muttered to the dog who laid comfortably on my lap. I giggled, "My dear student or a Hyuuga who's not an asshole and respects women?"
Akamaru barked in response, wagging his tail as he observed the two who were now in the Arena. "You better cover your ears for this: I'm gonna be really loud for a sec." Raising up my hands, I cupped them together to form a tunnel on my mouth.
"HEYYYYYYY!" I yelled loudly, gaining everyone's attention. All the people I could see darted their eyes on me, probably not expecting an Uchiha to do such a "non-asshole-ish" thing. "You guys better not hold back! And I'm talking to you mostly, Hiro! I swear to god, if ya do, I'm going to put multiple worms on a string all over the compound!"
From the distance, the bubblegum-girl lowered her head slightly, opening her mouth to release small laughter. Today, and I hope from now on, she wore a different outfit from the one she usually wore. The girl wore a short-sleeved dark red jacket with slits on the shoulders, and Indian red wrap skirt and a grayish-hunter green unity belt stashed around her waist. She also wore brown gloves, and her regular shoes and headband, the band resting on the top of her head. Pretty similar to her Shippuden outfit but better than before!
Hiro, on the other side, just gave me a deadpan, placing a hand on his left hip as he expressed whether or not it was too late to just crawl into a hole and die. I mean, the place already has a hole so I guess he could. Well, at least they're not overly stressed now.
"Do any of you have any objections to this fight?" Genma asked them. They both went into their respective fighting stances, staring at each other as the seconds ticked by.
"Not at all." My female friend assured, her back was faced against mine so I didn't know what expression she wore.
"...No." My reincarnation buddy stated, creasing his brows as veins popped on his cheeks.
"Alright then."
The audiences murmurs could be heard with enough concentration: "What's the point of this?", "Why's her hair pink?", "Isn't it obvious that the Hyuuga's going to win?", "Hey, don't say that! The girl might have something up her sleeve!", the usual. The protractor lowers his arm only to swiftly raise it up in the air, "The match will now begin!"
(Right when the adult spoke those words, Sakura whipped out a kunai from one of her pockets and shot it to the male. Only blinking in slight surprise, Hiro tilted a hand slightly to redirect the incoming weapon away from him, it landing on the ground behind him. He darted his white-like eyes at the pink-haired kunoichi, "You're really serious about this, huh?"
"I don't plan on losing anything soon." Was all she stated. It was still for a second, the tension in the air as they stared each other down. But it was still just a second: the Hyuuga heir dashed forward, the civilian only able to dodge at the last moment.
Instinctively, she pulled out more kunai and threw them, forcing her opponent back so that he could deflect them. Stepping back, Sakura kept on keeping her distance with the boy, creating five minutes full of them just missing each other. That's an exaggeration: Hiro was able to do some hits on her but not enough for her to surrender.
"The hell— when did you become this fast?!" The shinobi questioned between strikes and pants. He was growing aggravated, his hands always reaching out to get nothing. It made sense though: based on his (little) observations during his time at the academy, his opponent was just average, only her intelligence notable.
"I had one enthusiastic teacher," Sakura replied with a smile, moving back from one of his hands. However, his other hand was able to press against her right side, making the girl wince— she just hopes that she'll be able to win with this. Dropping low, the determined young individual stretched out one of her legs and swept the Hyuuga off his footing.
As in reflex, Hiro then placed his hands onto the ground and backflipped to save himself, creating even more distance between them. "This is getting tiring so why don't you just hurry up already?" He smirked in his gentle fist stance. "And I know you attached those explosion tags on your weapons. I'm not blind." Internally, the boy groaned. Did he low-key make a pun? Yes, he did.
The civilian ninja huffed, hastily catching her breath, "Alright, You asked for it!" Clasping her hands together, she wove a series of hand signs before slamming them to the ground.
"Ok, Bubblegum-chan!" Megumi announced the day she promised to bring earth scrolls. Opening one up, she held it to her student, smiling excitedly at the pink-haired girl. "So this is the jutsu you'll be learning!"
Sakura nodded as she scanned the scroll intently, "Why this one?"
The other girl hummed in response, "Well, not only is it really good against a Hyuuga, cuz they're used to have solid ground, but it can practically make anyone lose balance and concentration!" The female Uchiha giggled, "Don't worry, dear student of mine! With your skill, you'll be able to master it as fast as Sonic the hedgehog!"
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