《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 20: Meet and Greets with the Folks!
[Chapter 20: Meet and Greets with the Folks!]
"Hello, Akasuna-san!" I greeted when I met the redhead beauty again at the same hotel entrance all those few days ago. It was now the fated day of our little 'tour' and I thought that to hell with my bun, letting it drop down to my back. And when I mean tour, I mean just going to the usual cafe and meeting Hiro there to discuss some things. "Sorry if I had'ta make ya wait."
Actually, it was Temari who confronted me just after the preliminaries to inform me that I should go to the hotel before going anywhere. The gorgeous blonde told me that Kugui is prone to get lost (pffffffft) when not on a mission. And so here I was, almost late cuz of my dreams of Sasuke losing to Itachi in a Just Dance match. It was Gangnam style by the way.
"No, no, it was fine." Was all she said politely, turning away from me. "Well, then: shall we go?"
I giggled, "Sure, but..." I pointed at the other direction, "You're facing the wrong way." She blinked before swiftly rotating around, seeming unaffected. But, based on the slight change of her posture, I can tell that she's embarrassed. I giggled, that's adorable, grabbing the hem of her kimono sleeve and dragged her along with me.
The walk was quiet and bit awkward but it made sense: we were practically strangers! I think the only times that two strangers click together in an instant are in some reincarnation story or some cringey fanfic (oh wait-). Anyways, I decided to make it better with my awesome singing (bob the builder style)! I think she enjoyed it as I felt her relax just a little from my grip: she has yet to make me let go so that's a good sign.
It had taken us about 5 minutes (if we were civilian it would have taken us much longer) when we got there. Entering, we found our table in the corner with Hiro already waiting for us. "Yo took you long enough," Hiro greeted with a small wave.
"Yeah right," I replied as I scooted next to him, Kugui settling at the other side. "We're not even late. You're just a person who likes to be early and suffer in boredom!"
"So what, Princess? It's better than dreaming about weird fantasies." He retorted with a small smirk.
I playfully pouted at the Hyuuga, "Hmm? It not weird: they're amazing! You just can't see that!" He let out a small laugh; I gasped. "Did you just mock me?!"
Before we could say anything else, a throat was cleared. Turning our head, we focused our eyes back at the adult with her fist close to her mouth, eyes closed but brows slightly furrowed together. I giggled at her, leaning back into the chair, Hiro also doing the same. "I'm sorry to interrupt but weren't we supposed to talk about some things?"
"Oh-- yeah, but let's order some food," I clapped my hands together, sensing someone approaching our table. "Speaking of food..."
The bell next to me jingled, indicating that our waiter is here. Grabbing a part of the curtain that separated us from the civilian, I pushed it away. "Hello again!" Our waiter cheerfully greeted with his pen and notepad in his hands.
"Chiaddo-san!" Both Hiro and I greeted back, waving excitedly at him.
"How've the Chunin exams been?" The adult male asked.
"Nothing much: just escaping death and Megumi being an idiot." Hiro casually responded back, earning a 'Hah?!' from me. "Oh yeah, I'm going to be in the final phase too." The dark-haired man added in.
"Nice. I wish I could see the finals but the boss ain't closing that day. Sad, I know." He sighed with a shrug. "You two want the usual?" Chiaddo Maiduda questioned, having a knowing grin as he knew that we would never change our order, the food was that good. I nodded eagerly as he pretended to jot down our orders. Heh, like he needed to. He turned to the hesitant and somewhat reluctant Suna nin with just as much enthusiasm. "And you, my dear madam?"
"...Just a vanilla latte, please.' She decided for a moment, apparently not fazed by Chiaddo's appearance. Which is weird because most women swoon when they see him. Ah! Maybe...?
"One vanilla latte, coming right up!" He gave us one of his dashing smiles, "Well, hope you all have a swell time!" Was all he said before, in a flamboyant manner, grabbed the curtains and pushed them together, giving us privacy once more.
It was only a moment of awkward silence before I spoke up, "Do you speak English?" I spoke in, well, English.
"Wait!" She interrupted, straightening her back more, seeming alarmed. "Should we really talk about this so casually?"
"Don't worry about that." Hiro stoically assured her. She rose a brow at him.
"Yep: the owner of this cafe knows that ninja wants their privacy so they collaborated with the retired ninja to set privacy seals in both the tables and the curtains so it's fine if we talk about how queen bees are basically sluts." I elaborated. My male friend beside me choked on nothing, bending over and gripping the wooden table in an attempt to save his life. "See? No one's coming to check on the poor boy!" I gleefully pointed out, pointing at him with both hands with a smile.
"You suck." He coughed out, mildly glaring at me. I giggled. Heh, like that'll scare me.
"Um... you two seem to be fond of each other." Kugui pointed out, quite unsure of what else to say.
"We better be." I bluntly stated, turning back at her. "Ok, back at the topic, Akasuna-san!"
"You can call me Kugui."
"Kugui then!" Did I just evolve from strangers to close acquaintances? Yes, yes I did.
The redhead let out a soft noise, probably recalling what I had asked just minutes ago. "I... I don't much." She said brokenly. Beside me, I heard the only male here snicker. I elbowed him, earning a choked squawk in response.
"Urk. Sorry, I didn't think she wouldn't know." He apologized but really, I feel like he didn't really mean it.
"Well, English ain't the most used language. Anyways, since we got that out of the way," I stated in Japanese, getting ready for my next line of attack. "Let's start with introductions; I'll go first." I crossed my legs together under the brown, wooden table and twirled a lock of hair. "My name's Ashley, currently known as Megumi Uchiha."
The Hyuuga next to me released a deep breath through his nose and slightly straightened his back, "... Tae-young Seong, now known as Hiro Hyuuga."
The opposing women shifted just a bit as we stared at her, patiently yet awkwardly expecting an answer. "My name was Carolyn Engelbert, currently known as Kugui Akasuna."
I hummed, well isn't that a pretty name. "Here's my next question: how much do you know about the existence of this world?" I bluntly questioned next, casually pointing a finger at her.
She held a thoughtful look but then slowly opened her mouth to speak, "I do know that this was a world created by a manga artist. I also know what happens in the future in... 3 to 4 years."
"Yes!" I exclaimed as I did a reverse upper punch. I placed my hands on the table and leaned closer to Kugui, the other women reeling back in result. "Another one who's not fucking dumb!"
"Hey!" Hiro barked at me, furrowing his brows in mild annoyance. "It's not my fault that the series was way too long to watch!"
I crossed my arms and narrowed my eyes at him, chin up tauntingly high, "Weakness disgusts me." I spoke lowly to his face, serious face, and all. I broke that farce a second later though, unable to contain my giggles any longer. In the corner of my eye, the Hyuuga simply 'hmph!' and turned his head and propped it over his left palm.
The redhead beauty was also softy laughing with me, score! It seems that it was now that she finally relaxed, which is nicer than Danzo's old, crusty ass. Well, anything's better than that but ya get the point.
"Ok, ok, We gotta finish this," I let out, sinking back into my wooden seat. I let out a quiet sigh, rotating my neck in a manner that created satisfying cracks. I drummed my nails against the table. Deciding not to do that, I propped my elbows to the flat wood and plopped my chin on my palms, smiling whilst eyeing intently at the other female at the same time,
"Are you going to make things worse?"
My male friend beside me craned his neck at me sharply with a surprised expression, "What? What do you mean?"
"Just think about it, Seo," I replied, not leaving my eyes off of her. She lowered her head slightly, craning her neck just a bit closer. Ok, so I've gotten her attention. "Just because they know the plot and all, doesn't mean it's certain they'll not mess it for the worse. Also, as I've informed you some time ago, Gaara's the jinchurriki for Shukaku. She could be nice to him only to use him for something later. The fact that she has multiple scrolls with her indicates that she's at least somewhat skilled at fuinjutsu, which supports my claim."
"So, Carolyn, I'll ask you again: will you " I pressured. The air held tension as if even a butter knife could slice it swiftly. But I did not yield; the jonin didn't either. Hiro scooted back from us in nervousness, almost falling cuz, ya know, he's in a chair. I would've laughed at that, I really would have, but I was not gonna lose to this staring match. I've never lost before and I sure as hell won't now!
Akasuna then released a heavy sigh, breaking away from eye-contact. Her shoulders slacked as she slightly shifted her figure at us. "Guuuuahhh... Even for a child, you are very unnerving, you did know that?"
I tilted my head in an innocent manner, my smile seeming to stretch wider. "Hehe, sorry. Kinda thought being all serious and stuff would make you spill."
"Jesus Christ, at least warn me first." Hiro heaved, seeming recovered from his almost fall to his death. I released the laughter bubbling inside of me at his comment.
"Well, it worked nevertheless." The kunoichi noted, going back to her original form: back straight, hands on her lap, and alluring an aloof yet polite aura. "Though, I was going to tell you anyway."
She let out a soft laugh, covering her mouth with a hand, as if shy about it. "It's ok. But," She directed her pretty purple eyes at me, "I have no qualms for using Gaara or turning the plot for the worse." She said with certainty. No waver in her voice, not a single tremble, her lips didn't roll, none of her words were slipped.
I removed my head from my hands with a smile, leaning back with a cheerful 'woop!', "Ok! You're off the hook!"
"Hah?!" the young shinobi let out in utter disbelief, "What do you mean? She could be lying! Isn't she a ninja and is taught how to conceal a lie?!"
I giggled, waving him off dismissively, "Don't worry, Hiro--"
"Oh, I'm sorry, Princess, but I have every right--"
"Besides, I'm probably better at seeing lies than most ninjas so unless she's been lying to herself so much that she convinced herself, I doubt she would get away with it!" I explained to my dear dumb friend. (Y'all thought he was stoic and smart and stuff? Nah, he's a total dumbass lolol) I patted his shoulder, in which he flinched at, "So don't you worry~!"
"Why does it feel like you're only teasing me?"
Before I could reply back, and as if to quickly end this segment, the bell once again conveniently jingled, indicating that our drinks/food was here. I let out a happy noise as I opened to see Chiaddo Maiduda with our food. "Here's your order!" He said with his charming smile that would make most women swoon.
"Oh! Kugui," I suddenly let out, stopping my feasting on my sundae. The said woman hummed in response as she sipped on her latte. "What's your relationship with Sasori?"
She tensed, tightening her hold of her cup at the unexpected question. In the corners of my eyes, Hiro had put down his spoon as he peered in with curiosity. The redhead coughed as she also let down her cup, pink dusted on her cheeks. She narrowed her darted-away purple eyes. "It's... it's a bit embarrassing..." She meekly mumbled out.
I couldn't help it: I squealed. "Kyaaaaa~!" She flinched back, staring at me. I giggled and eyed her giddily with adoration. "I knew you were adorable but, I didn't think you'd be such a shy cutie!"
"Wha-what?!" Kugui couldn't help but question, becoming more flustered as her blush brightened. It fucking . That's when you know that she's adorable. She glanced at the Hyuuga with a look of uncertainty.
He looked unfazed by this, looking like he had to deal with this everyday (and he kinda did). The dark-haired male-only smirked at her with slight amusement. "You get used to it."
"Oh mother of ducklings, you are such a cutie! Like- Like an aloof Wolfychu!"
"Oh? Why's Naruto here?" I said when I went to the hot springs a few days later, hands behind my back as I leaned closer to a passed out Naruto. No, I wasn't here to have wrinkly fingers or peek at women (what's so fun about that anyways? I'm bi but I still don't get it.) but to introduce myself to a certain someone.
"Who're you?" And speaking of a certain someone, I thought as I craned my head to meet eyes belonging to an older, long white-haired man.
"Who are you?" I shot back with a blank face.
"I asked you first."
"I asked you second."
It was silent for a certain amount of time before I broke it with my giggles. "Sorry, sorry, that was just unnecessary tension." I apologized half-heartedly, waving him off. Standing at attention, I cleared my throat with a fist to my mouth. "The name's Megumi Uchiha, Naruto's friend!" I pointed to him with a smile.
He hummed, eyeing me with well-hidden suspicion. He may be in a relaxed posture and seemingly a nice guy, but I know right now he's assessing me. To be honest, when he was first introduced, I didn't like him: he was a spineless person who didn't care about Naruto and preyed on girls. But, later on, especially in Shippudden, I began to realize that maybe he's doing all those things and pretending to hide his guilt and pain.
"Well, thanks for aking!" He enthusiastically said, standing up from his spot. "Mt. Myoboku-gama's Holy Master Sannin: Jiraiya!" He ended with that weird pose. What's the point of that anyway, it's not even a Jojo stand.
"Oh!" I gasped with a clap with my hand, expressing recognition and excitement, "That Jiraiya?! The toad Sannin?!"
"Oh? You've heard of me?" I nodded at him in a child-like manner. He looked away with a smug expression on his face, "Hah! Take that, Tsunade: people do recognize my greatness!" I think most people did when you died but ok.
"But what's Naruto doing here passed out?" I asked, turning my attention back to the sleeping blond on the grass.
"Oh, him. Well, he kept on pestering me on training him so I gave in. But now, he's not getting any progress and ended up using all his chakra." The sannin explained casually. I let out a hum before crouching down.
"Tha's not good... he'll get the sniffles," I said. The grown man rose a brow at my wording but didn't verbally question it. "I should get him back to his apartment."
"Yeah, yeah, you go do that." He agreed nonchalantly with a dismissive wave, though it seems to me that he was actually grateful for that.
"Hey..." I spoke out, changing my tone suddenly. "Please take care of him." The old shinobi tried to pretend to not pay attention but I knew he was listening intently. "He's been an orphan all his life so he never got a father figure. Not many people like him and those who do are either busy, can't bring themselves to, or just can't in general." I turned my head up at him with a small smile, "I can't be with him all the time so please treat him with love."
I quickly stood up, bringing the passed out protagonist with me. Looking back, I bobbled my head at the sannin in respect, "TTFN: Ta Ta For Now!"
The sun had just disappeared from view when we reach our destination: Naruto's small apartment. Fiddling with my keys, I cautiously opened the door with only one hand. After flopping the unconscious body onto the bed, I sighed and wiped the light sweat trickling down my face. Well, that was nice.
I sank to a chair that I pulled up and propped an elbow on the edge of his bed and plopped my chin on it. I stared at him, he looks so much at peace in his sleep. Now if only he would be like every day. I released air through my nose, but it won't happen cuz of all the dumb villagers.
I checked for any chakra around us. Well, it seems like a good time to finally do this. I thought to my head. I've wanted to do this for a long time but I couldn't with all the damn anbu that was 'guarding' him. And, he's a deep sleeper like me, he won't notice this.
Slowly, I leaned over and hovered my hand over his eyes. Sticking two fingers out, I moved them to separate his right eyelids whilst activating my Sharingan. Let's ago! Not even a second later, I suddenly was transported to a very familiar dirty, sewer-like space. In front of me was a huge cage, where a malicious chakra seeming to be on the other side.
I giggled, skipping closer to the voice. When I found myself a suitable distance from the cage, I put on my best smile and slightly bent my knees, curtising with my hands gripping the ends of my red fabric. I faced him, "Hello, dear fluffy bum bum. It is I, Megumi Uchiha: your new therapist!"
"Baki-senpai, please let me take over," Kugui spoke politely later that night, interrupting Hayate's and Baki's fight. Hayate's sword was slashed on her comrade's shoulder.
"Kugui! There's no need for you to be here!" Baki spoke back at her.
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