《A Very OOC Uchiha [Naruto Fanfic]》Chapter 18: Preliminaries but Also not Cuz I'm Lazy Like that
[Chapter 18: Preliminaries but Also not Cuz I'm Lazy Like that]
"In the left corner," I yell out with a hand cupping over my mouth to project my voice better, pointing at the said left side. "Is my foolish younger brother!!!" The said raven-head glanced up only to scowl at me. Heh. Like that will stop me.
"And on the right side!" Naruto piped in, also pointing a finger at his side, foxy grin and all. "Is weird shades guy, dattebayo!"
"Naruto! Megumi-chan! What are you doing?!" Sakura demanded at us, pounding her fist at the blond's head, earning a yelp out of him. I giggled as she pulled us away from the railing slightly.
"We're commentating!" I replied cheerfully as I did nothing to stop her, letting the pinkette to drag us away. "Besides, it's not like there's a whole crowd here so it's fine!"
"The Hokage is here!" She loudly whispered, gritting her teeth.
"So? The old gramps won't care, dattebayo!"
"Yo, Sasuke!" I screamed at the battle arena, attaining the attention of my brother once again. "Kick his ass! I'll dye your clothes piss-yellow if ya don't!" No matter how many times I use that threat, he still somehow gets unnerved by it.
"Yeah! We still have to fight, you teme!"
Kakashi could only sigh through his nose at our idiocy as he read his porn.
The boy only rolled his eyes whilst smirking before turning his head back at his opponent. "Now," Hayate, also known as Jesus Christ— go to the doctor #1, stated. I wonder if I'll be able to save him... "We will be starting the first match. Are you ready?" They both nodded, getting into their respective fighting stances. "Then, begin!"
You've probably seen this fight so I'll spare the details. Honestly, isn't the 'random' name generator just a whole load of bull shit? Like, for example, Sasuke's fight was conveniently first? And the fact that Sakura had to fight Ino and the Hyuugas together? I call it.
Speaking of Sakura, she actually won her fight, crazy right? I actually don't know how that happened but apparently, my pep-talk with her a few days earlier was all it took to just barely leave her the one standing in the end! I guess she really was holding back all this time, huh? And I guess that also means that she gets really annoyed by Naruto... that's kinda sad.
Also! Naruto's fight was different too! Well, not that much but, the blond actually had somewhat a tactic this time around! He didn't win by a fart this time! Kinda weird but eh, that's just what happens when you reincarnated into a fantasy world and befriend the main characters. That's right! Hopefully, good ones or else-
"Hinata!" Hiro's terrified voice echoed all over the room when he saw his twin's blood spew out of her mouth. Oh yeah, did I mention it was Hinata and Neji's fight at the moment? Oh silly me! I say that as I struggle to prevent the said furious boy from jumping over the railing and gentle-fisting the ever-loving fuck out of the long-haired individual's face right then and there. I mean, he was pissed by just their names announced together but this really takes the cake. The whole cake, the slice can go fuck himself.
"Sit the fuck down, you frothy, clay brained, dingleberry!" I tell him, clutching his sides tightly whilst also resisting to do the same. To be honest, I also wanna beat him up too but I doubt we'll not be disqualified from the chunin exams, major clan or not. Well, maybe? "Look, you can have your overly-dramatic showdown later!"
Their fight continued, regardless of our thoughts, attack after attack as Naruto kept on cheering her on, bless him. Looking back on it, Hinata was somewhat better than the canon, as Hiro tried helping her improve over the years. But, I guess that wasn't enough for her case.
It was somewhat fine until Neji pushed my dear Hinata-tan off the ground. Hiro fucking snarled as he tried to pry me off of him. "Let. GO...!" I didn't listen. I have a feeling that he'll get scolded for his 'disapproving' behavior even though everyone and their dead grandma knows just how much of a sister complex he has. No one even bothered helping me, not even Kakashi. Wow, thanks a lot you bimbos/jimbos/the-gender-neutral-version-of-it.
"Continuing this would be impossible. Thus-" Hayate started to announce before being rudely interrupted by the precious Kyuubi-holder.
"Don't stop it!"
In the corner of what little view I had, I saw the determined Hyuuga princess shakingly stand, looking ready to yeet herself into the afterlife. In which, I hope that isn't the case. "Why do you stand? You'll die if you go any further." I faintly heard Neji state, not leaving an ounce of worry in his tone as he continued to ramble.
It was only a moment later that the branch-member moved again, this time the conductor moving also. "Neji-kun, this match is over!" And in a second later, he was surrounded by most of the genin teachers ready to attack. I finally let go of the monster called Hiro Hyuuga, the said shinobi jumping over and sprinting to his twin along with many others. I sat down to rest. Holy shit, he's strong?! What did he do, do Saitama's work out routine???
As my reincarnation buddy helped Hinata, I was left alone in my thoughts. Geez, Hiro's really gonna blame me for not telling him about this. Well, I wouldn't blame him. I sigh, I just wish I was able to do something about this. But, with the Hyuuga and Uchiha hating each other, I don't think they'd ever allow me to do anything. I stood up as the next match was about to be announced, which happened to be...
"Hiro Hyuuga vs Megumi Uchiha!"
Oh, well I guess it's our turn now. Despite what happened just minutes earlier, I had to contain my giggles bubbling in my chest, only letting out a small snort, though Shikamaru rose a brow at me from a distance. I won the bet...! Lifting a foot on the railings, I pushed and jumped down to where Hayate and Hiro were. Pffffft, who uses stairs nowadays?
"So... I hope you won't hold back on me, huh?" I smiled with hands behind my back, creating an image that screamed 'imouto'. Hehe, unfortunately for them, I'm an Onee-san!
The male Hyuuga held an intense stare but I could almost feel his body become lighter (just a bit, he's visibly still salty about the last match) as he smirked. "Of course not, Princess. Why would I ever do that?" I internally giggled: that was a complete lie and we both know it.
I pouted and slightly furrowed my brows to make my act more convincing, "Well, I hope you also won't go down so quickly. Ya know, like your sister." I casually said, shrugging with my eyes darting away. I am dead.
He glowered at me, activating his byakugan to further add into his 'intimidating' expression. "Megumi...!"
I turned my attention back at the male, mock-glaring myself. "Hiro...!" I copied, activating my own Sharingan.
The chunin coughed into his fist , "Um... this match will now begin!"
The Hyuuga prince got into his gentle-fist stance, "Megumi!"
I went to my own fighting stance, Uchiha-styled, "Hiro!"
And in that instant, we sprinted at each other, pure intent of fighting flowing all over us. We held our fist up.
We threw our fist down together.
Two fingers up spread apart.
An open hand.
We blinked, before--
My friend yelled at the top of his lungs (hasn't his throat been destroyed by now?!), pumping his fist up in the air. I fell my knees and went on all four dramatically, small tears leaking out of my eyes. From the pain of dropping my knees of course, lol. Do you know how much it hurt to do that?! Like a buttcheek on a stick!
Looking up, holy shit he kinda looks a Haikyuu!! Character wtf. With a smile and a hand rubbing my tears away, I raised my other hand. "I forfiet~," I say to Hayate. He held a sickly yet shooketh expression like he couldn't believe what he just saw.
"Uh..." He managed to collect himself, seeming to cough purposely this time from all the awkward silence the little crowd had created, "Megumi Uchiha has forfeited. The winner is Hiro Hyuuga by default!"
Both Naruto and Sakura shrieked, gripping the railing and staring at us, their expression practically yelling if we were even sane. I mean, probably not but oh well!
I couldn't take it anymore: I burst out laughing, landing on my side as I let out all the giggles that threatened to get out mere seconds ago. My dark-haired friend also dropped to the ground with me, laughing the hell out.
"I-I-I CAN'T!!!! HOLY- HAHAHHAHA!!!" Hiro let out, clutching his sides in euphoria.
"HEHEHEHE- HAHAHAHAHA! I-I AM SO SORRY I INSULTED THE GODDESS I DIDN'T MEAN-PFFFFT- HAAAAHAHAHAH!!!!" I tried to say but my words were consumed by my own laughter. He punched me in retaliation but that didn't stop us from currently having the time of our lives. Well, at least he's feeling a little better now. Everybody else could only stare at us. My Sharingan was still on by the way; I'll be remembering this experience forever.
"Ah," I said, noticing a certain someone on the other side of the spectators' area. I pointed at the apparently genin leader, "It's you!" She blinked.
"Who?" Hiro beside me asked, hands in his pockets.
"The beauty I talked about a few days ago!" I replied I turned my attention back at her, "Hi, Kugui-san!"
"Hello," She greeted simply, her aloof expression donning her face.
"You know Kugui-sensei?" Temari butted in, just a few feet away and facing away from Gaara's and Lee's fight. I blinked once in confusion, though I hid it well. What happened to Baki?
"Yup! Helped her when she got lost!" The blond darted her teal green eyes from us to the taller redhead, resulting in the older one tilting her own head away. Awwwwwww, I gushed, even jonin can get embarrassed. "Anyways, I wanted to invite her to maybe a tour of the place, us being the guides of course!" I suggested. 'I wanted to talk with you' is what I meant.
"What? I didn't agree--" I elbowed Hiro in the gut. 'Don't blow this for us!' I tried to convey in my eyes. I think he got the point as he shut up.
"Oi, oi! What are you doing with Kugui-sensei?!" Another person, Kankuro this time, interrupted, up in our faces. I had to step back to get some room between us. Despite that, I held a smile and decided to only giggle at his actions.
"I'm asking her out of course!"
"Hah?!" Why is he giving me Tanaka Ryunosuke vibes?
"Because she's a beauty." 'Because she's also a reincarnated person.' Is what I meant.
"It's fine, Kankuro-kun." The sand jonin stated, breaking us apart.
"It's okay," She reassured, giving a small smile at him and Jesus Christ, he fell silent and stepped away. Wow: she must be really good to be able to shut him up. Kugui then turned at us, her eyes seemingly brightened, though I didn't know why. "I'll take your offer. My name is Kugui Akasuna, by the way." She introduced herself, mainly to Hiro as I already knew her name, and held her hand out.
My smile deepened: Mission accomplished. "The name's Hiro Hyuuga." He stated, his own inner aloofness seeping out as he shook her hand. Oop, it been a while since I've seen that side of him. But then again, he only does that with level one-ten acquaintances.
"Oh," She softly spoke out, rotating her head at the battle down below, which was going to its climax as we chatted away. "I should stop Gaara-kun now." Was all the adult said before body-flickering there, leaving us in the dust.
("Kugui!" Gaara exclaimed in alarm, the sand that was supposed to deliver the killing blow suddenly halted as the said woman appeared.
The woman smiled warmly at the boy, walking up to him and enveloping him in a gentle hug before he could say anything else. "Stop. It's okay, you can stop now." She whispered. In an instant, the sand fell as the smaller redhead returned the hug.)
I stared at them, well, she's clearly doing a good job.
"To all of those who won the right to compete in the third phase," Hayate coughed. "One is missing but: congrats!" He tilted his head towards the oh-so-"honorable" Hokage, "Ah, well then, Hokage-sama, if you please..."
Hiruzen came upfront and then started explaining the third phase of this chunin exam. At this point, I just wanna go straight to the Tsunade arc, then I'd have the chance to interfere or not. But then I again, I probably would... uwahhh, I don't wanna deal with Shukaku!
In the end, the matches somehow became the same besides Sakura and Hiro having their own fight. Cuz, ya know, Plot convenience.
"Oh," I suddenly let out, randomly remembering something.
"What?" Sakura beside me asked, still in the specators' area.
I turned to her with a small smile. "Sasuke's probably being assassinated right now!"
It was just a simple, lazy day in the academy. Or, it was supposed to be until this freaking sad excuse of a creature flew up to my face! And what I mean by that is that a fly flew to my face.
Normally, I would just ignore it but for some reason (cough plot convenience cough), it keeps on bugging, hehe, me!
Unconsciously, I furrowed my brows as my eyes locked into the tiny bug, buzzing around happy for lucky like it wasn't causing havoc in my mind. In the corners of my eye, Sasuke and Hinata had torn their attention away from Iruka's lectures to me, wondering why the fuck I was giving so much time on this thing.
It landed on the wooden desk. I blinked, eyes dry from staring for so long. Now's my chance...! I couldn't help but stretch the ends of my lips high and wide. Slowly and stealthily, I raised my arm up. And then, in an instant,
I smashed it.
The desk abruptly created a loud bitch-slapping noise, but I didn't care about that. I giggled feverishly, relief and satisfaction oozing off of me. It's gone!
I blinked, noticing the lack of normal volume. Looking up, I was met with silent, wide-eyed expressions. Heck, even Iruka stopped in his tracks. "Ah," I removed my hand from the desk whilst remaining in contact with the class, wiping the blood into my shirt. "It seems like I squashed a bug."
I flinched, my mouth suddenly going slack midway through a conversation with my brother on whether or not stuffed rabbits were better than stuffed dinos. Oh no... hesitantly, I cranked my head around.
Shino Aburame.
I am so dead.
"Ye-yes...?" I stammered, my eyes darting around to see if I could escape from the nearest window.
"I would like to go somewhere private with you. Why? I would like to... educate you."
If this wasn't so scary, I would've thought he was asking to make out.
"I will not be taking 'no' for an answer."
"Oh god— please stop!!"
"No, you must know at least half the pain that bug suffered through!"
"Fine then, let's have a deal. Why, because I am feeling nice. How about this: you say that you're sorry one thousand times. If you do that, I'll release you."
"What the fuck?" Hiro voices out, opening the door. He, along with his twin sister, Naruto, and my own twin brother, stared at us with dumbfounded faces. "You leave us for less than ten minutes and this is what happens."
"She needs to know about how important insects are." The Aburame heir reasoned, motioning to our opened pamphlet and his slides. How the hell did he even get these?!
"Can we just stop?" I whined, banging my head against the table, slouching as I do so. This is boring. It might've been fun if he talked about how bugs could be used for massages or something.
"No. Why? You must be educated for your wrongdoings."
I'm never gonna hurt a single bug ever again.
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