《His Pet | Leatherface X OC (16+)》Chapter 11. Massacre


"Alr-right, bud. Let's get me a weapon-"

Leatherface held out a fire poker

(e) towards me.

My eyes lit up and I took it and felt the hard metal spike at the end.

"You ar-r-re amazing." I smiled.

"Stop where you are!"

I whipped around and found a guard there, pointing his gun at me.

"Heya, hot stuff. Me and my husband wer-r-re just getting r-ready to go out on a date!" I chuckle, holding Leatherface by his sleeve.

"Put down the weapons!" The guard threatened.

"I can see the fear-r in your-r eyes. You'r-r-re scar-red of us." I laugh.

Before the guard can say anything, I let go of Leather's sleeve and he starts his chainsaw up again and heads towards the guard.

The guard starts shooting and I quickly run around my killer and to the left then back to the right and deliver a blow to his cheek.

The guard, now unconscious, lays there bleeding.

"Alr-r-right. Go ahead." I say and grab another pair of keys just in case and the flashlight and gun off the guard.

"Did you get hit?" I ask Leather.

He looked his arm over and points to a spot of blood.

I let out a hum and tear some cloth off my light blue shirt and tie it around the wound.

"All better-r." I smile, booping his noise.

He grunts in annoyance as I do that and walks down the hall to the exit.

I smile and follow him, blunt weapon and gun in hand.


Once we were outside all hell broke loose.

An alarm started, we had to dodge bullets, a helicopter roared above us, I started shooting at anyone I saw.

My leg started to sting and I looked down to see a bullet wound. The wound didn't really bother me...


"Kill'em." I said.

Leather started chasing them and swinging his chainsaw like maniac and I shot at any who got away.

"These bitches will lear-r-rn not to mess with the Sawyer family." I aimed and shot, aimed and shot.

I felt a hand on my arm and I turn around and see Rory.

"Oh, hi." I wink.

"Let's go." Rory said above the noise.

I grabbed the flashlight I had stolen.

"Actually... no." I smacked him against the temple and he went down.

Taking my pants off, I tied his legs up and, using my shirt, I tied his hands.

"Leather-rface, let's go!" I screamed as I heard more police rolling in.

I managed to drag Rory a little ways in the woods.

At this time he had woken up and was fluttering his eyes open and close.

"Ro-R-Ror-ry, I would never-r kill you. So stay her-re like a good boy and wait for-r-r... r-r... for backup when we ar-r-re gone." I groaned, getting annoyed at my stutters.

"Idris, you could've been such a sweet girl. You could've had a whole life ahead of you!" Rory said as I began to walk away.

I chuckled.

"I already have a life ahead of me."

His eyes widened in fear.

He knew the trouble and hell me and Leather were gonna bring to this town.

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