《His Pet | Leatherface X OC (16+)》Chapter 8. Rehabilitation.


The days were awful. I was locked in chains always. I had to be in that white room constantly and a woman would walk in and try to talk to me.

"Did he touch you anywhere?" She would ask.

I wouldn't answer. For a whole month I never answered her. But one day I broke down crying out of frustration.

"It's okay." She said.

"No it's not! He's gone and I can't find him!" I sobbed.

"Answer me." She said firmly.

I sniffed in response.

"Did he touch you?" She asked.

"Does it matter-r-r? No! He didn't!" I spat.

"I'm on your side. My name is Megan. I'll help you." She smiled.

I look up at her with tears in my eyes.

"Help me find him?" I ask.

"Yes." Megan said.

I tried a smile but only found the strength for a small smile.

"There we are. Now tell me, Idris. Where is...'your killer'?" She asked seriously.

I shuffled in the chains around my ankles and my wrists.

"I don't know. But he's alive." I said.

"Why do you call him that?"

"What?" I blink.

"You know what." Megan said.

"Do I?"

"Idris." Megan sighed in annoyance.

"Because he is mine. He is my killer-r-r. I am his." I answered finally.

"His what?" Megan wrote something down in a small notebook she brought out.

"His pet." I raised my eyebrows.

What ridiculous questions. This isn't helping me find Leather or him find me.

"Pet?" Megan asked.

I pointed to the collar around my neck.

"They allowed you to wear that?"

"I put up such a fight for it. It tells me who I am." I said.

"Or does it not tell you who you were?" Megan leaned closer


I raised both my eyebrows as a way of saying "do continue".

"You were a sweet and beautiful girl who lived with her Mum. And now you're a savage." Megan finished.

"I'm stronger. I'm not afraid of things like I used to be." I hissed.

"Enough of that. Let's teach you some table manners." Megan said.

I rolled my eyes.


I was moved into a different place. Cement for a floor, bricks for a wall. No windows.

I forgot what the outside looked like.

Megan had a guard sit me at a metal table with a trey in front of me and food set there.

She sat across from me. They allowed me one free hand but wouldn't provide me with anything sharp to eat with.

They gave me a fucking spoon.

"This is chicken, mashed potatoes, green beans, and some macaroni. For a drink you have water." Megan said.

She had a fork and the same food and drink as me on her side.

"Okay." I said.

She took her fork.

"Eat some mash potatoes without making a mess." Megan narrowed her eyes.

I snorted but took my fucking spoon and dipped it in the mashed up stuff. I shoveled in it my mouth.

"Chew with your mouth closed." She advised.

I sneered but shut my mouth and chewed quietly.

I swallowed.

"Now some chicken." Megan said.

"I can't eat it." I said.


"Because I have a fucking spoon." I growled.

"Don't curse. You can shovel the chicken pieces up." Megan said in a firm tone.

I snorted again but did what she said and put it in my mouth. I scrunched my nose and spit it on the floor near the guard's shoes. The guard groaned and took a step away from me.


"Idris!" Megan scolded.

"Ew." I said.

"You can't spit at people."

"Ew." I repeated, drinking water.

"You're not used to eating chicken?" Megan asked.

"I eat people." I gave her a hard stare.

Instantly I see the fear in her eyes. The way she would breathe in shallow breaths. Her eyes flicking from my eyes to the chicken.

"They don't taste like chicken. It tastes like akin.... or more like por-r-rk." I smiled slightly.

"You mustn't bring up such horrible things." Megan whispered.

"Horr-r-rible? It was the highlight of my life." I whispered.

"We're done here." Megan said in a frightened voice.

I smirked in victory.

"Tomorrow I will be here. Same time. You will remember your manners and not bring up such things." Megan ordered.

I closed my eyes.

I still was holding that fucking spoon.

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