《His Pet | Leatherface X OC (16+)》Chapter 3. The Family.


‡2 months later‡


Living in the cellar was messing with my head. I was beginning to slowly lose what I was as a human. Lose hope. Lose dignity. Lose...


What they gave me to eat was human. Everyday. Once a day. And I refused until day 3. I ate. And I never stopped.

I rarely walked on two legs. Mostly on my hands and knees as that was all I was able to do. The collar made a scar around my neck from continuously rubbing against it and causing the skin to tear.

"Leather! Leatherrrr!" I groaned, banging against my wooden box. They haven't opened my door yet which was weird.

"If you don't open this, I'll fucking beat you!" I shouted and immediately regretted.

His brothers already do that it would have no effect.

"If you don't open this, I'll...." I tried to think, "not eat dinner!" I finished.


I slammed my fist against the wood.

I heard heavy footsteps coming down and Leather opened the cellar door. Fresh blood was on his apron and tie and all over his mask.

"Can you open this, please?" I ask, not as bothered at the sight anymore.

Someone was behind him. Drayton. Ugly ass.

"You, miss-"

"My name is Idris!" I hissed.

"Whatever. You, are going to learn a thing or two about the family. And how we live." Drayton walked over and took the chain off the pole in the ground. He handed it to Leatherface.

"Teach her how to 'prepare' the food. Ya wanted yer woman to do it now." Drayton hissed and marched upstairs.

Leather looked at me. He tugs at the chain to go upstairs. I stand up in a wobbly position, still not used to standing up made it ten times more difficult.


"Dammit." I mumbled, hanging on to the chain for balance.

I grabbed his arm and he quickly yanked away, making me stumble.

I got back up and glared at him.

"Asshole, you didn't need to do that!" I snap.

He snorts and tugs at the chain again and at this point I just roll my eyes and follow him.

He leads me up the stairs and past a room that looks like a living room. I forgot what houses looked like! But this house was crazy. Bones were hung up, chicken feathers everywhere, skulls, human skulls. For some reason, the human bones didn't bother me.

"Who strung these up?" I ask.

Leather grunts and tugs the chain. I follow along until we reach the kitchen. The kitchen had a chopping block with dried blood, knives of all kind, hammers, pots, pans, forks, spoons, a sink, a wood stove, and a chimney leading up into the ceiling.

"Umm..." I bit my lip.

Drayton appeared from the doorway and had a bag.

"We give ya stalk to feed him, you prepare it. And listen'er..." He put the blood stained bag on the wooden counter.

"You're Bubba's gurl now. You cook for him when he says to. You cook for just him. You gotta do what he says. Ya hear?" Drayton points a crooked finger at me.

I cringe at him and glance at the other serial killer beside me holding the chain.

"I hear-r-r." I snort.

"Ya got a girl that can't speak!" A voice said.

"Shut it, Nubbins." Drayton spat.

"Aren't you the cook? That's what Chop Top said." I hiss at Drayton.

"I cook for the family but Bubba wants you to cook for him. Now hush up. Do ya know how to cook a rib steak?" Drayton asks.


"Uh yeah?" I roll my eyes.

"Good. Cook this the same way you would a steak." Drayton dumped the bag out a human torso and an arm rolled out.

"Hol-y shie-eeeet!" I screeched, jumping behind Leather.

"She's a purdy one."

I felt someone pinch my ass cheek.

"Hey!" I blushed furiously as I only had underwear on.

I saw Leatherface raise a hammer he grabbed threateningly.

"Shut the fuck up, Nubbins, yer gonna get Bubba all angry now. Ya don't touch another man's woman unless she's on the plate. Where's Plate Head?" Drayton grabbed a butcher's knife.

"Don't fuckin' know." Nubbins shrugged and walked out the door and slammed it.

Leatherface put the hammer down and looked at me. I swallowed.

"Get cookin'." Drayton walked away in the house's basement.

I felt a hand touch my neck and I yelped, looking at Leatherface. He studied me and obviously didn't have much practice with being kind.

"D-do you want me to fix supper-rr-r?" I stuttered, trying to not make him angry.

He looked down and then quickly nodded his head.

I grabbed a pan and grabbed some onions hanging up. I wasn't about to touch that dead person.

Before I could light the fire under the stove, Leatherface grabbed my wrist.

"What?!" I hissed.

He pointed to the dead limb on the chopping table.

"Fuck no!" I growled.

In a swift moment I was on the ground and my cheek was stinging harshly.


"Did you just slap me?" I look up.

Leatherface shifts uncomfortably.

I stand up and grabbed the human arm. Obviously used to be a woman. I grabbed the butcher's knife and chopped the fingers off.

I felt the pain surge through me with this. I just... wasn't used to-

Leatherface caressed my cheek where he slapped me.

"What? Are you really trying to comfort me after hurting me?" I growl, getting a small knife to cut the skin back. After a few slashes I hit the meat.

Leatherface lets out a small whimper.

"I'll never be your-r-r girrr-rrl. I'm doing this until I'm r-r-r-rescued." I hiss.

I look at him threateningly and he flinches. As if I was going to hit him. Instantly I felt guilty.

"I'm sor-rr-ry. I know that... I know that you aren't treated the best." I cut a small strip of meat off. Then I grab the fingers I had just cut off and throw them in a pan with the strip of flesh.

"Hand me that." I say, pointing to the torso.

Why is this coming so natural to me? I'm skinning a human! I'm preparing a HUMAN BEING!

I slice into the torso until I reach the ribs.

"Thank you." I say.

Leatherface nods.

"Go... do something." I wave him away.

He snorts and places my chain around the chimney.

"Thaaanks, love you too." I say sarcastically.


I guess this bimbo doesn't know what sarcasm is because he gave an excited little noise and pinched my cheek in a loving manner.

"Ack!" I rubbed my cheek as he walked away happily.

I snorted and forced myself to not smile and continued to fix dinner.

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