《The Rest of Eternity (EreMika)》Chapter 2 (Before Overhaul)


Eren woke up, and shielded his eyes from the sun glaring into his eyes. After they adjusted, he looked around, then to Mikasa, who was staring up at him. When he saw her, a quick yelp escaped his mouth, and he fell off the bench. Mikasa jumped up, and grabbed Erens hand, pulling him up.

"oww.." Eren whined, rubbing his head.

He then remembered what happened a few hours prior, to which he blushed slightly.

"Eren?" Mikasa asked, "Why are you blushing?" She said, a small smirk growing across her face.

"I'm not" He said, looking away

"Yes you are" Mikasa said, crossing her arms, the smirk growing

"Am not!" Eren shouts

"Are too"

"Am not!" Eren whines, as he starts getting redder

"I can see it" Mikasa says, poking his cheek

"Stop it" He says, batting her hand away

"What if I don't want to?" She says doing it again

"You're an ass" He mumbles, looking away again

"You still love me" She says, laughing slightly.

Eren looks at her, then responds with "Do I? Do I really?"

"Judging by what you pulled earlier, yes" She responds

He rolls his eyes "Whatever"

Mikasa chuckles, and grabs his hand, and Eren pulls it away

"I-I'm sorry" He stammers, "I was just trying to mess with you"

Mikasa just looks away "Oh.." she says, starting to walk away.

"Wait!" Eren yells after her "I mean.. I do lov-.." He stops, and re phrases what he was going to say "I do like you, its just.. I didn't know you felt the same"

Mikasa turned around and stared at him, "Really?" she says, walking towards him "Oh my god Eren.. you're an idiot" she says, stopping

"What?" He asks, looking back at her


"I said.. You're an idiot" She repeats her self, "Have you listened to anything I've ever said?"

"Well.. yeah?" He says, unsure

"Are you sure?" she says

"Yeah, I'm su-"

"Well you must've missed a lot then." She says, "I've said so much shit that should've given it away"

"You have?" He says stupidly

"God dammit Eren" She says, sighing "You need to pay more attention"

"I know.." He says, rubbing his neck

Mikasa smiles and kisses his cheek, before walking away. "See you at dinner,Eren!"

Eren just stands there, rubbing his cheek "The hell..?"


It was now dinner time, and Eren sits in his usual spot, still staring off into space

"Eren?" Armin asks "Eren whats wrong?"

His lips part to speak, when mikasa sits next to him, shoving a loaf of bread into his mouth.

"I kissed him" She says, starting to eat

Erens face reddened as he takes the bread out, "It was only the cheek!" He says quickly.

A cup then hits the floor, and everyone turns to look at where the noise came from. It was from jean, and he looks like he just saw Marco's body again. When he realizes everyone is staring at him, he looks back to his plate.

"We also fell asleep together" She says

"Mikasa!? Why are you telling everyone?" He says, looking back to Armin, "It was an accident, We were just sitt-" He's cut off again, by Mikasa putting the bread back into his mouth

"Eat, let the grown up do the talking" She says, her voice breaking slightly from holding in a laugh.

Eren says something, but it just comes out as a jumble of noises from the bread. He then groans, and bites into it, taking it from Mikasa. He swallows, and says,


"Will you ever stop treating me like a kid?"

"Hmm.." She says, putting a finger to her lips, "No" she says turning back to Armin.

"He also had his arm around me" She says.

Eren parts his lips to say something, but Mikasa looks at him, and points to his food, to which he grumbles and starts eating. By this point, Mikasa has gathered a crowd, Everyone except jean stood around them.

"Tell us more!" Sasha screamed, her mouth full of food.

"Eren pretty much told me he loved me" She says, and a bragging like tone

Eren just pushes his food aside, and hits his head on the table, letting it lay there, not wanting to look at everyone, but mainly not wanting anyone to see him blushing.

"Didn't you Eren" Mikasa said, nudging him.

Eren just nods his head and mumbles "Mhm.."

After awhile, every one sat back down, and resumed eating.

"Eren, if you don't eat I'm going to force feed you" Mikasa says, patting his back

He just groans again, and sits up, continuing to eat. After he is done, he walks out of the building. Mikasa quickly follows.

"I don't like you right now" Eren says.

"Awhh.. why not?" Mikasa asks, crossing her arms again, pouting.

"You embarrassed me in front of everyone" He replies

"Oh boo hoo" She says "It's the least you deserve for treating me how you did after Reiner and Bertholdt broke the walls"

"Was I really that bad?" He asks, turning to her.

She nods, still making her best pouting face.

Eren opens his arms "Hug?"

She smiles and walks over to him, leaning into him. Jean then walks out the door with his food, and walks by them, "accidently" stabbing Eren with his fork.

"H-Hey!" He says, rubbing his side, "That hurt!"

Jean keeps walking, looking back "Sorry Eren!" He says, before looking forward again, "Damn you Eren.." Jean says to himself.

"What was that about?" Mikasa asks, looking behind Eren, watching Jean walk into his cabin.

"I don't know, don't really care either" He responds, "We should head to bed, its getting late"

Mikasa nods, and follows him into his cabin.

"What are you doing?" Eren asks, turning to face her.

"You said we should head to bed." She responds

"Yeah.. so why are you in my cabin" He asks her.

"Heading to bed" She replys

"In here" Eren asks

Mikasa just nods in response

"I don't think we should.. not yet" He tells her, making Mikasa frown

"Why not? We just did a few hours ago" She says

"But that was on a bench, not in a bed"


Eren just groans "Fine.."

Mikasa jumps, clapping for joy, making Eren look at her with a raised eyebrow

She then looks at him, blushing slightly. "I'll.. go change into different clothes" She then runs to her cabin to change.

Eren does the same, putting on a sleeveless shirt and shorts, and slides into bed. Mikasa comes back in a few minutes later, wearing a short sleeve shirt and shorts.

Eren motions for her to climb in. "Come in before I change my mind"

She smiles and climbs in, laying next to him, and putting her head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

"Goodnight Mikasa" Eren says, quitely

"Night Eren" she responds, closing her eyes.

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