《Lost time (eremika au)》Ex's (26)
———Eren POV———
"What time?" I asked Mikasa while sitting down in front of her
She looked through her agenda searching for the times "uh 5:30 if you can come I mean if you want to bu-"
"Mikasa" I stopped her mid-rant "why are you so nervous for me to come to a volleyball game? I've been to multiple games of yours"
"Still! You haven't seen me play since what? Freshman year?"
"You are amazing" I blurted out. Fuck off "I mean you will do amazing."
It's been about a week since we got back to the university and I've been fine with the realization that I like her again but sometimes I slip up and say something I didn't mean to out loud. Yeah, not fun.
She smiled at me warmly "are you coming?"
I nodded with a smile on my face as well "Yeah I'll come" I said like I wasn't planning to since last week
"Yo!" I yelled while walking into the gym searching for a certain Black-haired girl
"Eren!" She yelled while running over to me with a smile "you're early" she pointed out
I shrugged "Wanted to see the competition," I said while gazing around the gym.
They were playing full court and the bleachers were out on both sides of the gym. Saint Rose was warming up on one side of the court and our School was warming up on the other side doing hitting drills and some of them doing pepper.
I crossed my arms while Mika stood beside me copying my stance "Which one is good?" I raised my chin and looked over to Saint rose
She looked around until her gaze stuck on someone "you see number 6?" I nodded in response "Shes their captain and Setter" number six was doing setting drills against the wall some sets going low and some high "she's sneaky with her sets she normally tips when it's least expected causing us to be unprepared"
I looked over to where a slap echoed throughout the gym after someone hit "What about number 12? She seems like a good hitter" she was doing hitting drills her hits going straight down to the other side of the court, after hitting the floor it would bounce up fast. That's how hard her hit was
Mikasa let out a 'tch' noise from beside me causing me to turn my attention to her "Sure she looks good but she's ass trust me, you can easily block her no problem" she rolled her eyes
"Not a fan of her?"
"Not a fan at all" she scoffed while turning to me so now we were looking at each other "I played her and her school last year and I would block every hit of hers so while we were warming up I went to do a jump set for a friend, she rolled a volleyball under me and so when I landed" she trailed off
It wasn't hard to know what happened after she probably rolled her ankle "fucking bitch" I muttered now finding a new hatred for the girl.
"So what about number 9?" I asked, still looking at her, giving me a confused look she broke eye contact and started to look for the player.
I brought a finger up to the side of her jaw so she would turn her head again and back to me "On our team" I simply said while letting my hand drop
"Oh" she looked down "so number nine is our team captain, co-captain is Sasha who is number 10" she looked back up "you could say number nine is good, she's left side hitter"
I went wide-eyed "Freshman in college and the captain's," I said because it's rare to even have captains in college let alone have freshman be the captains "number nine is amazing then"
She nodded "yeah I guess number nine is elite"
"Ackerman! We are starting warm-ups!" The coach yelled from the sidelines causing both of us to jump up in surprise.
"Coming!" Mikasa yelled back while turning to her coach
"I'll see you after the game?" I asked while handing her a water bottle I brought for her.
She nodded her head with a smile which made me hold my breath "yeah I'll see you, Bye Eren!" She called over her shoulder while running to the bench.
"Kickass number nine!" I yelled after her which made her turn around and walk backwards while flashing her jersey number that read '9'
Third set 2-1
Points 16-10
"We've won," Connie said from beside me
He got slapped on the back of his head "Are you fucking stupid Connie? Don't jinx them" Ymir scolded while she took the chips from my hand even though she was sitting behind me
"Right now they are in proper rotation so it should be good," Armin said from the other side of me.
I nodded while looking towards our side, Mikasa was standing at the net, arms up, blocking the other team's view of our server. coincidentally the person Mikasa was blocking was number 12 and not so coincidentally Mikasa was grinning while moving her arms the same way number 12 was moving trying to get a view of our server.
The person who was getting ready to serve, hitting the ball in her hand and spinning it was Hitch. She was waiting for the whistle to blow.
Sasha was setter and also at the net blocking their other hitter, the middle was a girl I've never seen before until today but she was fucking tall.
Back row I didn't get a good look until someone shouted causing me to snap my head towards him.
"Go, Mikasa!" A guy with dirty blonde hair and brown eyes shouted from the entrance of the gym wearing jeans and a plain white shirt.
"Who the fuck is that?" I said, realizing that I was glaring at him already.
Armin looked over to see the guy I was talking about "I don't know" he shrugged while returning his attention to the game that was about to start.
I rolled my eyes and focused back on the game.
The whistle blew indicating it was good to serve, the whole gym went silent if you count that saint Rose's bench was stomping their feet to distract the server.
Hitch bounced the ball on the floor one time before extending her arm out and threw it up, hitting the ball hard at the right time she did a floater and got an ace.
After the Ace, they did their chant which made me laugh. They would stomp, clap, stomp and clap one more time before shouting and saying 'kiss that ace' and slapping either their thigh or ass.
Fucking hilarious.
I remember talking to Mikasa last night about volleyball and her saying they weren't allowed to do certain chants anymore cause it might be ChIldIsh so this will be their last game doing that I guess.
I wish I could do a floater I mean I use to try to do it in high school but I could never get it. It's fucking hard because I always flick my wrist causing the ball to fucking spin.
"That was a good floater," Armin said while eating popcorn and smiling
Connie looked over at him and raised an eyebrow at him "what's a floater" He and Ymir said at the same time.
"A floater is when a server serves the ball but the ball itself has no spin to it," I said while showing them my hand "it's like high-fiving the ball. You have to have a flat palm and not follow through with the serve" I made my palm stiff and clapped my other hand with it. "The serve is hard to track because it could be going straight at you but then swerve at the last second"
Connie looked at me dumbfounded while Ymir was nodding like she understood the concept.
"Do you get it?" I asked because they still looked confused.
"Fuck!" Jean yelled while looking at the court.
We all turned our heads towards him "what?" We all asked at the same time.
He pointed towards the court "The referee said that Hitch's serve went out of bounds which clearly it fucking didn't!" He yelled while cuffing his mouth "you're blind old man!!"
"What the fuck" I said while turning back to the court.
We were sitting close to the net so we could hear the conversations on the court, Connie was to my right and Armin to my left, Ymir and Jean behind us.
They all huddled around each other discussing the plan until they broke it off but Mikasa pulled Sasha by her arm "Quick serve me" she said while letting go of Sasha's arm gently. Sasha smiled "but You will have to break through number 12 and 7's block,"
Mikasa shrugged in response while walking up to the attack line she was still in Ls position, she was bending down, Hands-on knees and trying to look at their server so she could track the ball but number 12 was now blocking Mikasa.
"Go, Mika!" Armin yelled while the whistle blew which caused Mikasa to quickly turn her head to the side and smile at both of us before going back to the game.
The Saint rose girl served the ball and our back row easily passed it to Sasha, Sasha ran to where the ball was passed but another girl got it even though it was the second ball.
The ball went over from the force of that girl's pass so everyone reset and was back to their position ready for the other team's hit.
Saint rose revived the ball and their setter set it to number 12, number 12 did her approach fast which caused Mikasa to look to our middle and nod Mikasa and the blonde girl both came running to the net and jumped as high as they could. Number 12 hit the ball as hard as she could.
She hit as hard as she could but apparently, it wasn't enough because Mikasa blocked it, the ball bounced off her hands and onto the other team's court which no one was prepared for so our team got a point.
Mikasa and the blonde girl landed at the net, their noses almost touching the thing and what made Mikasa look fucking hot was that she was right in front of number 12, grinning at her while she was glared at by 12.
"Fuck yeah, Mikasa!" I yelled while standing up with Ymir who was also shouting incoherent words.
Our team huddled again while quickly saying what they had to say and broke it off again to rotate to their new positions at the net but out of rotation so they will have to switch after the serve.
Sasha was now serving and let me tell you she was a damn good server because she got two fucking aces.
Fucking amazing "go, Sasha! That's my best friend!" Connie yelled over everyone easily being the loudest.
"That's my Best friend also!" Jean yelled which made Sasha laugh loudly and hold her stomach from the court.
Sasha looked over at the both of them and smiled while waving while Mikasa ran up to her and hugged her quickly.
"Fuck yeah Sasha," Mikasa said while side hugging her again "can you aim?" She asked
Sasha shrugged "maybe I did try in warm-ups but it went out of bounds so I'll try"
"No no it's fine I was just wondering!" Mikasa called while running up to her position at the net.
The whistle blew and Sasha served it over the net perfectly but it got revived by a player on the opposite team.
The setter went to jump set it which she set it to the middle who hit it hard but The blonde on our team received it but it was a hard hit so it bounced all the way out of bounds, Mikasa fully sprinted towards the ball that was going to the other side of the gym and towards the bleachers.
She was about to dive for the ball until a child came running in front of her.
What the fuck.
Mikasa was running so fast that she could either run into the point stand which was at her right or the child.
She chose the fucking table.
There was a crash throughout the whole gym which caused everyone on the sideline to stand up trying to see what happened. Sasha and the coach ran up to Mikasa who was laying on her side so her back was facing us.
"Mikasa are you good?" Sasha said while crouching down.
Mikasa rolled over while laughing "I'm amazing so help me up won't you?" She said while going on her elbows.
Sasha held a hand out to her which Mikasa took and stood up, running up to them I stood in front of Mikasa "how many fingers bro" I said while holding up 3 fingers
She giggled while looking at me "Eren I'm fine and you are holding up three" she said with a smile.
I nodded while putting my hand down "are you ok?"
She nodded 'yes' "I'm good I'll probably be sore tomorrow though"
"I'll get you ice for an ice bath tonight," I said while walking with her back to the court "You sure you're good right?" I said probably mothering her
"I'm good Eren I'll see you after," she said quickly while side hugging me and running up to the rest of her team.
I walked back over to the stands and sat down beside Armin who was looking at me with a smile "Is it cold in here or are you Blushing"
I rolled my eyes "Shut it" I gazed around the gym and watched the referee.
He laughed at my response "yeah, yeah"
"Go, Mikasa!" I yelled while she ran to get the ball because it was her turn to finally serve which I haven't seen all game.
She finally got the ball and started walking to the wall "why is she starting so far?" Connie asked while watching her
I shrugged because well, I didn't know.
The whistle blew and again the gym went quiet even Saint rose went silent for some reason. She threw the ball up. High. Like really fucking high.
She threw it high and far so she had to run but while running she did her approach to hit instead of a serving hit.
She jumped up high and hit the ball with a slap.
She did a jump serve floater which went to the other side but as soon as it got to the other side it went straight down causing the girl in the front row to dive for it but miss it.
"FUCK YEAH!" Ymir and I yelled loud while everyone cheered "that's his girlfriend!!" Ymir yelled right after and pointed at me which I glared at her.
They all ran to huddle again and after they broke it up Sasha grabbed Mikasa asking her the same thing "can you aim?"
Mikasa grinned "of course, who?"
"Number nine she doesn't pay attention to serves and she's setter so if she touches it second ball is free"
Mikasa nodded while walking backwards and getting tossed the ball.
This time she went to the left side of the line she threw it up high like when she jumped serving but minus the jump. She hit it at the right time, angled her shoulders towards number nine which caused number nine to be unprepared for the sudden change and fumble the ball.
She still passed it but it was too short for anyone to get.
"How many?" Jean asked while taking a sip from his drink
"One more point and then we win" Armin responded
The referee blew the whistle while Mikasa was backed up by the wall again. She looked over at me and winked before taking a step and throwing the ball fast but it was lower than all the other servers.
Instead of a floater, it spun fast and where was it spinning you might ask? Number 12's face.
"OOH!" We all winced after her face got hit by the volleyball causing her to grab her nose and swear while backing up and trying not to get blood on her white shoes.
"Mikasa!" I yelled while she was talking to a girl on her team.
"Eren!" She yelled while running up to me and jumping causing me to catch her in a hug
I put her down "great job," I said while smiling at her
"Thanks my hits were trash"
"You got 4" I deadpanned
"In a row" I pointed out, in total of the whole game she probably got the most points.
She rolled her eyes while walking to the side of me and putting an arm around my shoulder "wanna go get foo-"
"Mikasa!" Someone yelled from behind us
We both turned around and it was the same guy who was shouting her name at the beginning of the set.
"Luke?!" Mikasa yelled while letting go of me and running up to him leaving me dumbfounded. What the fuck.
She tackled him into a hug while I walked up to them "I missed you" she said while letting go of him and his hands on her fucking shoulders.
I rolled my eyes while he was smiling at her telling her how much he MiSseD her. Yeah, whatever.
I 'coughed' to get their attention which Mikasa turned to look at me "oh! Come here!" she said while smiling at the both of us.
I walked closer to them and stood beside her while he was in front of us. He held a hand out for me to shake but I put an arm around her shoulders. She looked at me with furrowed eyebrows
He laughed awkwardly and put his hand back "Uh Luke finger"
The guy was about 6'0 so I was taller and I'm not going to lie and say I wasn't happy about him having to semi look up to me because I was in fact very happy that I was bigger "Eren Yeager" I said in a bored tone while gazing around the gym.
Mikasa shrugged me off while looking at me pissed off which I raised an eyebrow at "Eren this is luke-" she got cut off by me
"The Luke who went with you to get a tattoo?" I questioned because I swear I've heard his name before.
"Yeah man we went while we were dating," he said like it was nothing.
Did he just fucking say dating?
"Dating?" I breathed out while looking at the both of them with wide eyes
Mikasa gave me an awkward chuckle "he's my ex but still good friends"
Mhm mhm.
Luke looks like a fucking ran over dog. How the fuck could she like someone like him.
I'm kidding. A ran over dog looks better than him.
"Ah," I said slowly realizing my hatred towards this guy.
"So-" Luke was cut off thank god by some girl yelling
"Eren!" A girl yelled. A voice I haven't heard in years
We all turned around to see a girl with long black hair with low pigtails that surprisingly weren't tacky
"Mina.." I said while watching her come up to us and give me a hug which I was not prepared for so my arms were up.
I chuckled awkwardly and patted her back a little "Nice to see you again"
She let go of me and smiled "what has it been one? two years?" She asked while walking up to the side of us and putting her hands into her hoodie.
"Yeah I think-" I was cut off by a cough.
I looked over at Mikasa who seemed like she was dying.
"Yes?" I asked with a raised eyebrow
She was looking down at her feet but looked up at me I swear I saw a glare but it was replaced by a 'sweet' smile "who is she?"
"I'm Mina Carolina! I'm Erens ex" Mina said happily while holding a hand out for Mikasa to shake
Mikasa looked at her hand like she wanted to chop it off and that it was disgusting "uh sorry I can't deal with" she waved her hand over Mina's "germs" she smiled sweetly
Mina brought her hand down and looked at her confused "But you hugged him" she pointed at lucy. Fuck what was his name?
"I'm Mikasa Ackerman" Mikasa simply said while taking out her phone and not paying mine to any of us which I did the same until they left.
"Do you guys want to go get lunch?" Leprechaun said causing me to bring my head up at the same time as Mikasa
"That's sweet but Eren and I have plans," Mina said while linking her arm with mine.
I looked at her confused. I didn't even know she was here. "Uh, we do?"
Mikasa laughed while walking to the side of Luke and linking her arm with his which made me see red "yeah sorry about Luke he makes plans when we already have plans" she said with a smile but it looked a little too forced.
Plans? With him. I mentally rolled my eyes.
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A thousand years have passed since the signing of the Pact: an historic agreement between the nations of the Pactlands to work for the betterment of the whole. But in recent years, the Empire of Vector has been growing more bold, submitting a claim for the long-contested Disputed Lands. When a young and inexperienced noblewoman ventures into the anarchic territories the residents call the Free Lands in an effort to discover what Vector is plotting, the last thing she expected to find was a City of Wonders. On a fateful summer morning, the Vancouver Island town of Ladysmith, British Columbia, Canada finds itself and its very residents thrust sideways from the world they know to the medieval Pactlands: a world ruled by a shadowy council of mages and governed by the laws of steel and influence. Cut off from their own world, the residents of this small cottage town are thrust knee-deep into the political, humanitarian and martial turmoil suffered by the residents of the Free Lands. Staring down the threat of the Vectoran claimant force, the hidden machinations of the High Magus Council, and desperately seeking the allies and resources they need to maintain their way of life, the residents of Ladysmith must use everything they have at their disposal to survive and claim their own place in a world they were not born to. Magic, intrigue and eight thousand Canadians. What could go wrong? Updates every Tuesday and Thursday.
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