《Lost time (eremika au)》Surprise! I hate you. (18)
———Mikasa POV———
"Fuck off, you do it" I whispered to Eren while we were in the library
We were both leaning towards each other and whispering so no one could hear us. Specially so hitch wouldn't hear us
"Why can't you?" He asked while his eyes scanned across the library
Hitch looked our way so I grabbed Erens shirt and dragged us both to the floor. "Fuck that shit I'm not doing it"
We were both under a table and thank god it was like a desk so you couldn't see if there was something under it. "I'm not going to distract hitch!" He whispered yelled
I shook my head at him before peaking up to see if she was still here "ok so the plan is" I pointed to the door "I run and you distract her"
If you are wonder why we were aurging it's Because hitch came into the library looking for both of us in particular and we don't want to talk to her because for instance Eren ditched on the date and for me it's probably because I lied to her about Eren. Oh well
"That's not fair-" he was cut off by a high pitch scream
"GUYYYYS" she squealed while leaning down to see us under the table "Why are you guys under a table?"
I didn't speak and neither did Eren so I jabbed him in his side making him wince "uh....We are going to surprise someone so shhh" he said while bringing a finger up to his mouth
I nodded frantically in response "yeah we are going to surprise....."
I looked at Eren with furrowed eyebrows because well, who would we surprise? "Uh.."
"O M G" Hitch screamed while she looked in between us "you guys are lying! I know what's going on here" she gave us a pointed look
Me and Eren both looked at each other confused "what?" We both blurred out
"You guys were totally kissing!"
Both Eren and I went wide eyed because thats what it totally looked like. Both of us. Under a table. Very close to each other. And not knowing what to say.
"You are so funny" I croaked out while Eren was holding in a laugh.
Eren nodded "No actually we were kissing so if you could" he waved his hand motioning for her to leave. I'm so going to kill him.
"Oh my! Sorry!" She said while practically running away. And leaving me to murder Eren.
"OW!" Eren yelled after I punched him in his arm
"What" I punched him "the" punched him again "fuck! Eren!"
He backed away a little and rubbed his arm "what did I do?!" He asked like the idiot he was
"You told her we were kissing!"
He rubbed the back of his neck sheepishly "oh yeah, it's fine"
I pinched the bridge of my nose "you do realize who you just told right?"
He went wide eyed and his mouth went ajar. Hitch was literally the person to go to if you wanted drama. She can spread anything and everything around while barley lifting a finger. People will believe her if she tells them.
"FUCK!" Eren yelled "This is your fault" he pointed at me
"My fault?!" I dramatically raised both my arms "you are the one who lied to her!"
"We could have ran!" He exasperated out
I shook my head "You could have distracted her!"
This was bad. Like really bad. Let's just hope that fucking Hitch doesn't tell the whole damn school about it. Especially our friends Because we would never live it down.
"Let's go. She probably won't tell anyone" he said while getting up and holding a hand out for me to take
"YOU GUYS KISSED?!" Ymir YeLlEd while slamming the door open. I swear one day that god damn door will break.
"NO!" Me and Eren yelled for the 50TH time today.
Ymir grinned at us and sat beside Connie who was on sashas bed "don't have to get all defensive" she rolled her eyes
"Fuck off" I groaned and leaned back in the chair "this dumbass" I pointed at Connie " and these idiots" I moved my hand to point at Toria, Sasha and Annie "have been fucking coming in and out all day and asking us questions"
Eren sat up on my bed and leaned against the wall "this is your fault" he sang towards
I grabbed a pillow from sashas bed and threw it at him with full force "you lied to hitch!"
He removed the pillow from his face that somehow got stuck "You dragged me to the floor!"
"PAUSE" Toria yelled while doing an 'x' with her arms
We both stopped talking and looked towards the short blonde who was now sitting on the floor in-between Ymir's legs
"Mikasa Dragged you to the floor?" She smiled big and a look that was terrifying plastered on "damn mikasa I didn't know you were kinky"
I blinked at her.
What did she just say? "I'm gonna go" I said while getting out of the chair and walking towards the door
"Where you off to?" Sasha perked up probably to see if I was getting food
I slipped on my shoes and hovered my hand above the door knob "oh I don't know maybe to jump off a cliff" I shrugged "don't know or maybe I'll jump off a bridge"
Ymir laughed and Historia looked horrified "or I don't know I'll see where the wind takes me-"
I was cut off.
By the door slamming into my FACE "fuck" I muttered while I landed on my ass, I was knocked to the floor in between the door and the wall
"YEARGER AND MIKASA KISSED ?!" Jean yelled while still in the doorframe and scanning the room
"JEAN YOU ASS HAT!" Annie yelled while pulling him in and closing the door so I could well I don't know. Actually BREATH
"Ow ow ow" I said while leaning back so I was laying on the floor "I'm going to murder you horse face"
He gasped and ran up to me after seeing what he's done "I'm so so sorry mikasa" he leaned down to help me up which I swatted his hand away
"Get. The. Fuck. Away." I gritted out while rubbing my now sore forehead
Jean got pushed by someone "move it horse" Eren said while kneeling down and scanning my face "you got a bloody nose"
"No Shit Sherlock" I wiped my nose with my arm "get me a towel please"
"Here, it's wet on the corner" Ymir said while standing above me
I grabbed the towel from her hands and brought it up to my now dripping with blood nose "Thanks"
I looked over towards where Sasha and Annie were but instead I saw that Connie, Sasha and Toria scolding Jean about how to not kick down doors
"Can you get up?" My eyes locked with a set of green ones
I nodded slightly while trying to but felt a bit woozy so I leaned against the wall "Shit Jean how hard did you open the door?" Eren asked while taking my arm and putting it over his shoulder and walked me to my bed.
"Not even hard! She's just weak"
I snapped my head towards him "I'll show you how wEak I can be ." I spat while glaring at him causing him to sink back in his chair
"All of you out!" Sasha said while walking towards me and handing another towel because the one shoved up my nose was now red
"What why?!" Ymir whined
"Because" Sasha pointed at me "Mikasa is hurt and a big ass bruise is now on her pretty little forehead" she frowned
"Sasha I swear I'm fine"
"Surprise!" She yelled at my face suddenly
I flinched backwards from getting fucking scared "what the fuck Sasha" I murmured out while rubbing my forehead
"See" she tapped my head "your head hurts"
"I hate you. It's only because you screamed"
"Anywaysss let's go" Eren said while getting up from his spot and dragging Ymir out who had her phone out. She was taking a picture of me.
"Delete that." I told her because I know for a fact I didn't look good right now.
She shook her head 'no' and waved by to me and walked out with Historia "bye Ackerman!" She called out
A quite voice came from the door frame of my room "Mikasa?"
I blinked a couple of times and looked towards the window which was now pitch black outside.
"Eren?" I asked while sitting up a bit "it's 10 at night why are you here?" I looked towards the clock
He closed the door behind him and walked towards me, sitting down on the end of my bed he brought a hand to my forehead "your head is hot"
"Yeah" I simply said
he rubbed the back of his neck. He tends to do that when he's nervous "I just wanted to check on you because I know Sasha and Annie went out"
After everyone left Annie and Sasha wanted to go eat but I was to tired so I just told them to leave and it was fine. Trust me it was a struggle to actually make them believe me and go eat. After they left I did some homework but then fell asleep.
"I'm fine Eren" I gave him a week smile because I was tired and I just woke up "you didn't have to come, you could have called"
He got up from the bed and walked towards the cabinet that holds all the towels "yeah well, I'm here so" he shrugged. He turned on the sink and ran the towel under it.
"Here" he gently folded the towel and plopped it on my forehead but completely missed and put it on my eyes. "so thoughtful" I sarcastically said while moving the towel to my actual head
He nodded while his hands were in his front pockets of his sweats, his head down"are you ok?" I asked while squinting at him because he seemed tense
"Yeah I'm fine"
"Mhm?" He looked up and raised a eyebrow at me to go on
I sat up and leaned against the head board "your ears are red"
"So? They always do that" he said while coming closer and dragging the desk chair to the side of my bed
I gave him a pointed look "they do that when you are lying." He sat down beside me and leaned back in his chair closing his eyes "what's wrong Ren" I teased because that nickname for him I know he absolutely hates.
He gave me a playful smirk "nothing, Mike"
I rolled my eyes and closed them. The silence between us was comfortable there was no need for us to talk or do anything.
"I had a nightmare" he whispered Quietly, so quiet that I could barley hear him.
I opened my eyes and look towards him "what was it?" I pressed
He gave me a week shrug "nothing important"
I raised an eyebrow at him and gave him a look to keep going.
"Don't look at me like that mika.."
"Eren just say I promise it will feel better if you tell me or even someone else "
He looked away "I just wanted to see if you were ok" he said quiet "because the dream was that you weren't"
I raised both my eyebrows "well I am ok but thank you for checking on me"
"Remember when you were the one calling me or coming to my house at night just because you had one nightmare" he chuckled and looked towards the ceiling probably remembering the memory
"Yeah" I smiled slightly "you would either be glad I came to you or irritated that it was late"
He laughed out "I was a little shit what do you expect me to do?" He made fun of his younger self
I shrugged while laying back down and Readjusting the towel. He touched my cheek with the back of his hand to see if i was still warm. "Go to sleep. You need rest" he said gently while pulling his hand back
"Mhm" I murmured while my eyes fluttered shut.
My hands were on top of the blanket and his hands were also on top of my blanket. Our hands grazed each other a bit and right before I was going to move my hand he linked our pinky's together. From there the grip just got tighter. From both our ends.
———Flash back grade 8———
——Eren pov——
"Hello?" I croacked out because I was asleep and it was literally 2 in the morning and my phone was ringing.
There was a sniffle from the other side "Mikasa?" I asked suddenly more awake
"Eren...is this a bad time I can totally call you back if you want I know you were sleeping and that we have school-" I cut her rambling off
"Mikasa. Breath. Just tell me what's wrong"
I heard her take a large breath of air "I had a nightmare" she simply said, her voice still sad
"Come over" I simply said while getting out of bed and throwing a shirt on
"But it's 2am-"
"So? It's not like you haven't slept over here before. It's fine mika"
I could hear her shuffle from the other end of the line "I'll be over in five" we said our goodbyes and she hung up
Its nothing new that she called me because that's what we do. If the other had a nightmare we would just automatically call each other, sometimes we would fall asleep on face time and other times she would come over no matter what time it was. Both of our family's know that we do this and at first they had a problem but now they don't really care. Well at least mikasas dad doesn't care but my mom says and I quote 'I have no problem with her sleeping over but make a bed on the floor for you to sleep on. Also leave a note under my door to let me know if she comes over late'"
I went to the door after Mikasa texted me that she was here "hey" I said quietly opening the door wider for her to come in, her head was hung low and I couldn't see her face
"Hey" she sniffled a little from the cold outside and probably from her crying.
"Mika" I brought my hand under her chin and lifted it so I could see her face. Very much regret that because my heart sank. Her eyes were puffy, her nose was red and she had a frown on her face "come here" I said while wrapping my arms around her small figure
"Eren- I" she started but cut her self off and hugged me back.
We stayed there for two minutes as I listened to her quietly cry as I held her.
"You're ok mika" I shushed her and rubbed the back of her head.
———End of flashback———
———Sashas POV———
"I know it was so fucking good!" I squealed while taking the key out of my pocket so I could unlock the door
Annie nodded "we should definitely take casa there when's she's better-" she got cut off by slamming into the back of me "what is it sash?" She groaned from behind
I blinked a couple of times to see if what I was actually seeing was correct "back up" I said quietly
I shuffled backwards "go to the hall"
She complied and we were standing at the hall "ANNIE" I yelled turning around after I closed the door
"What?" She said while looking very confuse "what happened?"
I hit her arm "Eren and mikasa were sleeping and eren was sitting beside her with his head down on both of there interlocked hands!" I squealed
"What?! Let me see" she said shoving me out of the way
She opened the door and peaked her head in, there laid Mikasa on the bed with a towel over her forehead and a small smile on her face and beside her was Eren who was leaning over the bed, his head on top of both of their hands, slightly snoring but also having a very small smile on his face.
2724 words
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Hope you guys liked this Chapter
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