《Lost time (eremika au)》Downtown (16)
———Mikasa POV———
I looked up at Eren through blurry version because of how wet my eyes were from crying.
He gave me a sad smile while looking down at me and after about a minute of just looking at each other we let go and backed up two feet to get some distance and it felt like I could finally breathe.
I've always thought Eren was sorry but I've never gotten an actual apology and he was a fucking asshole to me when I first came back but the more we have hung out the nicer he has become and it made me miss him so fucking much and the fact that he apologized made me miss him even more.
I miss him. I miss our friendship. I just miss being his number one.
I looked down at my feet and picked at my nails not sure what to do right now because what can I do? I mean I just cried my eyes out in front of him and yelled at him and he did the same.
I could hear the small sniffles from him while crying and I felt teardrops on my head but I didn't say anything because I physically couldn't talk.
I looked back at him from feeling his gaze on me. He looked to the side of him and motion for us to start walking which we did and we just walked down the dark empty sidewalk our footsteps were the only thing you could hear and on occasions, you could hear some sniffles from the both of us.
Eventually, we made it back to campus but we didn't go back to the dorm. We went to the parking lot and went into Eren's car that he's had since grade nine even though he couldn't drive yet Carla decided to get him one, something along the lines of 'every time he sees this car it will push him to actually learn how to drive.
I got into the passenger seat and sat down while looking out my window, Eren got into the driver's side and began the car driving down the quiet road with no cars insight I'm not surprised because it is 1 am and it's a Thursday night.
We kind of just ended up leaving Ymir's party without telling her but she will get over it. Eventually.
"Eren," I said while taking a quick glance at him he side glanced at me with a raised eyebrow "mhm?"
"Where are we going?" I asked because I have never been down this road and if I had I didn't remember it.
"Downtown" he simply said his voice a little groggy from not talking that much. I nodded in response and plugged in my phone and started scrolling through my playlist trying to find a song to listen to that wouldn't annoy me or Eren because right now it felt like we were walking on glass with each other.
"Leave this song," he said, his voice softer than before if that was possible.
This song. This song was our song.
I don't know why I put it on my playlist but I couldn't get myself to delete it after I left.
I turned off my phone and looked towards Eren "Do you remember the song?" He nodded in response a smile playing on his lips "yeah, how could I forget? This was our song"
the music started while we were speeding down the empty roads Eren had a convertible so I lowered the roof to let the wind hit us.
I slowly turned up the song humming a bit which Eren did also. We both looked at each other with big smiles on our faces.
This song had a lot of memories behind it, It was our song the first time it played we were sharing my AirPods while skating down the streets in grade nine and we both fell in love with it.
every time we would get back to Eren's house we would blast it hours on end in his room and it got to the point that Carla would yell at us to shut it off because she was sick of it.
"Do you still like this song?" Eren asked looking at me quickly before looking back at the road
"I could never get sick of it no matter how many times we have played it" I smiled which he returned.
"This is your part," I said with a grin because he would absolutely yell this part.
He looked at me with a smirk on his face. It's funny how we can go from yelling and crying to smiling and singing together.
"One love, two mouths One love, one house No shirt, no blouse Just us, you find out" He sang lazily while laughing a bit
I rolled my eyes playfully "What happened to 'I'm the best singer out of the two of us'" I mocked because he really thought he was better than me.
"Whatever" he rolled his eyes "your part Mika" he grinned
I turned up the music now full-on blAstinG it right before the famous lyrics that I would scream on the top of my "let me hold Both your hands in the holes of my sweater"I sang just as lazy as him.
He laughed "what was that!" He said still laughing a bit
We both looked at each other making eye contact when a part of the song came up that we both would scream.
"To move to a place so far away
The goosebumps start to rise
The minute that my left-hand meets your waist
And then I watch your face
Put my finger on your tongue 'cause you love to taste, yeah
These hearts adore, everyone the other beats hardest for
Inside this place is warm
Outside it starts to pour!!" We both shouted and some voice cracks could be heard with some parts but that's not important. The important thing was that we were comfortable with each other again after what happened at Ymir's.
(A/N You can't expect me to make them amazing singers😩 but if you want a good singing Eren and Mikasa go check out Kailers book)
After the song ended we pulled up outside a 7-11. "Eren what are we doing here?" I asked while getting out of the car him doing the same "we are getting Slurpees" he smiled like a five-year-old
I walked to the door and Eren held it open for me I mumbled thanks to him while walking into the empty 7-11
"you still like the red flavour don't you?" I asked with a smirk while going up to the Slurpee machines. In my opinion, Blue is the best fucking flavour of Slurpee to get
"yeah, you are probably basic by getting BluE" he mocked while grabbing two large cups for us. He handed me one while he walked to the other side of the machine where Red cherry was and I walked towards the Blue raspberry flavour.
He put his lid on while walking towards me and pointed at my cup "That shit sucks Mika"
Rolling my eyes I grabbed a straw and dumped the paper in the trash and headed to the candy section. "Which one do you want?" I asked while looking over at the candy.
He stood next to me while his eyes ran over the candy then flickered this eyes towards me "Any is good"
I nodded while going to grab sour patch kids because that's the best fucking candy there is and if you think they are disgusting then you aren't different you're just weird.
I showed Eren the bag of candy with a raised eyebrow wondering if he would like this, he nodded in approval while he went to the cashier and greeting her while placing down his Slurpee. He turned his head toward me and motioned for me to come which I obliged to and set down the candy and the Slurpee.
I took out my wallet and grabbed a 20 Dollar bill and went to hand it to the cashier but eren lightly slapped my hand away which earned him a questionable look from me.
He leaned down to my ear "I got it" he whispered while he handed the girl his cash and grabbed our stuff.
I followed after him and he held the door for me again we walked to his car and got into it and I plugged in my phone while he started up the car and put out Slurpees in the cupholder.
———Third-person POV———
**let go- Aaron May**
Mikasa sat comfortably in the passenger seat while Eren looked back and put his hand on the back of her seat and backed out of the parking spot.
Both of them were completely unaware that on both of their minds was the same thought 'I miss this'
The music essentially was blasting and the wind essentially was in both of their hair blowing it all over the place, which they both loved because they were smiling like idiots.
Mikasa looked over at Eren, a devilish grin on her face which caused Eren to look at her with furrowed eyebrows.
"What?" He asked confused
"I don't want your pity I just wanted love but I'm way too busy Rap moving up, I might come to your city
It's hot in the H but my heart still chilly" She sang with the music and moving her hands in a wave-like motion and closing her eyes embracing the wind
Eren smirked at her and looked back to the road "If I ain't your man, I don't want no hickey, Right now I ain't shit 'cause the roll ain't shitty, Been like that for months, I might blow a blunt,"
"And hit that shit once!" They both shouted while Mikasa brought both arms up embracing the wind even more while she leaned her head against the headrest a huge smile on her face showing teeth and everything.
This was it, which really is quite significant. This was a vibe that they both will look back at the memory when they are old and tired. This is what being free felt like to both of them and they absolutely definitely loved it.
"So FUCK what you told me if you showed me different" Mikasa sang a bit louder on the 'fuck' part which made Eren laugh loudly at.
"I know that actions speak louder than words, the thing about to change" Eren sang this time while chuckling at the lyrics and how they somewhat corresponded with them.
Eren looked at the road that was a ghost town from how empty it was "I didn't feel pain more than I like to mention" They shouted letting some of their emotions out with the sentence.
Mikasa started laughing for some odd reason it was because she was actually having fun which she didn't have often and so Eren followed slightly chuckling and looking over at her while admiring how free she looked once the light turned red.
Living in a strict house hold while growing up Eren usual rebelled against his mother's wishes while living with her but after he moved out into his dorm he got his freedom and he's made a promise to himself to always have fun and not to slow down but also focus on his future.
That's why he loved to hangout with Mikasa, sure she was cautious about their actions but she was the one to pull Eren back to reality and tell him to 'slow down and look around you, appreciate everything before it's gone' those words will always stick with him and he's lived by them ever since they left her mouth.
You should have seen the look on Carlas face when Eren came home with a lip piercing she almost had a heart attack, he got a ten minute lecture from her saying stuff along the lines of 'take that shit out!' And 'Dear god what did I do to deserve this!' But that story is for another time.
While looking at Mikasa he noticed every detail that has changed either being her personality or appearance. Mikasa was always the mom of the group and would never curse but that has clearly changed. In the month she's been back she's punched a football player and she curses more than Eren. And that says a lot. Mikasa now has a septum ring and that was truly shocking to Eren because he thought never in a million years she would actually get one but Eren thought it made her look good but he's always thought she looked good.
Another thing he loved about her coming back is that she's more confident in her appearance, during their childhood Mikasa was very self conscious and alway parted her hair to hide her scar that she has but now she simply doesn't give a fuck.
The light turned green which made a reluctant Eren look away from Mikasa and start driving again going to where Mikasa didn't know even existed and Eren knew she would love it considering Mikasa loves everything that makes her feel free.
Mikasa brought her arms down that were resting on the back of her headrest and grab her Slurpee hesitating a little because she wanted to take a sip of Eren's drink "Go for it" Eren chuckled because he was just saying the other day that Mikasa loves to take his Food/Drinks.
"Thank-" she started off while putting the straw in her mouth but cut herself off after the drink hit her tongue "What the fuck is this shit!" She gagged
Eren laughed at her reaction "It's amazing I'm surprised you don't like it"
"It's dIsgusTing"
She slowly put the drink back down in the cup holder like it was some kind of bomb. She looked out her window and appreciated the city. It was cool in the daytime but absolutely beautiful at night with all the lights zooming past them some green and red either by Lights or construction put on pause, it was making her face light up with those colours.
She moved her head to the left and gazed at Eren studying him and making mental notes of how matured he's become from the last time she's seen him. from the well defined jawline, the small circular silver lip piercing on the left corner of his lip to the Bun with little baby hairs sticking out that she has grown to love but she also felt a small pang in her heart from how much she missed.
She missed the fact that he's not some hot headed angst teen anymore and that he's more down to earth and actually thinks things through unlike when he didn't and would get into fights every fucking day.
"When did you get the piercing?" Eren asked, snapping Mikasa out of her thoughts.
She scrunched her eyebrows in confusion "what?" While she was to busy admiring Eren she missed the first part or his sentence.
"I said when did you get the piercing?"
"Ohh" she dragged out while nodding her head and thinking back to when she got it "I got it senior year"
Eren turned into a large building and started driving up it because the whole thing was a garage "Story behind it?"
"What do you mean?"
"Well why did you get it?" He asked
Mikasa smiled looking back at the memory "funny story actually Well for me at least. I went to a party, got drunk and was dared to get a tattoo and a piercing and apparently drunk me doesn't like backing down from a challenge so me and Luke went to a tattoo shop at 1am" she said while looking out the window and noticing the roof started to become lower for every floor they climbed
Erens eyes went wide and started to laugh "let me get this straight" Mikasa nodded for him to go on "you got drunk and was dared to get a piercing and! A tattoo?!" He said now really invested if she actually got a tattoo
She nodded while looking out the driver window interested where exactly they were going and why it was taking so long to drive up a garage "where is it?" Eren asked with a raised eyebrow
Mikasa bit her bottom lip looking away "somewhere" she simply said that made Eren more curious.
The lights were now slowing down as they slowed down for every speed bump there was carful not to scrape the bottom of the lowered car "Well. Where is it?"He asked again
She shrugged "between my boobs" she said with a chuckle while Eren eyes went wide "do you want to see it? I can flash you?" She jokingly said
Eren shook his head 'no' with a clenched jaw and eyes now dark "you sure?" She asked with a grin
Eren would be lying if he said he didn't want to see it because he did in fact want to see the tattoo but his common sense was basically yelling at him to say no
"No mika it's fine" he chuckled while feeling heat rush to his face, reaching over Eren put on a song and slowly started to raise the volume
****sign of the times- Harry styles****
Mikasa's eyes widened once they finally made it to the top, which is fairly significant. The buildings roof slowly disappeared and basically was replaced with a pitch generally black sky with stars all over it. Eren drove to the very end of the roof and parked the car while looking in front of him. You could literally see the whole city from up there and it was beautiful. Mikasa stared at it like she's never lived in this city for majority of her life, she's never seen it from this view and she mentally cursed herself from not seeing it sooner
All the lights of the biggest building were turned on and there was one building that the lights made a heart shape which made Mikasa smile even more. It was a warm night and no breeze was present but it was the good kind of warm that they weren't sweating or cold they were perfect.
Eren peered over to Mikasa "Do you like it?"he asked with a smirk because he knew she loves it
She didn't look at him while answering "I love it" and just as Eren thought Mikasa confirmed it.
He nodded "I wanted to say something" he reluctantly said
Mikasa ripped her gaze away from the view a bit hesitant "what is it?" She asked but she already knew what he was going to say
Eren took a deep breath in "I know I already apologized but I wanted to do it again. How I acted when you told me you were leaving was completely stupid of me. I didn't mean shit I said and I hope you know that."
Mikasa looked everywhere but his eyes because she was also maybe even more nervous than Eren. Without saying a word she opened the passenger door and stepped out which made Eren confused. She walked around to his side and stayed standing at his door waiting for him to get the message that she wanted him out of the car. she Motioned him to get out which he complied to.
He slowly opened the door and closed it behind him mikasa stepped closer to him and engulfed him in a big hug which shocked him. Mikasa wrapped her arms around his neck with a choking like grip. After the shock that Mikasa was hugging him, he wrapped his arms around her waist and put his head in the nook of her neck "I forgive you Eren" she said while putting her head to the side so she could see the view but also so she could listen to her favourite sound in the world. His heart beat. They stayed in that position for about two minutes before they felt rain drops staring to fall on their heads
She giggled a little while letting go of the embrace "Sorry for slapping you"
Eren let go and rubbed the back of his neck a shy smile appearing "it's fine I deserved it"
Both of them started to walk towards the front of the car and leaned against it just listening to the rain drops pattering against the cement and the car.
Eren walked back to the car and leaned over the drivers door grabbing both of their slurpees and turning up the music so it was blasting.
"Here" he said while handing the half melted slurpee to her "cheers" he raised the slurpee
She raised hers and knocked the two drink together. She turned towards him making eye contact "promise" she simply said "promise that we will always be friends"
"That's a promise I intend to keep for the rest of my life mika" a genuine smile appeared on his face while looking down at her
They knocked the slurpees together again and took a sip of their two very different drinks but also very similar.
"We should go" Eren said very unconvincing because he himself didn't want to leave but what was once a grizzle of rain became fucking pouring he wanted to leave and he thought mikasa would want to go also.
He started to move but mikasa grabbed his wrist stopping him in his tracks "wait!" She said while letting go and running over to the passenger side and leaning in to grab her phone and played a song.
***Golden- Harry styles***
"Can we stay for a minute?" She asked while walking back to where he was but passing him and going to the middle of the parking lot.
- In Serial26 Chapters
Rantings of the Broken
These are poems of my thoughts. Since I can't talk to people about them, I need to talk to someone about my thoughts, even if they're reading it over a screen. They may be dark and you may see the brokeness inside, but hopefully I will be able to find hope and a reason to live. If you don't want to read the story, that doesn't offend me. You'll just be ignoring the cries of the broken.
8 168 - In Serial23 Chapters
Sting Them to Death
Waking up as a scorpion was weird enough, but things got even weirder when giant boxes start appearing.
8 199 - In Serial87 Chapters
Ode to Freud
For those who do not understand the reference, "wish fulfillment" is before anything a term created by Sigmund Freud in the 1900's. In psychology it is a state of satisfying unconscious needs and desires by the use of fantasy and delusion. In literature it is the very base of fictional work, but also the name of a style of writing where the author sacrifices the key elements of good storytelling in order to fulfill his own psychopathic, neurotic or perverse needs and desires, usually through the use of the characters in weird and forced situations. What I meant by the title of this story is that it is a trashy, badly written, shitty story about me getting some wish fulfillment by the use of some characters and a fictional world of my creation. Not the good kind of fulfillment, since my wishes are of the bad kind and I intend to fulfill those, not yours. Also, being a total amateur and not writing a proper plot before starting are two big indicators that this story is going to go bad. I guess Royal Road call this kind of stories the "Mary Sue" kind. So, unless you are a very ugly piece of trash (at least as much as I am) don’t bother reading it. Now, if you ARE messed up on the level of a clinically depressive, lightly suicidal, lolicon/shotacon aligned morbidly obese hikikomori vermin who sold his virginity to a prostitute and is currently living at the costs of his widowed mother after expending all the money he got from his father’s inheritance, all the while masturbating furiously to beast/furry dickgirl hentai, then be welcomed. Please feel free to get a serving at my antidepressants and also at the canned tuna I have stored in the fridge. There may be some cheese somewhere, and I am pretty sure I bought some juice the other day, but I have no idea where it is. Anyway. You may dislike what I write because of all the amauteur(ish) writing, or you may not. Who knows. Give it a try and write a comment. It gets lonely writing to no one. Also, feel free to grant me inspiration not only by making comments about the world and/or characters, but specially by suggesting a music for me to listen while I write the next chapter. Be warned : I do get influenced easily by the background music I listen while writing. If you exist, of course. I'm seriously doubting anyone has read anything after the "lolicon hikikomori" thing. Also, I have a tiny dick.Just so you can feel better about yourself a little more. Or maybe I have just degraded psychologically a little more and now I am into shame-play. I wonder if the psychiatrist would increase my meds a bit if I told her about it.Hope I never get to penispanick, though! Self-mutilation, especially of the castration type, would be baaaad. After all, I do like my prostitutes. And having sex with them when I can afford it. Oh, yeah, the story. I will just write the first chapter in a few moments.Until later, b(i)each.
8 165 - In Serial18 Chapters
Remember What We Had *Sequel to Remember the Rules*
It's been twenty eight full years since the Dark Curse was cast over then Enchanted Forest. Twenty eight full years since Lily was taken to Storybrooke. Caught up in the curse's aftereffects and those of Rumpelstiltskin's last spell, she wanders the town unseen. Unaging. Unknown. Unremembered.And, like the other residents, with no real memories of her own. With her mind degraded due to years of solitude, she hopes against hope that maybe, when this blond newcomer shows up, she'll get the happy ending that everyone else is getting. Maybe she'll even find the person she was meant for.
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groovy - steven hyde
" i don't think i've ever felt this way about anyone " that 70s show
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The Cat's Sin of Sorrow (King X Reader) [Discontinued]
(Y/N) split up from the Sins years ago, after they were blamed for the Holy Knights murder. Since then, she heard about Diane's Gideon being featured in a fight and decided she's retrieve it for her old friend. She just didn't think she'd get a chance to fight for the realms again... or see King.---Just so you know, this story follows the anime (so far)
8 95