《Lost time (eremika au)》Flashbacks(12)
———Mikasa POV———
You know I thought the time when Levi sat me down and talked to me about boys was awkward. But this whats happening right now is the most awkward situation I've been in.
Eren sat across from me looking at his milkshake that he ordered looking like he's deep in thought I on the other hand was looking everywhere but him in my defensive what are we even supposed to talk about.
During our whole childhood we didn't have any problems talking to each other. We would talk about the most random Shit too ranging from if aliens are real or if honey is disgusting. Which it is but he thinks otherwise.
We got here ten minutes ago, I ordered the coffee and he ordered a milkshake. Ever since we were younger He's had a sweet tooth and I'm not surprised he still does. Right now we are sitting in a booth at the back corner my back facing the wall and his back facing the rest of the tiny cafe.
Eren cleared his throat making me look back at him he opened his mouth than closed it than opened it. Surely it can't be this hard to talk to each other "So.....Do you uh still play basketball?"
I looked at him with furrowed eyebrows, he broke eye contact and looked towards his drink again "No actually..I quit"
Do you think if I just pretended to faint it would get me out of this awkward situation.
"Oh...Why?" He picked up his drink and looked at me, curiosity gleaming in his eyes.
I thought about it for a moment. Why did I quit? I can't exactly say because Kenny made me or I would have no food for a week...Yeah Kenny wasn't exactly the best at taking care of us and most the time he wasn't even at home. He still loves us or thats what he says.
I shrugged "I wanted to focus on grades I was playing three sports at the time so....."
Silence. Dead silent.
The cafe is making it worse I'm pretty sure. There's no one even here except for the old guy by himself at one of the stools and the workers in the back. "So how's you dog...?" I asked seeing how he had a dog before I left. Sure it was a bitch to me but it was cute
"She died junior year." He said with a sad smile.
Shit. My bad.
I nodded my head repeatedly and looked everywhere but his eyes that were now shining with sadness. "Sorry" I mumbled
We spent the next two minutes just sitting in silence both afraid to actually talk to each other.
What the fuck happened to us?
The tiny bell sounded throughout the quite cafe making both me and Eren look in the direction of the door.
A guy with blonde and green eyes walked in and started to walk in the direction of us.
"Hey man" The guy said while smiling at Eren.
Eren looked at him with furrowed eyebrows looking confused about who this guy was "Hey?"
The guy smiled at me which I raised both my eyebrows in return "Mika right?" He said while crossing his arms
How does this guy even know me let alone my nickname "Mikasa" I said while picking up my coffee and drinking some and looking towards Eren with furrowed eyebrows he just shrugged in response
"I'm Porco"
I nodded at him and Erens face looked like he just came upon a realization "oh! You are the guy from the elevator"
"Yeah and You're Eren right?"
Eren nodded "Yeah so what are you doing here?"
Porco looked around and looked back at me making heavy eye contact which I looked away from "I always come to this cafe it makes the best coffee right Mika?"
Eren interrupted before I could respond "It's Mikasa" he spat but gave Porco a sweet smile right after.
I looked in between the guys confused about what's going on. "Uh I guess..."great another awkward conversation that I have to go through.
I looked at my phone to text Sasha where we were at so they can all meet us after the game.
"We should hangout one time " Porco said but I didn't look up from my phone because I thought he was talking to Eren
"Mikasa?" He said again and this time I did look at up from my phone while turning to look at him. What did he say again?
"What?" I questioned looking back and fourth between Porco and a grinning Eren
He scratched the back of his neck while smiling awkwardly "I said we should hangout one time"
Mhm. "For what..?" I am so very confused on what's happening right now
"Um..Just to go eat?" He questioned like he wasn't the one asking
I nodded my head slowly "uh maybe?" I said more like a question. I barley even know this guy
Like I've said. Most. Awkward. Shit. Ever. On the other hand Eren looked like he was enjoying this interaction. He was rubbing the bridge of his nose and smiling big trying to hold in a laugh.
"Great! Can I have your number?"
"What for?" What is with this guy isn't he like Eren friend? Why is he talking to me.
"So I can call you for the date" he said while holding his phone out for me to take.
Uh date? When did I agree to a date "date?" I said with furrowed eyebrows. What the actual fawk.
He nodded his head while smiling.
"Uh sorry...I have a" I looked around and my eyes landed on a couple walking outside the cafe hand in hand "I have a boyfriend?" I said but it came out as a question. Eren laughed at my lie but was cut off by me kicking him under the table.
His smile dropped his face and slowly brought back his phone "Oh." That's all he said before giving both me and Eren a small goodbye and then leaving.
Eren broke out into laugher soon after he left I just sat there confused on what happened. "What?" I asked while sucking on my bottom lip
He was still fucking laughing. "Mika- oh my god! You are terrible- A boyfriend?! " he said while holding his stomach. It wasn't even funny why is he laughing
"I didn't know what to say!" I yelled and pointed towards the door Porco left from
His laughter died down and he rested his arm on the table "Porco" he pointed towards the window "was flirting with you and you didn't catch it until he straight up said 'date'"
Wait what.
"He was flirting with you dumbass!" He said smiling big.
"He was?" I questioned
Eren took a sip from his drink and nodded "yup you're still the same"
What is that supposed to mean how was I supposed to know he was flirting with mE "what do you mean?"
"Well do you know how many times guys would flirt with you freshman year and you would be left dumbfounded." He pointed towards me
Oh. Ohhh yeah no. "No...?"
He scoffed and crossed his arms "someone could straight up tell you you're pretty and you would still be left confused"
I mimicked his actions and crossed my arms "I'm not that Stupid Eren I know when someone is flirting with me"
Ok maybe I am completely unaware of when guys would flirt with me but I had no interest in them considering I liked someone all of elementary and middle school but that crush ended the start of freshman year. Who you might ask? If it wasn't obvious it was Eren but I stopped liking him the summer right before freshman year. I mean what was the point? He didn't like me back. I'm pretty sure everyone knew but him
"Do you though? " he asked with an annoying smirk
I scrunched my face up in annoyance "of course I do" I'm obviously lying but I don't want him to think he's right "remember when someone sent a valentines gift to the house but they didn't sign their name"
Eren looked at me with scrunched up eyebrows and then nodded fast "yeah that shit was hilarious!"
*Flash back to ninth grade Valentine's Day*
"Mikasa!" Eren yelled from downstairs
I looked up from the math homework I was doing on his bed "what?!" I yelled not wanting to get up and go see why he was yelling.
"Come here!"
Sighing in annoyance I climbed off his bed and went downstairs and my eyes widen in surprise. There was a basketful of pink and red candies and two balloons tied to it floating in the air. "Whoa who is this for?" I asked while coming closer and picking up the note
To Mikasa
Hope you have a good day!
Happy Valentine's Day <3
Oh. "It's for me?" I asked while looking up from the note and making eye contact with Eren. He nodded slowly and looked back at the basket with a smile "Looks like someone likes you, do you know who it's from?"
I shrugged, I had no idea who this was from and who liked me. No guys would come up to me at school so how do I even have a crush? "Any idea of whos it from?"
Eren looked up at me and looked away "uh no sorry" But his ears were red so he was clearly lying.
I nodded slowly and look inside the basket. Snickers, Peanut butter cups, sour candy and chocolate covered strawberry's all my favourite "mhm thats sweet of them"
Eren looked back at me and smiled big showing off his teeth "really?"
"Yeah sucks that they didn't put their name on it...wanna go to Armin's we can share all of this with him?"
"Yeah let me just grab my phone than we can go!" He called over his shoulder while walking back upstairs
I'm pretty sure Eren forgot it was Valentine's Day because when I said it was, he looked surprised and then went out with Jean to buy stuff that I didn't even get to see!
I went to my backpack laying in the corner and opened the first pocket and grabbed a small box. It was a necklace I bought at the mall the other day for Eren to give to him today.
"Mikasa?" Eren said from behind me
I turned around and he was putting his phone in the hoodie pocket while looking at me expecting something. I closed the box and stood up and walked towards him
"Here" I said while holding the box out for him
He looked down at the box a bit hesitant to grab it "what is it?"
I shoved it into his hands "just open it, it's a gift"
He looked down at the green box curiosity showing all over his face. He hovered his hand over the box being very dramatic to open a damn box.
He lifted the lid and the necklace showed. It was gold and a shape of a key "do you like it?" I asked because he was just starring at it.
He looked up at me a big smile plastered on his face and his eyes shined with another emotion that I didn't get "thank you so much Mika" he said while walking up to me and giving me a hug. We were the same height so he bent down a little and rested his head on my shoulder.
*end of flashback
"You didn't even eat anything!" Eren yelled while laughing and pointing to me
I scoffed and crossed my arms "I did I swear!" I laughed
"You gave it to armin!"
I grabbed Erens drink from across the table and took a sip of it. "Um no if I remember correctly you ate most of it. And! I ate all the strawberries"
He looked at me than the glass than back at me "that's my drink!"
I shrugged "I'm thirsty"
He laughed then pointed towards my half empty cup of coffee "your coffee isn't finished"
"I can see that but I wanted something cold"
He shook his head while smiling "why do you always take my food?"
I looked at him for a moment. Do I steal his food? "I don't steel your food"
Personally I hate sharing food it's just weird I don't know why I hate it so much. The only people I would share my food with is Armin because he's sweet and my bsf also Sasha but she doesn't ask she just takes it.
"You always steal my food even if it something you don't even like" He said while snatching the cup out of my hand
"That's not true" I said while shaking my head
"Yeah remember when we went to a restaurant and you ate only MY food and you literally said" he tried to mimic my voice "ThIs TaSte TerRible but you finished it." He said in a high pitch voice that did not sound like me.
I put a hand to my heart and gasped "I would never."
*Flash back start of freshman year
"What did you get Eren?" I asked while looking away from the menu
He looked up from his water "I just got a salad, what did you get?"
Crossing my arms I leaned back in the restaurant chair "I just got a chicken burger"
Burgers. I love burgers they are so fucking good for no reason like I would kill someone to have Sashas parents burgers again those are bUssIn
The waitress walked up, two plates in her hands smiling down at us "here is your salad" she said passing it to Eren "and a chicken burger for the lady" while passing it to me
Both me and Eren said a small 'Thank you' which she nodded and left.
I grabbed the burger and took a bite. Holy shit. This is good. "Holy" I said but it came out muffled
"Is it good?" He said while looking at me, a smile playing on his face
I nodded happily "yeah, is yours good?" I asked while looking at the chicken salad which looked disgusting
"Yeah wanna bite?" He said while using a fork to grab the salad
I shook my head 'no' but he kept bringing the fork closer "Mika. Eat it."
I made an audible groan and opened my mouth which he placed the fork in but literally SHoVed it down my throat.
"Chew it." He said while looking at me and laughing
"It's terrible"i said muffled. He looked at me with a stern look. I shook my head 'no'. This is...kinda good wait. I started chewing and this salad is fucking immaculate.
"Holy shit" I said while covering my mouth with my hand "that's fucking good"
"I know right"
"Let me get another bite though." I said while leaning closer to him.
He looked up at me and just stared into my eyes but soon he flicked his gaze down to my lips but quickly looked away. If you had blinked you would have missed it. But I didn't.
"No" he chuckled
"Fine" he said while sliding the salad over so I could have a bite.
One bite turned into two and that turned into half of his salad eaten by me. Whoops.
"That was a good salad" I said while sliding it back over to him.
He looked down at his half empty plate "You ate it all"
"No I didn't there's still some" I said while pointing to the green on his plate
*End of flashback
"You don't even like salad." Eren said while taking his final sip of the smoothie
I shrugged "I like it now, I always order it"
"whAtEver" he said while taking his bun out and letting his shoulder length hair loose "what?" He said after I stared to long and he was trying to grab my coffee.
I pulled it towards me so he couldn't grab it "I've never seen you with your hair down" His hair was probably healthier than mine.
"Mhm do you like it" he said while flipping it over his shoulder dramatically
I shrugged "not as much as I like your lip ring." I said now looking at the lip ring on the side of his bottom lip. Really fucking hot but I would never say that to him.
"So you like my lip ring?" He smirked
"No" lies "what did Carla say about that she must have had a heart attack" Carla use to be really strict on Eren about getting tattoos and piercings sometimes she would even yell at me for even thinking about it. But it's fine I'm literally her favourite seeing how every single day after school I would go to Eren house
"She hated it at first. But you know what she will hate?" He said looking at me more intensely
I furrowed my eyebrows "what?"
He pointed at my nose "that damn Septum piercing"
Oh yeah. "She will probably tie a string to it and pull me around" I laughed
Eren nodded "definitely"
"So how is Carla? Still the same?" I asked because I haven't seen her in forever
"She's good still the same" He said while putting his hair back in a bun
I nodded and smiled at him then turned my gaze towards the window.
"Where is that necklace I gave you on Valentine's Day?" I asked because that shit was fucking expensive. I don't expect him to have it because of what happened before I left though.
"I burned it" he shrugged. Asshole.
I looked at him with an emotionless face. Really? He burned it? I still have the fucking scarf that I will gladly shove down his throat.
"I'm kidding!" He broke out into a smile "wanna see it?"
"You have it on you?" I asked confused
"Yeah look" he said while putting a hand inside his shirt and revealing the key necklace. So he's been wearing it ever since.
"You kept it." I smiled softly at him.
"Yeah just kinda stuck with me"he shrugged
"So How's Levi?" He asked while taking a sip out of my coffee. Asshole.
"Still the same. Short and scary." I said which Eren laughed at
"He can't be that scary anymore"
See the thing was during our childhood Levi would know I hangout with Eren so Levi Absolutely hated Eren for some reason and I'm pretty sure he still hates him.
"Wanna tell him that?" I smirked because Eren use to be deathly afraid of him
"No. I'm good." He said far to quickly meaning that he's still scared of a 5'3 person. Eren is 6'3 how is he still scared.
"So..." he began "how was High school?" He asked slowly to see what my reaction would be.
Oh it was great you would have known if you fucking called or text. "It was fine." I said sharply. Sure me and Eren had a lot of good memories together but when he said I was the worst decision he ever made and I should just leave like my dad did, that really fucking hurt me. I was scared to make new friends when I got to the new school. I'm fine now but the memory just stuck.
"Sorry" I mumbled while running my hand down my face.
"Mikasa-" he started but cut off by shouting at the door
"Mikasa!" Sasha yelled while running up to me. Everyone else following behind her "I've missed you" she said while kissing my cheek and walking away to grab a chair
I laughed "I saw you an hour ago"
"Feels like two" Ymir said now with a sling on her arm
"How's the shoulder?" I asked while sliding my chair over so sasha could put hers
Ymir pulled up two chairs one for her and one for Toria "it's fine now still hurts and I can't play football till it's fucking healed" she said while frowning a little
"It's fine! Once you get back every team will eat dog shit for how good you play" Reiner said literally popping up from nowhere.
They got into their own conversation and I was zoning out not paying attention. I looked up and was met with a pair of green eyes that I use to love. I raised my eyebrows at him because he was starring at me but he just shook his head, a sad smile playing on his face.
3449 words
Not edited
Hope you guys like this chapter😩🙏 remember to vote and comment❤️
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yandere! souichi tsujji x reader | exxus
「 " 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙨𝙚𝙩 𝙢𝙮 𝙨𝙤𝙪𝙡 𝙖𝙡𝙞𝙜𝙝𝙩! "」Ah. What a peculiar boy.-This story depicts an unhealthy relationship between the reader and a fictional male created by none other than Junji Ito. Junji Ito is a talented mangka artist, whose main art genre is alternative horror and gorey thriller. If you are uncomfortable with males - including, this specific male, who happens to be outwarding possesive, obsessive behavoirs such as kidnapping, stalking, and other physical/mental harm, please do not read this. well.Anyways, back to the warning. This story also contains graphic descriptions of violence, kidnapping, torture, Stalking and nonsensual kissing. This is your first and final warning.If you do not like the story, remove from your library and unfavorite it in silence please. If you feel safe and stable... read on! I guess.
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