《Isabella Marie Swan》Chapter 12



"Bye Alpha. I'll see ya later" in give Alpha a great big hug before I run off for ,y first day of school. I have not yet learned how to hide my markings but I thought they where pretty so I asked Aunt Alice, Alphas mate to must me in the dress I am wearing.

The necklace i have worn since before i was found by Jake. But as i walm ingo the classroom everyone stares at my marking. I can hear how everyone is saying pretty I look.

The teacher asks me to come and introduce me to the class room. "My name is Isabella Sophia Renesmea Cullen or you can call me Alpha. I call my mother Alpha because she is one. And I have one thing to ask of you.... Do not make me mad or you will be regretful. That is all. " I say politely and walk to my seat.

"What an interesting introduction.... so back to class...." the teacher said as I watched closely taking notes and paying attention.

"Ms. Isabella class has been over for about 5 minutes already are you ok?" My teacher asked.

"Mmm?" I looked up "oh sorry it's just I need about half an hour alone for now.... I will be in the woods.... and I don't care how much homework I get I need this time..." I say

"I mean i guess that's ok.... I will still be calling your mother, about this... so please be safe..." my teacher confirms

"I always am... and Ms.H" I say as the markings on my body glow lightly. And rush to the forest.

Once in the forest o shift... 'Alpha!' I call telepathically. I know she is in her wolf form.

'Little Alpha! What are you doing out of school and shifted!' She sounded angry.


'I can't control it... Alpha you know that... and my marking started to glow.... I started to get scraed... Momma please.... I can't go back.... I have no control.... or at least we can practice... please' tears start to form.

'Alpha you have to go to school or you won't see Jake so go back to class right now or I will shift go to the school and... and... show everyone your secret and the vutori will find ya.... go now....and only call me Alpha you here me?' She yells...she has never been mad at me before.

'Yes alpha. Right away...' I tremble in fear and shift back and hangs around the play ground. Everyone was playing and I was by my self.

"Isabella...." a small voice comes from behind me. I turn around.

"Please call me Isa or Alpha....and who may you be?" I ask

"X-xander Love..... But please call me X....." she smiled

"Well would you like to come over to my home today? I want to introduce you, my only freind, to my family.... it's really big..." I say

"Of course." She smiled. I hug her then I go and head back to class.

-------------After School at 3:30 pm--------------

"Come on X!" I sqeak.

"I'm coming.... why are we heading into the wood?" She asked

"I have watched you today and it seems like you don't have a single friend..... am I correct?" I ask

"Yes...your my only one...and I'm am orphan.... so talk to no one...."

"Ok then....you might want to stand back..." I say as I shift.... I smiled lowering down letting her get on

"So pretty Alpha"

'Alpha! I made a freind...she is with me at the moment....' i sqeak


"LITTLE ALPHA!!!!!" She growled as I turned around to see her eyes a deep crimson red. I lowered down and Xander got off as I shifted back and walked over to her.

"Alpha..." I lower my head and submit.

"You dare being a human to our house full of vampires, wolves shuttered and 2 hybrids... and you human, might not want to tell anyone... my entire family has remained his dad since i turned I to a wolf vampire hybrid so if you want to liv-"

"But alpha I'm her only friend and she's an orphan...." I interrupt her.

"Oh, alpha you might not want to do that.."

"X... please.... go" she frowned.

"Ok see you at school tomarrow...and Mrs. Cullen I would like to ask permission to stay at your house t omarrow night and stay with Alpha.... she is the very first freind I have ever made." She sounds happy...

My mother looks at her and sighs "of course....i will be picking both of you up t omarrow afternoon. Bye sweet girl" she smiled

"Thanks so much. Ma'am"

"Your very welcome." Mother smiles. And Xander runs off.

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