《Full Circle》21
Again: Warning, massively long chapter ahead...Just in case :P
"I should have been able to see him, There is no way that James could get to her house without me seeing. He can punch holes through my visions but he can't make himself disappear. The only reason I can't...Jacob"
"What?" Rosalie asked
I didn't answer, I didn't really have the time so I just took off knowing that Rosalie would follow me as I left.
I wasn't sure what was going on, my mind was racing so fast that my body was struggling to keep up with it.
I was angry at Jacob for being at Bella's but hopeful that he could keep Bella away from James
I was concerned because Jazz was with Bella and Jacob wouldn't have liked it though it wasn't as if Jacob and James were going to form an alliance over their hatred over my family.
Rosalie was following me quickly, she knew where I was headed but she didn't know why exactly that was the case.
All I knew was that I wasn't going to let my kiss with Bella on the baseball field be our last kiss.
I knew I probably should have called my family but I didn't have time, I didn't even have time to speak to my sister who was with me.
I just had to get to my love before James could do anything.
We continued running through the trees until we reached the clearing, I didn't realize how far Rosalie and I had gone until we were out there. I paused for a moment, Bella's smell was all around me. I knew I didn't have time to pause but I was distracted and my brain wasn't functioning properly
FLASHBACK - Friday night
We were silent for a few moments as Bella sat on her bed with her head in her hands.
I wanted to comfort her but I thought that she needed space as well
"If you want me to wait outside..." I began
Bella looked up quickly with a furrowed brow
"That's the last thing I want Al" Bella said shaking her head
"I'm sorry that Jacob treated you like he did" I said as my eyes narrowed at the thought of her so called best friend
"Don't apologize for him" Bella replied
"Sorry" I mumbled
"Stop apologizing" Bella said as she cracked a smile
"Sor.." I began
"Alice" Bella warned with a smirk
"Right, no apologizing" I nodded "So are you sure you're okay? I mean I know you're not okay but...what I'm trying to say to you is that I feel terrible about what happened and I want to know if there's anything I can do to make it better"
"You can come and sit next to me" Bella said
I moved to sit next to her and she shuffled closer into me as soon as my body hit the mattress. She looped her arm around mine, resting her head on my shoulder
"It isn't your fault so you don't have to feel bad" Bella mumbled
"Well I'm the reason you two fought" I shrugged "I may hate Jacob Black but I love you and I caused the fight between you and someone that means a lot to you"
"You tried to warn me that he was coming up behind me but I didn't listen. You also had nothing to do with the argument, as I said to Jacob; it is about what I want and no one else" Bella said "I want to do this and if he can't accept me then I guess I'll just have to get over that"
"I did try and warn you" I nodded with a joking tone
"I'm just sorry that Jacob found out when you told me not to tell him and now you guys are in danger" Bella said "As much as I'm upset with Jacob, I'm more upset with myself about what I've done"
"You have no need to apologize sweetheart, you did no wrong" I cooed gently "They were going to find out anyway"
"Thank you" Bella responded in a little more than a whisper "I just can't believe he said that he would rather me be dead"
I felt a small growl fighting to escape out of my chest due to the memory of what Jacob had said to my Bella but I suppressed it because I didn't want to startle her.
"He wouldn't have meant it" I replied "He was just caught up in the moment"
"Are you defending him?" Bella asked taking her head of my shoulder
"What? No" I said shaking my head and I laughed dryly "Of course I'm not defending that mutt. What I'm doing is trying to make you feel better by telling you what I think. As much as it makes me really angry to say it, he's just worried for you but I think he was more upset with you choosing me over him more than anything"
"He should have known that I would always choose you" Bella replied "I mean it's not like it came from nowhere"
"No I know" I nodded "And I love you for choosing me. I can't express to you how much that means to me"
"Of course I was going to choose you, you're my mate" Bella shrugged as if it was nothing
"And you're mine" I replied "I'm thankful everyday for it"
"This is going to work right?" Bella asked "Me being a vampire? Your family is going to accept me once I'm one of you?"
"Of course it's going to work" I nodded confidently "If you want this then we will make this work. My family already love you like you're one of us. Edward and Rose will just have to accept it"
"But what if they all change their mind about me?" Bella asked nervously
"Well they're not going to but if they did then we would go somewhere" I shrugged simply "We could go anywhere"
"You'd leave?" Bella asked raising her eyebrows
"What, you don't think I'm committed to you?" I asked
"No, I know you are but that's a big deal" Bella said "Leaving your coven, your family"
"You're my family too Bella" I replied
She blushed a shade of pink and I couldn't help but smile
"You're an adorable human Bella Swan" I smirked
"You're a pretty adorable vampire" Bella responded quietly
"I wonder what you're going to smell like to me when you're a vampire" I pondered aloud
"What?" Bella asked raising her eyebrow
"Well you're smell to me now drives me crazy. It makes me want you so much but at the same time it's just so comforting to have that smell around me because then I know that you're beside me" I shrugged "Smell is one of the most important things to vampires. I just wonder what you'll smell like"
"Hopefully I'll smell like you guys" Bella said shrugging "As much as you love how I smell, I love how you smell even more"
"This time tomorrow hopefully this will be over" I said quietly
She leaned moved her head and leaned over to place a soft kiss on my cheek
"Do you think it will be as easy as that though?" Bella asked
"No" I replied honestly "I just hope it goes that easily"
"Are you afraid?" Bella asked
"I'm just concerned at the fact that he can punch holes through my visions. I'm not comfortable with not being able to see what's happening and with him, he's making me wait it out until it happens" I said furrowing my eyebrows as I ducked my head slightly
"What like the rest of us?" Bella asked
"Yes but I'm not like everyone else Bells. I have an ability and I'm supposed to be able to use it. I can't protect you as much if I don't have it" I grumbled in frustration
"Whatever happens, you'll work it out" Bella replied "You won't let him get me, I know you won't because you love me and I trust you with my life"
"I do love you" I nodded
"Good because I love you too" Bella responded sweetly
I felt so sick as I remembered how much Bella said she trusted me and I realized just how much I had let her down
"Alice" Rosalie said, placing a hand on my shoulder
I snapped out of it and I took off again.
I heard Rosalie sigh loudly at my lack of explanation once again but she followed me very quickly.
"You stupid mutt!" Jazz screamed at the top of her lungs "This is your fault!"
"You should have been taking better care of her!" Jacob exclaimed
I was getting closer to the house but I began to panic, I couldn't sense Bella and they seemed to be arguing over something
"How am I supposed to take better care of her when you come and distract me like that, trying to pick a fight with me?" Jazz hissed venomously
"If your family of bloodsuckers weren't around then she wouldn't be in this situation" Jacob growled
"I have to call Alice" Jazz said
"Where is she?" I asked as I stopped in front of them
I looked up at the house and I couldn't hear her heartbeat
"Alice..." Jazz began
".She?" I asked, pronouncing every single word
"I was guarding Bella when Jacob and his pack of inbred dogs came in only a minute ago and James was in and out before I could do anything" Jazz said shakily "I'm so sorry, I've called everyone, they want us to come home so we can figure this out quickly"
My stomach and my heart dropped.
He's gotten her
James had won and he had taken Bella
I had let her down
"You should have kept a better eye on her" Jacob replied quickly "I'm going to call the rest of the pack and we're going to get her back. We'll be able to sniff her out"
"You've done enough damage" Jazz growled
I shook my head slowly and I rushed into her house
"Bella?" I called as I looked in the kitchen "Bella? Baby?"
I was only met by silence when I entered her room
On her bed sat the baseball cap I had made for her and her half packed suitcase
The window was open, it looked like James had literally been in and out when he took her
She was really gone and I couldn't see her because of Jacob
"You should know you aren't welcome here" I seethed as I returned to the driveway
"I came to apologize for what I said yesterday" Jacob replied
"And look how well that turned out!" I exclaimed "She's gone and it's your fault. Because of you, I couldn't see her. James knew I couldn't see when you were around and he took advantage of that"
"I want to help" Jacob said seriously "I want to help get her back"
"You want to help?" I exclaimed angrily, I felt my entire body shake with rage "You have done enough! You have caused enough of this! I can only imagine what your help is going to do"
"I want to kill this bloodsucker as much as you do" Jacob said through gritted teeth "He took my Bella"
"Oh so she's yours?" I asked furrowing my eyebrows "Did she happen to confess to you that she was yours when you were distracting Jazz so James could take her?"
"That wasn't my fault" Jacob replied "My pack would have done a better job of looking after her. You leeches are nothing but bad news for her"
"We take good care of her" Jazz snapped
"Oh really?" Jacob asked
"Both of you just...shut up!" I yelled angrily "We don't have time for this! He has her and we have to go get her back before something else happens to her. I will not be responsible for her death"
"We have to get home" Jazz said nodding as I began to walk to the car quickly
"Let me help" Jacob said as his voice quietened "Please"
"You really think she's going to let you help after what you've done?" Jazz asked "Why would she?"
"Because I'm in love with Bella too" Jacob replied "I love her just as much as you do"
"Do not tell me that you're in love with her just as much as I am!" I yelled as I saw red. I turned on my heel and walked to Jacob, stopping with I was right in front of him "I have waited for her my entire life and without her I have nothing. If she dies then I will die too so don't you tell me that you love her as much as I love her. You couldn't possibly imagine how much I love her. Why on earth would I let you help when you have kissed her when she didn't want it and when you blocked my sight so I couldn't see her being taken so I couldn't protect my Bella. You would just be impeding things further because I can't see things when you're around. I'll deal with you when this is all over so when I get her back, expect me to come after you and rip you limb from limb"
Jacob actually flinched as the words came out of my mouth
My eyes had turned black and my chest was heaving from the unnecessary breathing I was doing. I backed away from Jacob and headed to the car. I got in wordlessly and Jazz took off, the tires screeching as we sped home
"Alice, I'm so sorry" Jazz mumbled "I should have taken better care of her. I shouldn't have been distracted"
"Jazz I don't feel like talking to you right now" I replied as I placed my head in my hands
"We're going to get her back" Jazz replied
"Then why haven't I seen anything yet? Who knows where she is now or what he's done?" I asked
"He hasn't decided so you haven't seen it. She's still alive because you haven't seen anything" Jazz explained "We'll get her back"
"I just feel so helpless" I groaned "She's gone and I'm driving home. I don't know what to do"
"We'll figure it out" Jazz replied
"If he hurts...if she...doesn't make it...then I'm going to the Volturi and I'm requesting to die" I shut my eyes tightly, shaking my head
"Don't speak like that" Jazz snapped
"Like what Jazz?" I exclaimed as I looked to my sister "Don't tell me how to speak when you have no idea what I'm feeling right now!"
"I know exactly how you're feeling" Jazz said "I always know what you're feeling"
I stayed silent, shaking my head still as we arrived home.
Jazz had really sped through the streets to the point where I wondered how she was staying in control
"Alice" Esme said sympathetically as I walked inside
She pulled me into a tight hug but I didn't feel anything at that point but negative emotions
Once she let go of me I moved to the corner of the room to face my family who were all looking at me
"I just don't understand why we're sitting here when she's out there" I said through gritted teeth "Why are we just waiting?"
"We don't know where he's gone" Carlisle said "And he'll let you know when he's made a decision. He's playing with you Alice, Bella will be fine for now"
"Until he decides that he wants to hurt her and then I won't make it in time" I shook my head
"We'll get her back" Edward said
"And what do you care?" I snapped "What makes you care to get her back? Don't act like you didn't want this"
"Alice I don't want her to be a vampire" Edward said "That doesn't mean I want her to die"
"I really don't want to talk about this" I replied bitterly "I just want to go and find Bella"
"Where are we going to look though Ali?" Jazz asked
"Anywhere, everywhere!" I exclaimed as I looked to my sister "Why am I just standing here when I could be tracking him down?"
"He's escaped us a few times now Alice" Carlisle said "We don't know where he would have taken her"
"Does it really matter?" I asked "Can't we just look around Forks?"
"Jazz did you see anything while Jacob was around?" Carlisle asked
"No, Jacob and his friends were yelling for Bella and I asked her if she wanted to see them but she said that she just wanted to get packed and go so she could see you" Jazz said turning to me "She asked me if I would go get rid of them quickly so I went down and I spoke to Jacob. He wanted to pick a fight with me then I sensed James before it was too late. I tried to go after him but he was too fast"
"That's our problem" Emmett said "He's always too fast or he's always one step ahead"
"He's always going to be one step ahead" I mumbled "He knows how to exploit my visions and he's been doing a real good job of confusing me and making me frustrated"
"Well we're going to get him this time because he's going to have nowhere to run" Carlisle said "He's got Bella so the next step is going to be drawing Alice to him"
"And when he does, I'm going" I admitted
"Alice you can't give him what he wants" Edward scolded
"What else am I supposed to do?" I asked "I'm at a loss here of how to protect her right now. Whatever I do isn't good enough and it hasn't worked"
"If you go to him then he'll want to kill you" Edward said
"Yeah but if I don't go then he'll kill Bella" I nodded "I know whose life I choose to save so I will be going to her"
I decided that I had heard enough
Making my way up to my room, I opened my door to look to my bed where she had been just hours earlier
I sighed quietly before I walked over to my bed, sitting on the edge
"Ali" I heard Jazz say as she entered my room
"I really don't want to talk right now" I mumbled
"You have to" Jazz said "You can't just hide out in your room while this is going on. Bella needs you"
"Well right now I'm hiding in the house anyway so what difference does it make what room I'm in?" I snapped "And yeah maybe, Bella does need me but she probably needs someone who can be reliable and who can protect her"
"Alice why are you saying that?" Jazz asked
"I never should have gotten involved with her" I said shaking my head "I never should have let her fall in love with me and I never should have fallen in love with her. I should have known better but I didn't"
"What does that all mean Ali?" Jazz asked "She's your mate, you can't help your feelings for her"
"This is all my fault" I placed my head in my hands
"It's not" Jazz said sympathetically
She went to walk to me but I stood quickly and moved to the corner of my room
"Just...don't" I shook my head "Please"
"Okay" Jazz said cautiously "This isn't your fault though and you deserve to be happy, which is what you are when you're with Bella. I have seen you with and without her, you are so much better off with her"
"But she isn't better off with me, is she?" I asked "She would be better off dating some normal girl"
"Well that's up to her to decide, not you" Jazz replied simply "You didn't get to choose to love her, it just happened. It was the same with Bella. Even if you two wanted to move on which by the way, you don't, you wouldn't even be able to anyway"
"I should have stayed with her Jazz, I never should have left her tonight" I said "I promised her that I would stay by her side and keep her safe"
"He'll make a decision sooner rather than later and you'll get a chance to make it up to her by killing James" Jazz said "And I know you'll be able to do it"
"I just...I just want to be left alone for now" I whispered painfully "Okay?"
"Of course" Jazz replied understandingly
She exited the room swiftly, closing my door behind her
I looked around my room quickly and I spotted a photo of Bella and I
Picking up the photo, I sighed heavily as I heard the conversation downstairs
"She isn't being rational" Edward said quietly
"Her mate was kidnapped" Jazz replied in an annoyed tone "I think she is allowed to be a little irrational. I'm telling you, she just wants to be alone right now"
"She's blocking me out" Edward said "Thinking about other things"
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