《Will you be mine?》Chapter 11



I parked my car in the schools parking lot. I got out and walked to my first classroom, nervous about starting in a new school. I sat down in a random seat and nearly fainted when i saw Bella walk into the room. I overheard her friend say that i looked cute and i smiled. Bella looked like she was going to kill her and i had to stop myself from laughing out loud. Bella walked closer and closer to me and i got excited. Then, when she sat down beside me i nearly screamed with happiness. But before i could talk to her i was asked to introduce myself. I stood up and told the class that my name Alice Brandon, that i was 18 and that my favourite subject was art. Whilst i was talking some of the boys wolfwhistled. I gve them a glare and sat down. I turned to Bella and said Hi, but she ignored me and turned around slightly. I felt pain rip through me. I let the hurt appear on my face for a second but then made my face blank. She ignored me for the rest of the lesson and only talked in low low whispers to her friend, to low for even me to hear.

It struck me as odd that her friend could hear her. Then it occured to me that maybe her friend was a vampire aswell. I wondered who her friend was. I suddenly found i was jealous. I cleared that thought out of my mind and concentrated throughout the lesson. The second it was over i left and went straight to my next lesson but i couldn't concentrate. All i could think of was Bella. I decided that i needed to speak to her.

2 hours later and i was standing infront of her car, waiting for her to go home. I saw her walk down the front steps and to my irritation she was with her friend. I sighed and watched her walk closer and closer to me. When she saw me she stopped abruptly and walked the other way. Wait! I shouted, the desperation clear in my voice. She was silent for half a minute before she turned around and said, fine what do you want. Can we talk i begged, please we need to talk, fine she said and what do you have to say. What was she talking about? Why was she so angry. She laughed at my confusion and told me to get in her car. I got in and she drove me to her new house, her friend still with her...

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