《Mr. Professor [A Jeon Jungkook FF]》TWENTY SEVEN


You breathed heavily and your chest went up and down constantly. He was doing things to you with his eyes and you could feel that very well.

Closing his eyes for just a second, he picked up the bottle of shower gel and poured it into his hands. Making some foam with it, he started to apply it on your neck, shoulders, and arms.

He washed you up completely in just 5 minutes. You picked up the bottle again and then started to apply the gel on him.

You began with his biceps, then his buffed chest, and finally, down to his abs. You were so focused on washing him up that you didn't notice how he was literally eye-fucking you.

Both of you were done with the shower and as he said, you really felt relaxed. You didn't know whether the shower relaxed you or his caring attitude towards you. All you knew was, you needed him at all costs. He's made you so dependent on himself because of his loving and affectionate side.

"You wanna eat?" He asked heading out of the shower along with you. You shook your head in denial.

"You wanna eat? I'll cook for you." You told standing in front of the mirror of his room.

"Yes." He replied walking closer to you and snaking his arms around your waist from the back.

"What do you want to eat? I'll cook anything." You told drying up your hair with the towel.

"I want to eat you." He told sniffing your neck because you smelled totally like him.

"I'm not a chicken Koo." You chuckled.

"But I want to eat you." He said suddenly taking a light bite on your neck. Your mouth flew open at the sensation.

"What are you up to?" You managed to ask while he was busy biting your neck after turning you to himself.


He held the skin of your neck between his bunny teeth for a few seconds and then sucked it hungrily. You were alien to his this side. You moaned when he pulled out after teasing your sensitive skin for some time.

"A fresh hickey on my fresh meal." He smiled proudly making you turn back to the mirror.

"Oh! It looks pretty though." You murmured unconsciously.

"Does it?" He asked pecking your cheeks.

"Thank you Jungkook." You smiled taking a closer look at the hickey.

"You can rest. I'll call you when I'm done cooking. After that, I'll study." You dictated your entire schedule to him while walking out of the room.

"She is weird for sure. Who leaves the room in such a moment?" He talked to himself scoffing at your stupid behavior.

"Why the heck did I get carried away?" He wondered while wearing clothes.

Lust was dominating his pure heart but he couldn't come to ask you. He witnesses your naughty behavior but he was not sure if you'll be comfortable with that. Also, the thought of you being pretty immature and sensitive made him overthink a lot.

"Jungkook, your food is ready." You shouted from the kitchen pulling him out of the trance.

"Coming." He yelled back and walked out of the room.

He took his food to the room so that your studies are not disturbed. That was the most important thing to him. You barely noticed that as you were so lost in your books

You were finally done with your studies and you were satisfied with your effort as well. You focused and understood the concepts deeply.

Setting the stuff aside, you decided to sleep as you were tired.

You entered the room and saw him busy with some papers. You jumped on the bed beside him.


"What are you doing?" You asked poking his forearm with your index finger.

"Some official work. Why do you ask?" He replied keeping the papers aside.

"I wanna sleep." You told putting your head on his chest.

"Likewise." He murmured.

"What are you waiting for? Let's sleep." You told sitting straight and he nodded.

A month passed and you were finally done with your exams. You were so happy at the fact that you've now a degree.

People will laugh at you because you're so hyped up by just having a Bachelor's degree in Liberal arts. But only you know your struggles. The ups and downs of your life shook you to the core and you lost all the hopes.

Thanks to Jungkook, he made it all possible for you. He loved you and healed you.

"Y/n, guess what?" He rushed to you with so much excitement and nervousness in his voice.

"What?" You asked uninterestedly.

"I applied for your master's program at the University of Redlands. They've accepted you!" He shouted pulling you into a hug. It took you a minute to comprehend all the stuff.

"What the heck! Are you serious?" You asked jumping.

"Yes! See this." He flashed the screen of his phone in front of you.

"You're gonna pursue your Master's in California! Oh my god, Y/n! I'm so happy for you." He smiled placing a peck on your cheeks.

"Oh shit!" You facepalmed yourself.

"What's wrong?" He asked.

"It's in California right?" You confirmed.


"I'm not going."


"I can't even think of living without you Jungkook. No." You shook your head constantly.

"Hey, you've got a golden opportunity. How can you reject this? I'm not going anywhere. I'll come to see you often and even you can visit me sometimes." He told with a tired sigh.

"No Jungkook. Whether it's a degree or whatever, I can't afford to stay away from you. Would you like it if I'm not able to study because I'm missing you to pieces?" You replied with a cracked voice.

"Y/n, can't you see how helpful it will be for you? We can be a long-distance couple for a few years. What's wrong with that? You're going and that's final." He said shaking your frame slightly.

"Jungkook, please don't do this to me. Why don't you understand?" You slightly raised your voice which was already cracking because of the lump in your throat.

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