《Mr. Professor [A Jeon Jungkook FF]》SEVEN


"Oh my god! You sing so well! Why didn't I know?" Bong Soon said while clapping her hands.

"I just sing as a hobby sometimes." Namjoon beamed.

"But you're indeed a good singer." Taehyung again interrupted from the backseat making you roll your eyes.

"Would you stop intervening in our conversation?" Bong Soon said with a mad expression. You clutched her hand and shook your head trying to stop her.

"Hey, don't talk like that." Namjoon said looking at the two of you doubtingly. Maybe, he got a hint that something was going on.

"It's okay. I'm sorry." Taehyung said shrugging his shoulders.

"Taehyung, you can sit beside him and talk. I'll sit in the backseat." You suggested and his eyes shone instantly.

"Really?" He asked and you nodded with a smile.

"No, stop it Y/n." Bong Soon said and followed you to the backseat.

"Why are you doing this to yourself?" She asked with 'I am so done' expressions on her face.

"It's fine. I need to let him go anyways." You murmured and looked out of the window.

"When will you stop being so modest? I'm tired of handling your overkind behavior Y/n!" She said. Dismay could be felt in her voice.

"I'm sorry. Would you please leave me alone for some time?" You asked with an almost cracking voice. She nodded and shifted with another student.

You took out your phone and plugged in the earphones and played some music to relieve stress.

'Why is it so hard to let go? It's not hard to hold onto someone but letting go is so heart-wrenching. But it's better to not hold on to what's not mine. Healing is an illusion right now. I don't think I'll be able to heal myself quickly. Mom, are you watching me from up there? Why do I end up being miserable every time? Do I really deserve this? What's wrong with me? I shouldn't have been born.'


You thought while looking out of the window and your tears made their way out of your bambi eyes.

You were busy crying when the bus came to a halt. You quickly wiped your tears and put on a cold face.

"Get off. We're going to use the restroom." Bong Soon approached.

"I don't want to go. You can go ahead." You smiled at her. She nodded and one by one, everyone left.

You felt relieved because there's no one around you now and you don't really have to prevent your sobs now. You took out the earphones from your ears and closed your eyes for a moment and the cascade of tears followed.

"Mom, I miss you. I miss you more now that I know I won't be able to hear your voice ever. Why did you leave me alone? I've no one to lean on." You said choking on your tears but little did you know one person is still inside the bus listening to your cries.

Your professor, with whom you always share a strange moment was busy on his phone until he heard you crying. But what is he supposed to do? He can't come forward to comfort you but he can't tolerate hearing you cry either.

"I had only you. I don't have a dad like the other kids and now I don't even have you. You cheated. You promised to stay but you left me here all by myself." You cried more.

That was the edge! Jungkook stood up while tossing his phone away and stormed towards the backseat to check on you. There you were, crying with half-open eyes. He was just a few steps away from you and you didn't even notice. He sighed.

"Y/n?" He called with a hint of softness in his voice. Your eyes shot up and you immediately corrected your posture and wiped off your tears.


"Y-yes, sir?"

"Here." He said forwarding his handkerchief in your direction. You took it from him and looked away.

"Stop crying. Come outside. You'll feel refreshed." He added and left.

Wiping your eyes gently, you slid his handkerchief into your pocket and got off the bus, and headed straight to the washroom.

You used the restroom first and then splashed some water on your face.

"This doesn't feel right." A familiar voice said. It's Bong Soon, you recognized it immediately.

"It's okay. We're doing it because of her. There's no bad." Another voice added.

You walked to the washroom from where the voice was coming. The very next moment, you heard soft and hard moans. Something nasty was going on!

You decided to wait outside the washroom. Minutes later, Bong Soon came out fixing her skirt followed by Taehyung.

Both of them froze seeing you standing right there.

"It's not what you think Y/n." She explained.

"Stop lying. Spill the truth." You said coldly.

"I'm not lying." She defended but got cut off by Taehyung.

"She knows already. Drop the act." Taehyung said.

"We're in a relationship for one year. You liked me and everyone could see that. We decided to conceal this fact to not hurt you. Also cooked up a story of me being gay so that you get over me." Taehyung spilled everything and you shook your head while scoffing in disbelief.

"You guys could have told the truth at the beginning itself. I feel betrayed." You told.

"I couldn't risk our friendship Y/n." Bong Soon said in a cracked voice.

"And you think you've saved our bond by doing this?" You asked sarcastically getting mad with every passing second.

"I'm sorry. I didn't want to hurt you." She said looking down.

"You're such a nice actor. I feel so sick now that I remember your fake sympathy." You chuckled.

"Guys, come on! The bus is leaving." A girl came and told. You left for the bus without any further conversation.

Getting onto the bus, you took the backseat which was all empty. You couldn't cry because you felt disgusted for getting played by them.

You were enraged at the thought of her being your friend. Her intention was right but her way was toxic!

You were drowned in your thoughts when Bong Soon came and sat beside you.

"Y/n, I'm sorry. Talk to me. Vent out your anger at least!" She said holding your hands. You shot daggers with your eyes at her and jerked off her hands harshly.

"Get lost for now. I'm not in a state to listen to your lies." You said.

"Y/n, behave yourself! This is not a way to talk." Taehyung interrupted.

"Really? Then tell your girlfriend to stay away from me." You said a bit loudly catching Namjoon's attention who's on the next seat.

"What the fuck is happening?"

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