《The Parent Trap》Chapter Fourteen


In that moment Shoto passed through the room with his swimming trunks on.

"Y/N do you wanna go for a swim?" He asked and she shook her head.

"I won't go for a swim but I suppose I could get some fresh air. Today's events have made me beyond tired." Sh said as she stood up getting ready to go.

"Oh hey Kirishima. How's it going?" Shoto asked as he spotted the red haired male sitting.

"It's been good just trying to keep up with all the drama that these two have created." He laughed which made the other man laugh as well.

"Can we just go already? I don't want to think about this day anymore." Y/N said before walking out of the room with the rest following behind her.

"What happened to her?" Shoto whispered to the others but Y/N managed to hear.

"Your two nieces lied to me making me come all this way and what makes things better is that their father didn't even know that I was here. The first time that I see him in all these years I saw him making out with some lady in the elevator." She explained.

"Wait... Really?" Sho asked as he tried to contain his laughter.

"Sho please don't make this day even worse by laughing at me." She grumbled as she continued walking.

"I'm not laughing at you couz. I'm laughing at the situation you got stuck in." He explained as if it were any better.

"Come to think of it you girls still haven't told me why I am here if you father doesn't even know I am supposed to be here." Y/N turned around stopping everyone.

"I think it's time for me to go." Kirishima said nervously.


"I'll come with you." Shoto said wanting to escape Y/N's wrath when she found out.

Katsumi had filled him up on everything that was going on on the plane while Y/N drank herself away.

"Wait! Does this mean that everyone knows what is happening except me?" Y/N asked as she saw the two's suspicious behaviour and probably figured out that they knew too.

"N-no. I don't know any-" Shoto tried to justify himself but was cut off by Katsumi.

"Mom, daddy is getting m-married." She blurted it out not wanting to delay the matter anymore.

"Oh... Married I see " Y/N said simply.

"To Cruella de Ville. Mom she is awful. We can't let him marry her." Katsuko added in desperation.

"Girls your father is a grown man and is more than capable of deciding who he wants to marry." Their mother said trying to reason with them.

"But she is wrong for him. The only one he is supposed to marry is... You tell her she knows you more." Katsumi said turning to her twin.

"If he sees you again..." Katsuko started but was cut off by her mother.

"You are trying to fix me up with your father, aren't you?" Y/N question but she already knew the answer as both girls looked down.

"You told me your love story. It can't just end so sadly. You two are perfect for each other." Katsumi said.

"A match made in heaven." Katsuko added.

"And you two, did you know about this?" Y/N asked turning to the two who were trying to escape.

They both froze in place as they felt the dagger from her eyes shooting at them.

"To be fair I only found out about this on the plane ride here." Shoto justified as he turned around to look at his cousin while Kiri had no valid reason to help him escape her wrath.


"Well it not my fault that I hate that woman's guts and ship. Katsuyn." The red head simply stated giving up on trying to find an excuse.

Y/N just sighed in frustration as she looked at all of them.

"I'm only going to say this once. Bakugo and I have nothing in common... anymore besides the girls. And in case you haven't noticed he seems quite content with his long haired, short-skirted fiancee. I want you two to explain to your father that my only reason of being here is to switch you two back. Now go get this done, understood?" Y/N said firmly making both girls nod their heads immediately.

And before anyone could say anything she walked into the elevator leaving them in the hallway.

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