《The Parent Trap》Chapter Three


Soon Katsuko arrived at the camp and to say that the stares from the other campers was annoying her would be an understatement.

"WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU EXTRAS STARING AT!" She yelled and everyone's sweat dropped as they quickly looked away.

Katsuko tsked as she went to grab her bag completely ignoring the director and his daughter who were barking orders at everyone. It was completely clear to her that she was going to suffer in this hellhole for a month.

"Hi, I am Kira." A shorter girl came up and introduced herself to Katsuko which made her shoot daggers at her.

"Did I ask you?" Katsuko asked clearly annoyed by the whole environment of the camp.

The girl ran away almost peeing herself from the tone that Ko used.

'Damn weaklings'

She thought before she grabbed her bag and walked away to find the cabin that she would be staying for the next month.

"Why did you do this to me mom?" She quietly asked herself as she soon found her cabin.

Meanwhile Katsumi stepped out of the car excitedly. She took a big whiff of the air and a huge smile came upon her face.

The air smelled so much fresher. When she saw kids her age playing tag she immediately felt even more joy rush through her veins. She quickly bid her driver a goodbye before grabbing her bags and rushing to the other kids.

"Hi I'm Katsumi Bakugou!" She exclaimed excitedly which made the other kids flinch at her sudden appearance.

"Wow you look like the hero Dynamight..." One of the kids in the background awed at the girl's appearance.

"Oh, well that's because he is my dad." Katsumi responded and the boy felt like he would almost faint from the news.


The kids were awestruck as they all moved forward to question Tsumi about her dad which overwhelmed her a bit.

"Hey guys please move away. I'm not here to talk about my dad." She said and they all immediately moved away.

"Ah sorry about that. By the way I am Jaeden." The little boy from earlier introduced himself.

"It's nice to meet you Jaeden and I am Katsumi but I guess you know that by now since..." Her voice drifted as she looked at the kids who were still around her.

"Aish come on guys. Leave her alone." He said and soon the kids scattered leaving Katsumi, Jaeden and his friends.

His friends then introduced themselves and soon they were all bonding. Katsumi felt like she had known them her whole life.

"Guys I think it's time we go find our cabins. It's getting late." Jaeden interrupted the game which made Katsumi whine a bit.

"But it's still so early!" She cried out which made Jaeden and his friends laugh at her silly behaviour.

"We'll play more tomorrow." He assured her and soon they all went off in separate ways since they we were place in different cabin.

"And... Number ten... Finally found it." Katsumi sighed in relief as she found her cabin.

When she walked in she saw two girls inside. One had her back turned to the door and Katsumi couldn't see her face while the other sat quietly on the bed looking around the room boredly.

"HI GUYS I'M KATSU-" she exclaimed but was soon cut off.

"SHUT THE HELL UP! NOBODY CARES ABOUT WHO YOU ARE!" The girl on the bed yelled without even looking at her.

Katsumi felt her heart drop and she saw the other girl gesture her to come closer.


"Please don't make any noise, she will kill us if you do." The girl whispered to her in a scared tone.

"But that's not fair. This is our cabin too and we have as much rights as her." Katsumi complained before dropping her bags and walking up to the laying girl's bed.

"Excuse me..." She said as she shook the girl light.

The other girl was trying her best to not kill anyone on her first day this damn camp. Her mother wouldn't like to get such a call.

"Leave me the hell alone." The girl hinted slightly slapping Katsumi's hand away.

"No I want to talk to you. You need to stop being mean to us." Katsumi said now sitting on the side of the bed.

"I am not being mean. I am actually being nice by not killing you right now for daring to touch me." Spat the girl without even making eye contact with the other.

"You know the sooner you talk to me the soon I can leave you alone." Katsumi teased.

"Well you know the sooner you leave me alone the sooner the thoughts of blasting your face off will leave my head." Mocked the girl.

Katsumi slight flinched at her tone but she was not giving up. She had dealt with difficult people before, infact she was living with the worst one of them all so this girl was practically nothing compared to her father.

"My name is Katsumi. What is yours?" Katsumi asked still being very polite to the rude girl.

"I DON'T FREAKING CARE WHAT YOUR STUPID NAME IS YOU EXTRA! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" The girl pretty much flew up to a sitting position as sparks started to ignite on her right palm.

As they looked at one another their eyes could not help but widen.

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