《Lovely {Suicide squad}》Chapter 16


They had finally landed, after long hours filled with excruciating silence, not that Lin hadn't tried to break it several times only to be shushed and finally gagged. Now they sat, still in their wheelchairs mind you, waiting for someone to tell them what was going on. Lots of people were running around the small airport scene and many beds full of wounded soldiers and civilians were scattered in groups around the place.

Lin could barely see Harley who was sitting a small distance away from her but she was buzzing with anticipation to finally be reunited with her, physically that is. She hadn't been able to kiss or hold her since they were brought to Belle reve.

"Alpha Bravo team on me" An authoritative voice barks out.

"What the hell Flag" Another voice asked the first one when another criminal was wheeled into the scene.

The other criminal, which Lin recalled being called Killer croc, was letting out low growls and grunts and constantly fidget to try and break free from the binds.

"Unlock 'em" Flag tell his soldiers seriously.

Immediately soldiers surrounded the criminals and cautiously loosened the bonds tying them to their chairs and the ones taking care of Lin's barely dodged her hurried escape to Harley. The younger woman threw her arms tightly around the female clown and she could feel happy tears forming in her eyes. She truly had longed to have her arms around her love again, if only he was here with them. She push her tears down, now isn't the time to cry, now is the time to hold her girlfriend and make up for lost time.

"Hi" Harley giggled when she too had been released from her binds. Harley threw her arms around the shorter female and brings her up in a tight hug. "I've missed you, girlie"


"I've missed you too, Harls." Lin answer and leans down and press kisses on Harley's lips over and over again until the older woman had enough of Lin's teasing and instead held Lin closer by the head and started kissing her more aggressively.

Lin break free from Harley's tight grip and sit down in the other woman's chair and then grab Harley by the hips and pulls her down on her lap. The older woman giggle at the dominating gesture and connect their mouths again and in a futile attempt tries to dominate the kiss but it doesn't take long until Lin wins the battle and dominates the kiss again.

"Ladies!" Flag bark out impatiently, they don't stop kissing but Lin opens her eyes to glare at Flag before closing them again and focusing on the beautiful woman in her lap. "I'm serious!" He barks out again.

"Fine!" Lin growl out and Harley can't help but be reminded of the way Joker growled at her when she did something he didn't like or someone looked at Lin the wrong way and he was close to rage.

Harley turn around so that she was sitting with her back to Lin's chest and brings Lin's arms around her waist. She snuggles closer and Lin gently brush Harley's hair to the side and place a small kiss on the side of her neck before glaring at Flag. Tense silence followed when all of the soldiers and all of the bad guys stared at each other, daring the other to strike first.

When all of a sudden a "Huh?" rang out through the tense silence from a certain Harley occupying Lin's lap. "What was that? I should kill everyone and escape? Sorry, it's the voices" Harley laugh at the looks that were thrown towards her. "I was kidding, jeez. That's not what they really said"


"Who do we got here? Twelve pounds of shit in a ten pound sack" Flag comment when another bad guy was lugged into the scene inside a big bag. Flag ignores the zipper and instead cuts the bag open and the man inside it jumps to his feet. "Welcome to the part, captain boomerang"

Captain Boomerang instantly punches a guard in the face and tries to punch another but fails when the others grab him and forces him onto the cage like structure that they used to contain killer croc. "Hey, hey, hey! What's going on man?"

Flag pushes him and stares him down. "Calm down"

"Hey, one minute I'm playing mahjong with me nanna then this red streak hits me outta nowhere" His strong australian accent protest.

"Shut up! You were caught robbing a diamond exchange" Flag interrupt, not buying his excuses.

"I was not"

Lin was watching the exchange between the men with amusement, it was always amusing when men tries to show the other who's the boss. She sigh sadly when her thoughts once again turned to her clown love and she slipped into her own thoughts.

"Listen up!" Flag brings her out of her thoughts, again. "In your necks injection you got. It's a nanite explosive the size of a rice grain but it's as powerful as a hand grenade." Lin brings a hand up to where she got the injection sulkily, what a way to ruin the fun.

"You disobey me, you die. You try to escape, you die. You otherwise irritate or vex me and guess what, you die" Flag babble on.

"I'm known to be quite vexing. I'm just forewarning you" Harley tell Flag and Lin giggle at the little sign of disobedience.

"Lady shut up!" Flag yell out and Lin lets out an angry growl.

"Don't yell at her, it's not her fault" She finish off the sentence with a small cackle to truly weird them out.

"This is the deal, you're going somewhere very bad to do something that'll get you killed. But until that happens, you're my problem"

"So was that like a pep talk?" An african american man ask unimpressed by the supposed peptalk.

"Yeah, that was a pep talk" Flag answer while staring the man down. "There's your shit. Grab what you need for a fight. We're wheels up in ten"

"You might wanna work on your team motivation thing. You heard of Phil Jackson?" Deadshot ask Flag who responds with a curt 'yeah'. " He's like the gold standard, okay? Triangle, bitch. Study"

Lin and Harley get up as soon as Deadshot stops talking and run over to their boxes full with their 'shit' and two squeals fill the air.

AN: Okay this chapter took a ridiculous ammount of time to write but I hope you guys are happy with it and I hope I'll hear from you soon!

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