《Drarry Instagram // Eighth Year》E•I•G•H•T
HarryPotter: Going out tonight with Draco, cover for me if Mcgonagall's doing searches again x
RonW: And you didn't invite us...
HermioneJean: Ron! It's a dateeeee :))
RonW: I was not informed of this??
HarryPotter: Mione only knows coz she schemed with Pansy
RonW: I knew those two rooming together was a bad idea
HarryPotter: Dont call my going out on a date a bad idea, Ronald.
RonW: Sorry mate <3
HarryPotter: :)
HermioneJean: Boys 🤦♀️
Harry chucked, throwing his phone onto his bed and resuming the task of searching through his trunk for a somewhat decent outfit.
"So where you are going tonight, mate?" Ron asked from his spot on the bed. Yes they were in the same room. Yes they were still texting each other.
"Um, Muggle London. We're going to one of those haunted houses." Harry replied absent mindlessly.
Ron snorterd, "That's romantic,"
"Hey, we're going to a restaurant after!" He said defensively.
"Oh I'm sorry, I was not aware of that ridiculously lovey dovey affair."
Harry laughed and rolled his eyes, "Right, life or death question,"
"I'm all ears."
"Do I wear my contacts or glasses?"
"Ron! Come on this is serious!" Harry said desperately. "Draco thinks I look cute in my glasses, but do I want to look cute or do I want to look sexy?"
Ron looked perplexed, "Ummm, sexy is always good. Contacts?"
The black haired boy grinned and took off his glasses, making his way over to the mirror in their adjoining bathroom he carefully put the contacts in, blinking repeatedly to make sure he had done it correctly.
Draco groaned frustratedly, he flopped stomach first on his bed and decided to VideoChat Pansy. He pulled the most over the top pout he could muster when her face came into view.
"Hey darling, what's up?" She asked cheerfully. Wherever she was, Draco could tell it was windy since her hair was blowing behind her, occasionally whipping her in the face.
"I need help. Where are you?" He asked.
"Erm, just out with Blaise." She said nonchalantly. "He went to the kitchens to get a picnic for us but he didn't factor in the October weather." She added with a glare at someone who wasn't in the screen, Draco guessed it was Blaise.
He was proven correct when that someone let out a squak of disbelief, that could only come from Blaise Zabini.
"A picnic? Just the two of you?" Draco wiggled his eyebrows suggestively which made Pansy roll her eyes, "And I thought I was the only one with a date."
"Oh that's right!" She exclaimed, "What are you wearing? Where are you going?"
"Muggle London, a haunted house I think. Y'know, Halloween and all." He eyed the dark haired girl sceptically when she gasped and bit her lip. "Pansy Parkinson I know that look, what are you thinking?"
She smiled and reached over to pull Blaise into the screen, she kissed him on the cheek and said, "Blaise, sweetheart. We're going to have to cut this date short, our son needs us."
HarryPotter: Do I scare you @DracoMalfoyy
DracoMalfoyy: It scares me how attractive you are when you've got a fucking skull on your face xxx
HermioneJean: That took me ages to paint so @DracoMalfoyy if you two kiss BE CAREFUL!!!!!!
PansiePark: Let the smol children have their fun, Granger @HermioneJean
BlaizeZabi: I want my son home by 11, Potter!!!
DracoMalfoyy: Not the scariest Halloween costume out there but definitely the most badass :)
RonW: Kinda ruined the whole badass vibe when you put a fucking smiley face
PansiePark: Leave him alone @RonW he's pure damn it!!!
PansiePark: I really outdid myself with this outfit tho...
BlaizeZabi: I had to take down all my posters to get the plain wall background :(
DracoMalfoyy: AEsThEtIc @BlaizeZabi
HarryPotter: Fuckkkkkkkk my new wanking material ;)
HermioneJean: WHOA! PG, HARRY ^^
DracoMalfoyy: 😘😘 @HarryPotter
Pretty soon the young couple were on the Underground Tube, they got a few passing looks from strangers because of their outfits and makeup but they couldn't care less.
"So, Potter-"
"Harry," He automatically corrected, causing Draco to laugh.
"I know." He shook his head, "D'you have any idea where we're going after this?"
"Indeed I do," Harry smirked, "There's this really creepy mansion off Hyde Park that the Weasley's, Hermione and I used to sneak off to when we were staying in Grimmauld Place."
Draco modded thoughtfully, "And if you get scared?"
The green eyed boy laughed and raised an eyebrow, "If I get scared? What about you?"
The blonde scoffed, "Please, I practically grew up in a haunted house. You on the other hand..."
Draco sighed dramatically, "I hate to say it Potter but for a gay man, you are a bit of a pussy."
Harry gasped and grabbed the blondes waist, pulling them both down onto an empty seat on the train, "How dare you! I am the exact embodiment of a-a... brave person!" He then began to tickle Draco, delighting in the squeaks and laughter it brought from the blonde.
"Potter, no! HARRY! Stop!" His pale face was flushed, hair a mess and he was gasping for breath. He was smiling so widely his cheeks hurt, but it gave him a sense of pride that he'd managed to do the same to Harry who was looking like a kid on Christmas.
"Say I'm brave! Say it!" Harry demanded as he continued to tickle the blonde. They were probably disturbing the other passengers but there was only a handful on the same carriage as them, so who cares?
"Never!" Draco laughed stubbornly.
Harry stopped tickling the blonde and pouted, crossing his arms over his chest which proved to be a difficult feat considering Draco was still sitting on his lap.
"Aw Harryyyy," He cooed mockingly, stroking the others cheek, "Harry I'm sorry."
"No go away," the taller boy looked away.
Draco thought for a moment, "Would a kiss make it better?" He asked.
Harry bit his lip and seemed to think about this, "Can it be french?" He asked hopefully.
Draco laughed softly, "It can be any language you want."
And with that Harry grabbed Draco's head and smashed their lips together. Sticking his tongue down Draco's throat, he felt a smile spreading onto both of their fused lips. Draco's mouth tasted like it always did, honey and bonfires and it made Harry's brain go all foggy.
The blonde sighed contentedly when they pulled away for air, he laid his head on Harry's chest, grey eyes darting around to see if they had made anyone angry at their public display of affection. Luckily, they hadn't.
"Did that just scuff your makeup?" Draco asked.
Harry shrugged, raking a hand through his own black hair, "I don't think so, but even if it did, that was more than worth it."
When they got off the train and stepped outside into the crisp October evening air, Draco became very aware of the fact that he was only wearing the thin, studded top of his costume and nothing underneath.
Harry seemed to notice his boyfriends shivering and whipped off his hoodie, being careful not to ruin his makeup, and handed it Draco.
"Won't you get cold?" Draco asked, worriedly as he gingerly took the clothing item was Harry.
He shook his head, "Nah, I don't get that cold."
Draco nodded gratefully and put it on, hiding a small smile when he realised that it smelt like Harry.
Draco had to admit, whoever was in charge of decorating the house had done an outstanding job. There was a small queue to go in but pretty soon the couple were at the front of the line.
There was a fog machine so the entirety of the floor was covered by this dark grey cloud, the only source of light from inside the building was a single flickering bulb in the hallway, there were paintings on the wall that had been engineered to move like videos; that part didn't worry Harry and Draco since all the portraits at Hogwarts moved. There was also a ton of actors that had been hired to dress up like clowns, axe wielding murders, werewolves, vampires and corpse brides.
"This isn't so bad," Harry remarked when they got in, swinging their linked pinkie fingers back and forth.
Draco was about to nod in agreement but he was interrupted by a blood curdling shout from directly behind them. He only jumped in surprise, Harry screamed and turned around so violently that he forgot their fingers were still holding onto each other's.
"Ow, Harry!" Draco yelled when he felt his pinkie twist.
Harry inhaled loudly, looking around for the source of danger, seeing there was none he immediately turned back to Draco, "I'm so sorry, babe are you alright? Do I need to kiss it better?"
The blonde rolled his eyes, "I'm fine, scaredy cat."
Harry kissed it better anyway, butterflies fluttering inside Draco's stomach at the delicately in which he did it.
"You're the scaredy cat." Harry teased, "I saw you jump."
Draco gasped, "Oh alright! I jumped like a centimetre off the ground and you screamed like a banshee."
"Centimetre? Please, that was an inch."
"I'm not a cat, Potter, I cant physically jump an inch."
"Sure you can, inches are tiny fuckers."
"That's a centimetre."
"No you're thinking of a millimetre."
"Oh my god, shut up."
Harry had the whole plan of taking Draco to a romantic, formal restaurant for dinner. He didn't factor in that they'd be in costumes and have scary makeup on. So where did they end up? Burger King, of course!
"Do you want your hoodie back?" Draco asked, "It's not that cold in here."
Harry shook his head, shoving a fry into his mouth, "Keep it. It looks better on you anyway."
He smiled, "I know you wanted us to go somewhere fancy tonight but there's really nowhere else I'd rather be."
Harry grinned his lop sided smile back at him, "Me too."
They stayed way past their meal in Buger King, just talking and getting refills on their milkshakes. Harry's makeup had pretty much all rubbed off at this point, he had also gone to the bathroom to switch his contacts for his glasses and Draco had taken off his spike ridden jacket, just settling for Harry's hoodie.
When the two got back to Hogwarts it was well past 3AM. Their dorm rooms were next to each other and unable to contain giggles were heard from the room opposite. Pansy and Hermione were clearly up late.
"Thanks for tonight." Draco said quietly, "It was really fun."
"Anytime," Harry replied, bending down slightly to place a gentle kiss on the blondes soft lips.
"See you tomorrow," Draco whispered, kissing Harry's cheek, "I'll give you back your hoodie then."
Harry laughed, "I said you could keep it,"
He nodded, "Then I'll give it back to you when it no longer smells like you and you'll have to recharge it."
Harry chucked and shook his head, "God you're cute."
They shared a last kiss before heading into their rooms. Knowing they had classes tomorrow, Draco didn't even change out of Harry's hoodie before flopping down on the bed.
The Unspoken Heart
[ Completed ]Zoha's life has been weaved with tragical fate. Her parents died in a tragic car crash, when she was four. Her Dadi, or grandma, raised her with relentless love and care. She bloomed into an ambitious girl, studying to become an architect. Opposite of her was her cousin, Manal, daughter of her Zafar uncle, who lived in California, owning a restaurant. Manal always resented Zoha since the time she was really little. She is a conceited, spoiled girl, always proving to be better than Zoha.One day when Dadi leaves her too, Zoha feels she is forever left alone. There is no one who is close to her as her Dadi was. She feels weak and discouraged without support. And as much she tried to come out of the grief of loss, Manal's enmity intensifies and she has planned to kick her out of the house, by taunting and demeaning her self-esteem. But Manal's brother Shehryaar who comes to Pakistan from California, is a generous, kind person. He treats Zoha rather warmly. When Manal pressurizes Zoha to leave her house, because she stands as a problem to her, Zoha is all broken from inside. She can't move away from a house in which she grew up. She has memories of her childhood with dadi there. She doesn't realize when Manal's hate is that strong to throw her out of the house, so there is a strong pull of Shehryaar's kindness and love that keeps bringing her back. ******************************************************This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author's imagination or are used fictiously and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishment, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.
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Thorn | Neville Longbottom
Briar watched him with curiosity as he shuffled closer. He stumbled when he neared her but managed to steady himself before he fell. He slightly blushed and stuck out his hand with the dandelion in it. He murmured, "For you."She felt something odd happen in her chest. It felt like fluttering, she thought, but she tried to push these feelings away. She didn't want to acknowledge them. She didn't want them to be real. //Briar was just trying to survive her schooling at Hogwarts with the constant trouble her fellow students seemed to start, but the Ministry of Magic was determined to help each student find their soulmate through a series of letters and hints over their years at Hogwarts. Only problem? Briar didn't believe in love.SOULMATE AU // HP FANFICHighest Rankings:#1 in NevilleLongbottom#1 in Neville #1 in Soulmate#1 in SoulmateAU#1 in Slytherin#1 in Hogwarts#1 in DeathEaters#2 in HarryPotter#2 in Forbidden Love #3 in Gryffindor#6 in FanFiction/disclaimer: I don't own the Harry Potter characters or that universe. I only own Lorelei Jones and Briar Davies./[started - november 2020; finished - february 2021]
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