《My Bully Loves Me!?》The Truth 2


"Zuma, why? Why did he kissed me on the cheek?" I blurted out, blushing "Maybe he likes you too?" He said as I blushed more "That's just it! After that he said 'No homo' what is that even mean?" I asked him "I don't know, just observe him for a little while when he's discharged tomorrow" he replied as he went out if the bathroom, leaving me still blushing. A few seconds later, I went out the bathroom and into the classroom but as I did Zuma and Rocky were beside each other, the girl beside Rocky had to move in front of my seat, as the two were cuddling I envy them "Wish me and Marshall would be like that too" I whispered to myself "We could be like that" I heard someone whispered in my ear.

I turned around saw Rubble "Hahaha! You thought I was Marshall, didn't you buddy?" He said laughing "Shut up dude" I said annoyed but blushing due to embarrassment "Alright~" he teased me. A few minutes later, the teacher had arrived and classs had started, but as we did someone called my name "Psst, Chase" I hear someone with a familiar voice "Marshall?" I whispered but then Zuma laughed a little "Really Chase? You fell for that? Twice?" Zuma said still laughing quietly "You miss him, don't you Chase?" Zuma asked as I just blushed "Yeah...every single day" I said daydreaming about us together. I didn't even realize that class has been dismissed, we have 2 more subjects left till school is finished, sadly the last professor was absent due to a sickness and we were sent home early, as I were packing my things Rocky came to me and asked"So he's gonna be discharged tomorrow?" "Yep, so what will you guys to go home?" I asked them "Me and Rocky will ride by car, my car" Zuma said "Then you'll ride me?" Rocky teased him causing him to blush like a tomato "Wait...." Rubble said quietly but then we screamed "WHAT!?".


"Guys, he's the one who said it first when we're going here and yes he slept over at my house" Rocky said proudly "Rocky stop~" Zuma said in a seductive way. "Uhhh..." he blankly spoke "Rocky.exe has stopped working" Skye joked causing us to laugh, "How dare you be so cute!" Rocky said pinching Zuma's cheeks "So, you guys dating?" I asked as they nodded.

"Let's go home guys!" Rubble screamed as if he wants to go home already "Okay, okay, let's go" Skye said as she went out of the room. We were walking towards to the exit and said goodbye to everyone "Be safe guys!" I yelled, as I was about to open my car I heard a voice, seems like Marshall's voice.

"Can I join in?" "Rubble? Why aren't you..." I said turning around and saw Marshall standing "Home..." I dropped my keys in shock "Hey Chase" he said "A-are you real? Am I dreaming? Is this a-" I spoke but then cut off by Marshall hugging me "I'm real Chase, this isn't a prank" he said in a sweet voice "But aren't you supposed to be discharged tomorrow?" I asked as he start laughing a bit "Cute" I whispered blushing "I wanted to surprise you, the doctors told me yesterday that I can be discharged tomorrow so I told the nurse and my mom to tell you that I'll be discharged the next day after tomorrow" he said softly "Did you like it?" He asked me as I nodded "But I like you more" I said blushing as I leaned in for a kiss but stopped "S-sorry, I didn't know on what was I doing" I said completely embarrassed as he just sighed happily "Don't ever be sorry for those kind of things, because the truth is I like you too" he said in a soft voice as he kissed me.


"Got you again" he smirked, teasing me "Yeah yeah, and I love it" I said blushing "So you're coming with me?" I asked him as I picked up my keys and opened the door of the car "About that, my mom wanted me to come over to your house and let me sleep there for a few days. Your mom also agreed, our things are in here" he said as he pulled out a suitcase "Mind helping me put this in your trunk?" He asked as he attempted to carry it "Adorable and okay" I sad as I picked it up and put it in my trunk "And maybe, I can also help you to put in my you know what in your you know where" I smirked causing him to blush "Uhhh..." he said blankly "Marshall.exe has stopped working" I said laughing as he just went inside the car, beside me and also me going inside "Shall we?" I asked him one more time as he nodded and we went to my house.

"Got you Zoom!" I said laughing while he was driving "Whatever, I'm mad and gonna ignore you all night" he said grumpily "Awww is someone grumpy today? Let's go home fast so I can comfort you and love me again" I said in a sweet voice "Rocky, I always love you" he said softly but then changed into annoyed "But doesn't change the fact that I'm going to ignore you all night" as I just laughed "Can you stop the car for a while?" I asked him "Sure" he spoke as he stopped the car.

"Don't be mad at me Pwease?" I said with puppy like eyes as I kissed him on the cheek "And let me tell you again, you were the one who said it first".

"I won't be mad at you anymore if... you'll kiss me on my cheeks one more time" he said blushing as I giggled and kissed him, but instead oh his cheeks, I kissed him on the lips "Better" I asked with a slight of lust "Very". He started the car and drove to the house and that night we were happy and enjoying life, I'm glad that I gave him and my feelings a chance. We were in the bedroom and before sleeping I told him something"I love you Zoom" kissing him on the cheeks "I love you too Rocks" he said kissing me back.


Sorry if this wasn't enough 😓

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