《My Bully Loves Me!?》The Truth


After Classes, we decided to visit Marshall for a while and that's what we did. "Guys? You coming or what?" I said as I got into my car holding the keys, they were excited as we all got in the car. Me and Rubble were in the front seat meanwhile the other 3 are at the back and Zuma and Rocky are beside each other "I ship them so much" I said to myself as we all go to the hospital.

"They are beside each other" I screamed in my mind "EEEK!!!!" I screamed once again the inside while maintaining a serious face on the outside, as we were driving to the hospital I saw Zuma leaned on Rocky's shoulder "That's so adorable" I whispered to myself as I tried to take a picture of them and I successfully did. A few minutes later, we finally arrived at the hospital "We're at the hospital now, so you lovebirds should wake up" Chase said smirking. The two woke up blushing very hard "Lovebirds?" Rocky said "What are you talking about?" Zuma added "We are not lovebirds" they both said but I heard Zuma whispered "Yet" as we finally got out the car and inside the room. We hugged him and thanked that he's okay but when Chase hugged him, they both blushed "Who's the lovebirds now" Zuma and Rocky said together as they laughed "You?" Chase said causing the other two blushed "We are just friends, Chase" Rocky said.

"Just friends?" Rocky's word echoed in my head as I feel a tear forming on my eyes, "Zuma? Hey? You okay?" Rocky asked "Yeah, just happy that your friend is okay" I said "But that's not only the reason I'm sad" I thought to myself "Zuma, you're our friend too" Skye said as she hugged me "Thanks" I said still crying a little, I looked at Rocky and he's smiling. "Skye?" I whispered at her "Yeah" she responded as I asked her to talk outside, we went outside the room and sat on a chair beside the room.


Skye: What is it that you wanna talk about?

Me: Uhm...

I sighed as I continued talking.

Me: Why is he so adorable when he's smiling!?

I silently screamed.

Skye: You mean Zuma?

Me: Yes but why can't he like me the way I like him?

Skye: Hey, you don't know that yet. Just give him time, I'm sure he'll like you as well.

"Hey, you don't know that yet. Just give him time, I'm sure he'll like you as well." I heard Skye said to Zuma, "Does he like me?" I thought to myself as I saw them coming back to the room "Hey guys what's up?" Zuma said smiling but I can see a little sadness in his smile. "Zuma?" I asked concerned "Yeah? What's up?" He responded as I asked him if he were fine and he said he was but I didn't believe him as I suddenly hugged him "It's okay, I'm here, we're all are" I reminded him again "Thank you so much" he responded as I see him blushed a little. "You don't have any idea on how much I like you" I heard him whispered "But I like you, I like you as a friend" I whispered back.

"Do I really like him as a friend? Or something more?" I thought of to myself. A few hours have passed after telling joke, stories and getting a meal from Chase, the others headed back by their parents taking them home but me and Chase stayed for a while. "Hey I'm gonna go to the restroom, stay here" Chase said "Sure" I responded. I let out a sigh "Rocky, something wrong?" Marshall asked concerned I sighed before finally speaking "No... I overheard that Zuma likes me... and I think I like him back..." "Rocky, how do you know that?" He asked me again "I feel jealous when he's with a girl, I care for him, and just a while ago I felt my heart race just talking to him, and not to mention I am comfortable just being with him." I responded blushing "And he sometimes makes me blush" I added.


"Rocky, you like him more than as a friend give him and your feelings a chance" He said putting his paw on my shoulder "Okay". Just then Chase came back "What were you two talking about?" He asked smirking "Nothing" Marshall said smiling "Cute isn't he?" I whispered at Chase's ear as he blush. 30 minutes later, I wanted to go home now "Hey guys, I'm going home now" I waved them goodbye as they told me to be safe, I got out of the room and I saw Zuma, waiting for someone "You waiting for Chase?" I asked him "No, I'm waiting for you" he said "Wanna go home together?" He asked, blushing.


Welp I'm finally done

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