《My Bully Loves Me!?》Hold On


Later in the day, we had our physics exam. It wasn't too hard as I had studied and I'm very intelligent to begin with.

However, during the middle of it, I began to think. Zuma whispered something earlier that I couldn't really make out. He said it right after I wished him well with his crush. Hmmm....

I finished the last question and turned in the exam paper. When I returned to my seat, I pulled my book out from under my desk and began to read.

On one page, a young couple was cuddling while watching a movie. At first I thought it was cute, but then Zuma entered my thoughts. I felt like...Like I wanted that with him.

"N-No," I spoke without meaning to. I looked around, hoping no one heard me. Unfortunately, the professor did.

"Do you have something to share with the class?" Mrs. Peter questioned, looking at me.

I shook my head. "No. I'm sorry for speaking. I didn't mean to,"

She nodded. "Ok then. Try to keep quiet. You're one of my best students Rocky,"

I thanked her and continued to read, doing my best to push thoughts of a certain Labrador from my mind.


Finally! Last class of the day, gym. We're playing basketball again. I'm not very good, but my mind is elsewhere; on Marshall.

He's so hot as he rushes down the court, dodging everyone on the opposing team. I watched as he jumped up and dunked the ball.

Out of instinct, I clapped for the Dally, not realizing I was the only one doing so until the whole class was staring at me. Marshall smiled at me, but I couldn't focus on that now. I needed to leave, and fast!

I turned and ran, pushing myself through the doors and rushing to the entrance of the school. I walked into the open air, inhaling deeply. I approached my car and climbed in, hoping to get home as quick as possible.


Once I did, I walked into my room, sat down, and began doing my homework. It was really difficult.

I didn't even notice that I fell asleep until I looked at my alarm clock. I had a few hours before I needed to get up, so I finished my homework and played some video games.

When I finished my game, I got up and decided to get ready a little early. I turned on the shower, stripping as the water heated up.

I cleaned myself, turned off the water, dried off, and got dressed. I went down to the kitchen, made a piece of toast, and threw on my shoes.

I waved my parents goodbye, grabbed my backpack, and left. I started my car and drove off.

I decided to stop at a convenience store and grab something else to eat. I went in, looked around for a while, and decided on a bag of potato chips.

I purchased the snack and walked out of the store. I continued on my way to school, but then I saw a plume of smoke in the sky. What's that? I'll check it out. I've still got some time.

I'm driving to school, my favorite song playing on the radio. I was looking forward to seeing Chase today. I do like him, yet he thinks I'm straight.

A loud horn interrupted my thoughts. I swerved out of instinct, but I wasn't fast enough.

I felt someone ram into me as I spun out of control. Before I knew what had happened, a tree came into my path.

"Shit! Shit! Shit!" I screamed as I collided with the tree. The airbag deployed, smacking my head against the seat. Then everything went black.

I drove to what I judged was the origin of the smoke plume. At first glance, all I saw was a crashed car, the windshield cracked and laced in blood.


I ran up, knowing that I had to help whoever the driver is. I couldn't see much, only some blood soaked white fur. Then I smelled it. Gas!

The engine was on fire. The car was going to explode! I needed to get us both out of there. Now.

The door was locked, so I used my elbow to break the window. But then I got a good look at the driver. I knew immediately who it was.

"Marshall!" I screamed, frantically looking for the unlock button. Once I found it, I ripped the door open; gently scooping the Dally up.

I ran as fast as I could, Marshall in my arms. Then I heard it, a loud hissing noise. I only got a few more feet before the engine exploded, sending pieces of shrapnel in every direction.

I felt a shard of steel stab me in the back. I winced, but I couldn't focus on it now. I needed to get Marshall to a hospital.

"Hold on Marshall. I've got you," I whispered.


Special thanks to my editor for writing this for me.

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