《My Bully Loves Me!?》The Change


-After Math Class-

Math class is finally over and me and Rocky headed to the cafeteria and bought our lunches. After buying them, we sat where Skye was sitting and we started to chat while eating. After a minute, I realized that we had no drinks.

I guess Rocky realized that too, because he stood up. "I'm gonna buy some drinks. Anyone want anything?"

"Yeah, can I just get a bottle of water?" Skye requested.

"How about you Marsh?" He asked me, looking in my direction.

"Coke please," I said with a smile, as he went to buy the beverages.

As I went to the shop, about to buy drinks for my friends, Zuma came and ordered first before me. Jerk

"Can I get 2 pink milks?" He suddenly ordered. Does he know I like pink milk?

During lunch time, I was enjoying my pink milk while reading a book, and yes a buff guy such as myself likes pink milk. As I was reading, I looked up and saw Zuma coming this way. "Is the nerd lonely? I thought you have fri-" He started, before I cut him off.

"That's it! What the heck is your problem Zuma? Is it because I like to drink this pink milk?!" I shouted, slamming the drink down on the table. "Also, I don't care what you say to me anymore!" I snapped at him, grabbing my book and leaving the cafeteria.

Oh yeah....That..."Here are your drinks sir," The lady said, handing over two pink milks.

"Here," He said as he pushed the pink milk over to me. "How much will that be?"

"32 pesos," The lady spoke, waiting for the payment.

Zuma purchased the drinks and I was shocked that he bought pink milk for me. Hmmm... maybe this is because I helped him yesterday? I thought to myself as I bought water and a coke for Marsh and Skye.


I put the coke in my pocket and held the water and the pink milk. "Here you go!" I said to my friends as I gave Skye her water. Marshall then asked me where his coke was.

I laughed and showed him the can in my pocket. "Here, take it," I said as he grabbed it out of my pocket.

"Thanks Rocky, you're the best." They said in unison as I smiled and finished my food.

"Hey I'm gonna head out," I informed them as I went back to my room and was shocked as I saw everyone had a drink. Zuma appeared to be handing them out.

I hear my classmates thank the Labrador as he smiled. "You're welcome,"

Why is he being so nice today? Probably the girl he like doesn't like bad boys.I walked up to him and questioned him about his actions. "What's the occasion here Zuma? Is it your birthday or something?"

He slightly laughed, a small blush on his muzzle. "No, I want to be nice for a change," He explained, smiling. I found it weirdly cute...BUT...I'm not gay

"Why? Your crush doesn't like bad boys or something?" I asked, looking throughout my pleased classmates.

Zuma's POV

"Your crush doesn't like bad boys or something?" I felt my face heat up. "I-In a way, yes" I said. Rocky laughed a little. "Okay, hope she'll like you this time; well got to go to my seat, bye Zoom!"

I blushed even more as he went to his seat. "But you're the one I like," I silently whispered. "What was that Zoom?" He questioned, looking at me curiously. He heard me! shit!

"Nothing!" I hurried to say, nervously playing with my paws.

I heard some shuffling behind me. "You're gay and you like Rocky?" Ashly, a classmate of mine asked.

"Yes, but don't tell him or anybody!" I hissed. She nodded and asked me one more question. "When are you gonna tell him?"

"When the time is right..." I whispered.



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