《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 36


Emma was scheduled to leave Lavender Hall in two days. It appeared the weather would cooperate, and her departure would not be delayed. Much to Ethan's displeasure.

It may be irrational, but he was convinced if she left, he'd never see her again. Yet, sadly he had no more success in swaying her to stay then Peter had in changing her mind about continuing to practice as a nurse.

He'd since abandoned the crutches and was now walking with a cane. He was slow but managed and it was much easier then hobbling along as he'd been. Emma was quite pleased in his progress and aside from the scar on his side one would hardly know what he'd been through.

It was decided Peter would accompany Emma to Leeds, despite Ethan's disapproval Emma assured him he needn't worry.

However, before Emma left there was one thing, he wanted to show her.

"Are you sure this is necessary? Your leg is still healing." Emma reminded him in her most know it all voice.

"It's fine," Ethan assured her as he led the way up the spiral stone staircase.

"What if you can't get back down?"

"Then I guess you'll have to stay with me until I'm strong enough to make it on my own."

"Clever of you but unlikely to work." Emma rebutted.

"We'll see."

When they reached the top of the staircase, Ethan opened the heavy door and stepped outside onto a small landing. Emma followed, pulling her coat tighter.

It was a cold night but clear. The moon and stars shone brightly overhead. It was a lucky break from the clouds and snow. Ethan was thankful for that.

"I wanted you to see this."

Ethan took Emma's hand and led her to the telescope he'd had Huxley set up earlier.


"Oh Ethan," Emma breathed. "How wonderful."

"Look through here," Ethan positioned her in front of the eye piece. "What do you see?"

"The stars are so bright!" Emma exclaimed. "They look close enough to touch. This is amazing!"

"I thought you would like it. I used to come up here quite often. It was my place to escape and think."

Emma rose, "Do you enjoy being alone so very much?"

The cold was causing her cheeks to redden. Her brilliant hair was drooping from the bun atop her head and her clear blue eyes shone sweetly in her face.

"I did. It was all I knew."

Emma took his hand. "I will write to you."

Ethan nodded. "I know. If only it could be enough."

Emma shook her head. "Sometimes I can't believe the things you say when I recount it with the man I met when I first arrived here. You abhorred my presence."

"I was foolish." He cupped her cheek, "Besides that didn't last for very long."

"Well, you didn't have much choice being bed bound. You had to listen to me." Emma pointed out.

"At first. Then it was because I longed for the sound of your voice and touch and smile." He stepped closer to her. "It was always my title and money people saw when they looked at me, but you saw neither of those things. You just saw me as Ethan, a man, your patient, a friend." He was cupping her face in his hands now, "And I saw you as the woman who had captured my heart."

Then he kissed her. By her response he suspected she had expected this. She had never shied away from his kisses or demanded anything in return. Unlike Francesca and many others, who wanted jewels and exotic cuisine and once an elephant! Naturally, he hadn't delivered on that one. For a moment Ethan imagined what it would be like if Emma was his wife and he could kiss her whenever he wanted, take her in his arms and bed with no disregard for anything but the pleasure they would give one another. He'd never find another woman like Emma; he knew this for certain just as he knew her goodness is what would keep them apart.


"What do you feel when I kiss you?" he asked when he pulled back to take a breath.

Emma blushed.

He placed her hand over his rapidly pounding heart.


"I feel...happy."


"And I like it."


"And what else is there?" She narrowed her eyes at him as if she suspected he was up to no good.

"And there is much more than kissing we can do." he reminded her devilishly.

Emma ducked her head.

"Ethan I –

"Just tell me. If our situation was different. Would you want me?"

"I want you now," she answered honestly.

"You trust me?"


"And Peter?"

"If he hadn't called off our engagement, I would have married him," Emma admitted sadly, "But he never made me feel the way you do."

Ethan was still clutching Emma's hand against his chest.

"Will you sleep in my room tonight?" he asked in a husky voice.

"Yes." she answered breathlessly without a second's hesitation.

"I have one more thing to show you." he informed her.

Emma smiled. "Are you sure it's just one?"

He grinned. "That depends on you."

"I want to see everything." she admitted gleefully.

Ethan placed a kiss upon the top of Emma's hand.

"And so, you shall my dear. And so, you shall."

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