《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 25


December 1872

Ethan had been doing the boy a favor giving him a job. Now he had to pay for his schooling too. When did he go from being lord of an estate to running an orphanage?

Of course, when Emma asked, he couldn't say no. There was no polite way of rebuking her request.

"Jeremiah is bright. His talents will be wasted working in a stable. You can hardly blame him for the untimely death of his parents. Unlike you, he didn't have his wealth to rely on."

"That's a bit low, isn't it? Playing the money card?"

Emma smiled as she handed him a cup of tea. "Perhaps, but effective, yes?"

Ethan groaned as he accepted the cup. They were sitting in the library by the fire. Daisy asleep on the settee between them. A soft snow had started to fall, and they had a pleasant view from their position to watch the flakes as they fell.

"Travel will be difficult now." Ethan remarked.

Emma frowned. "I suppose. How is that relevant?"

"Well, it won't be safe on the roads. You'll have to stay through the winter."

Emma reached for a smoked salmon sandwich from the tray on the table before them. "I wish that could be so."

"What do you mean?" Ethan set his cup down and reached for Emma's free hand.

"I was going to wait to tell you until after your cast is off. Another day or so and it can be removed. I'm sure you will be relieved to have it gone."

"What do you have to tell me?" He squeezed her hand and searched her kind blue eyes.

"I received a letter from the Angels of Mercy. I have been reassigned." Emma revealed dejectedly.


Ethan let go of her hand. "They can't do that! You already have an assignment."

Emma smiled sadly. "Your wound has healed; the infection is gone. Aside from removing your cast you have recovered." she pointed out rather methodically.

"But I'll still need care after the cast is off. You said so yourself, building back up my muscle strength so I can walk unsupported again."

"The staff here can help you with that." Emma reminded him.

"But I want you!" Ethan grabbed her by the shoulders forcing her to look at him.

"I know you do. And I wish I could stay but my time here was always temporary."

What she said was true. But hearing it didn't make things any easier. He couldn't believe it. She couldn't leave him! How could he go back to the life he had led before her? He needed her. He wanted her like no other woman he had ever met before.

"Emma, I love you." He had thought about saying the words a hundred times before and now they burst out as if of their own accord.

She looked down. When she raised her head, he saw tears glistening in her eyes.

"Ethan –

"I mean it Emma. I love you." And he did so much. It pained him to see her cry, to imagine a life without her, to contemplate anyone else as his wife was unthinkable.

"I know you do."


"And I love you too!" she cried, "But it doesn't matter."

"Of course, it does!" he declared.

She pushed his arms aside. "Ethan we've been over this. There's no possible way for us to have a future together."

"I'll let Reggie be Earl." He rashly decided.


Emma guffawed. "Don't be absurd. Reggie wouldn't know the first thing about running an earldom."

"Maybe not. But then we could be together. And it's what my Aunt Isabelle has always wanted. She can help him." It made perfect sense to him. Who cared about being the Earl of Salisbury when he had Emma?

"I won't allow you to give up your birthright." she declared.

"Then I won't. Just marry me."

"You know we cannot."

"Why? Because of tradition? I don't care about that. I care about you. That's all that matters."

Emma gently touched his cheek. "That's very sweet of you Ethan. And I'm humbled you would sacrifice so much for me. But I cannot let you do it. I leave in a week."

"Emma –

"Sir! Miss Rhodes is needed urgently."

"Not now Huxley." He growled at the older man who looked decidedly panicked. Daisy woke up and began barking.

"What is it, Huxley?" Emma asked.

"There's a woman in the village. She's in labor and the midwife cannot reach her in this storm. From Lavender Hall it's only twenty or so minutes by carriage."

"Of course, I'll go." Emma stood up.

"You will not!" Ethan ordered. "Not in this storm. The woman I'm sure has family with her that can attend to her needs."

"I'm told this is her first babe and she's having a difficult time of it." Huxley relayed nervously.

"Just let me gather my things." Emma said.

"Emma, it's too dangerous!" Ethan cried.

"Someone needs to help her! And it appears I'm the only one capable. I'm a nurse, I took an oath. I'll return as soon as I can." She leaned down and kissed his cheek. "Don't worry. I know what I'm doing."

But her words were, little comfort. He couldn't help feeling something terrible was going to happen.

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