《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 20


Emma did not see Francesca again. Huxley informed her Ethan had her dismissed, with some traveling money for her trouble and the use of his carriage to take her wherever she wanted.

On the one hand Emma was pleased but on the other she knew it didn't really mean anything. So, she decided to take this situation for what it was. The chance to get to know a man she might otherwise have never met, a man she cared for and could even love but a man she could never have.

They enjoyed a pleasant day in the library. Though they spent more time talking then Emma did at her reading. Daisy joined them but only perked up when Eleanor brought in tea and egg salad sandwiches.

"Tell me about your parents." Emma said as they ate. "We're they happy?"

Ethan nodded, setting his teacup on its saucer, "Yes, despite being an arranged marriage they truly cared for each other. Otherwise, my mother wouldn't have accompanied my father to America."

"So, was your childhood was happy?" Emma clarified.

"It was until they died."

"I'm sorry Ethan. That must have been awful for you." Emma gently laid a hand over his where it rested between them on the settee.

"My Uncle Laurence was a good man. He spent time with me riding, hunting, and playing chess. After he passed, I realized how truly alone I was."

"I would expect you and Reggie to be closer considering you grew up together."

Ethan picked up a sandwich. "Reggie and I are very different. I think he was jealous of my relationship with his father."

"From what I've heard he's close to his mother."

"More like afraid."

Emma raised her eyebrows curiously. "Afraid?"


"My aunt can be quite intimidating, and Reggie has never liked confrontation. He usually just goes along with whatever she says."

"Like convincing him to murder you so that he could become earl." Emma casually suggested.

Ethan swallowed the bite in his mouth. "That is a stretch don't you think Emma?"

She shrugged. "Maybe...maybe not."

"Reggie is harmless." Ethan assured her.

"And your aunt?"

"I can't believe she would be capable of this."

Emma nodded. "All right but I'm going to keep investigating."

Ethan smiled. "Somehow I knew that."

Later when Emma returned to her room to change for dinner, she discovered a letter waiting for her on the writing desk.

Most of the letter her mother recounted updates on the family and village news but toward the end she mentioned something that made Emma's heart stop.

Letter still in hand she rushed from her room to Ethan's. Frantically she knocked.

"Ethan, it's me. I need to talk to you!" she loudly demanded.

"I'm a bit busy at the moment. Can this wait until supper?"

"No, it's urgent!"

"Come in then."

Emma burst inside but almost immediately whirled around. Ethan was in the large copper bathing tub. The maids must have brought it in and filled for it him. His injured leg was extended so his cast didn't get wet, but Emma had gotten a good view of his naked chest and noticed the water wasn't quite high enough to cover him entirely. Not that Emma hadn't seen him nude countless times before but then he had been unconscious!

"Why did you tell me to come in!" Emma exclaimed, still holding a hand over her eyes even though she was now facing the door.

"You said it was urgent." he replied nonchalantly as if he wasn't perturbed at all that she'd just walked in on him taking a bath.


"You could have mentioned you were bathing." Emma pointed out.

"Why? It's not like you haven't already seen me naked."

He would bring that up, she thought

"How could you know that?" she exclaimed playing dumb.

"Well, I assume before I'd awakened, and you were caring for me that the situation arose. You are my nurse."

Emma knew she was blushing. She could feel the heat coming off her cheeks. It was true she'd seen naked men before including Ethan, but they were patients and Ethan was...quite a bit more than that.

"You still could have said something."

"Well, it's done now. Now can you please tell me what is so urgent?"

"I received a letter from my mother."

"Yes, and everyone is well I hope."

"Yes, everyone is fine."

"Glad to hear it."

"Ethan, she wrote you sent her money to cover the back rent and taxes on our farm and enough to last the rest of the year."

"Yes, I did. I'm glad she received it in time." he answered, pleased by the results of his actions.

Emma wanted to turn around so she could see his face, but she compelled herself to stay. "Why did you do that? I know how much money that was, it wasn't your concern."

"No, but you are. And I saw how upset you were about losing the farm and your family being separated. I have money I might as well use it to do some good."

"So, you did this for me?" Emma asked, having to be sure of his intentions.

"Of course. I would do anything for you Emma. After all you did save my life and I don't just mean that literally."

Emma felt tears welling up in her eyes. "I'm eternally grateful, Ethan."

"You're welcome my dear."

"I should go. I'll see you at supper."

"Yes, supper. Might I suggest the rose-colored gown."

Emma smiled. "As you wish."

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