《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 10


They were in the gardens again.

Huxley was true to his word and before they adjoined Ethan was presented with two crutches. Of course, it was tricky at first gaining his balance and learning the technique to swing his body in tandem, but he made it all the same.

His side was a bit sore. Though Miss Rhodes assured him his wound was healing nicely it would remain tender and uncomfortable for some time. The weather was still gloomy, and a blanket once again covered his lap.

Since their discussion, the day before, Miss Rhodes hadn't said much to him. He imagined it was quite distressing to learn, one was losing their home and to be constantly short of funds not to mention to be responsible for the welfare of seven people! He had servants naturally, but they were not his flesh and blood nor did their entire lives depend upon him. What sort of man was Miss Rhode's father to leave his family in such dire straits? He had been orphaned at a young age but at least he had been accounted for and to a certain extent cared for.

"Do you think it will snow?" he asked, trying to make conversation. The silence was beginning to feel stifling and he quite disliked awkward moments such as these.

"Perhaps," was her simple reply. She wasn't even looking at him. Staring instead at the quiet fountain and dead rose bushes.

"There will be a full moon tonight. Not that we'll be able to see it."

"A shame."

"Maybe we should –

But he was cut off by her startled scream.

"Oh my! I wonder where she came from."

Ethan followed her gaze and saw a dirty, thin mahogany colored dog had just wandered into the courtyard.


Miss Rhodes leaped up to go to her.

"Be careful," he cautioned. "It may bite."

Miss Rhodes cautiously approached, "There, there my sweet one." she soothed. "I'm not going to hurt you."

The dog looked up at her with big brown eyes and gave a short whine. Now that she was closer, she saw it was an Irish setter.

Slowly Miss Rhodes reached out a hand and was able to stroke it on the head.

"Good girl," she praised, "And such a pretty thing you are but oh what's this?" Miss Rhodes crouched down and examined one of the dogs' front legs. "She's hurt," Ethan was informed. "Her paw is scratched and bleeding."

Miss Rhodes stood and crossed by where Ethan was sitting.

"Where are you going?" he asked.

"I'll need a few things to mend her paw."

"You don't even know where she came from. She could be dangerous." he reminded her.

Miss Rhodes smiled. "No, she won't harm me. Now make sure she doesn't go anywhere."

Ethan looked back at the dog who watched him with sad, hungry eyes.

A few minutes later Miss Rhodes returned with a bucket of warm water and some bandages.

She thoroughly cleaned the scrap then carefully wrapped it.

"There that's better, isn't it?"

The dog licked her hand.

Miss Rhodes looked at Ethan. "She'll need somewhere to recuperate."

"And I suppose you'd like her to stay here," said Ethan.

"That would be ideal, yes."

"Very well she can stay but only until she's healed."

"Excellent!" Miss Rhodes kissed the dog's head. "Do you hear that Daisy? Lord Salisbury says you can stay!"

So, her name was to be Daisy apparently.

"But only temporarily," he reminded her.

But Miss Rhodes was no longer listening; she was already calling for two footmen to carry the dog inside to be placed by the fire.

He sighed. She was back to not listening to him but at least she was talking to him again.

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