《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 8


The stables smelled of hay and manure.

Emma had expected as much but she still found herself reaching for a handkerchief all the same to press over her nose and mouth.

"There's Nathan!" Eleanor said happily pointing ahead of them.

Nathan was tall with black hair pulled back into a queue and clear gray eyes. He was thin and wiry and wore plain brown breeches and a white cotton shirt.

"Good afternoon, ma'am," he said, performing a small bow. "Miss Eleanor."

Eleanor blushed.

"Emma Rhodes, this is Nathan Duncan." Eleanor introduced.

"Pleased to meet you," Emma said.

"Emma wanted to ask you some questions about Lord Salisbury's accident." Eleanor explained.

Nathan nodded. "Best to not do that here."

He led them out of the stables much to Emma's relief as she pocketed her handkerchief.

"I must warn you I don't know much." he informed them once they'd walked a distance away from the stable.

"Any information you have would be helpful. I'm worried Lord Salisbury's accident was deliberate." Emma said.

"I worry about that too." Nathan concurred, frowning.

"Why?" Emma asked urgently.

"I know Aquila. He's a smart boy. And he loves the earl. Only something he was truly scared of could have caused him to put the earl in danger."

"What can you tell us about that day?" Emma asked.

"I was here when Reggie came and asked us to saddle the earl's horse and one for himself as they planned to take a ride about the estate."

"Was that typical?" Emma asked, already knowing the answer.

"No. Reggie usually avoided Lord Salisbury. They're not very close."

"Anything else?" Emma queried.

"Before Reggie left, I saw Liam slip something to Reggie. Liam is the head groom here at Lavender Hall."


"What was it?" Eleanor asked breathlessly.

"I didn't know I couldn't see. But Liam was definitely instructing Reggie about what to do with whatever it was."

"And it was Reggie who went for help after Lord Salisbury was thrown." Emma asked.

Eleanor nodded. "Yes. He came charging inside shouting up a storm about how the earl was dead and we should all come quick."

"He said Lord Salisbury was dead?" Emma asked, surprised. "You're sure those were the exact words he used?"

Eleanor nodded. "Yes. Reggie said he was dead."

Becausemaybe Emma thought that's what he planned all along.

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