《Angel of Mercy》Chapter 6


Ethan was awoken the next morning to Miss Rhodes prodding him in the side.

"Will you stop that!" he hissed, swatting her hand away.

"I need to examine your wound." she insisted.

"You have examined it," Ethan pointed out.

She was in gray again. Not that he was surprised. Fresh bandages waited on the table beside his bed. Now she was leaning over him, murmuring under her breath.

"What are you saying? Speak up!" he demanded.

She met his gaze. "Have you considered the possibility of a plot?" she asked.

"As in what will happen to the nurse that won't leave me alone? Because I can assure you it does not end well for her."

She let go of his nightshirt and settled herself in the chair placed near his bed.

"I was referring to a plot to have you killed."

He snorted in derision. "Miss Rhodes, I think you've been drinking too much of your special tea."

She narrowed her eyes at him. "I believe you are in danger."

"From you? Yes, I quite agree."

The door to his room opened and a maid entered carrying a breakfast tray.

"No, tea." he chastised her.

"Bring his lordship some orange juice." Miss Rhodes instructed the maid as she set the tray down. "And some hot water please. Thank you, Eleanor."

The maid left.

Miss Rhodes made a plate of biscuits and fruit for him.

He took the plate from her and popped a red grape into his mouth.

"Tell me what you remember of your accident."

He groaned. "Can't I eat my breakfast in peace?"

"I can always change your bandage instead." she retorted.

He sighed. "Reggie asked me to go riding about the grounds."


"Your cousin Reggie."


"He asked you?"

"Yes." Why was the infernal woman repeating everything he said?

"Go on."

"And we did."

"You rode a familiar path?"


"And nothing stood out to you as unusual?"


"Do you recall hitting the tree?"

"All I remember is talking to Reggie and the next thing I knew I was flying through the air. When I woke up. You were here." Ethan glared at her.

Miss Rhodes didn't appear to care. "Something must have startled Aquila to make him rear and buck you off."

"Very good Miss Rhodes. Quite the detective you are."

She ignored him. "Do you know what that may be? What could have frightened Aquila?"


"You don't seem very concerned." Emma pointed out.

"Because there was no plot!" He set the empty plate on the bed.

"Are you close with your cousin?"

"We are cordial." he responded wondering where she was going with this line of questioning.

"Well then isn't it odd he would ask you to join him riding?"

"No." But now that she mentioned it, it was a bit odd. Reggie had never invited him along before. Why then? Why that day?

"I think some fresh air would be good for you. After I change your dressing, we'll go to the gardens."

"I thought you said I couldn't leave this bed." He reminded her.

"I've changed my mind."

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