《Badboy's hired wife》How do i?


I've been staying at Aina for two days since i've been discharge from the hospital. I just don't want to deal with Vincent. But today? I think i'll be seeing him, cause i am going to Uni today.

"Isabelle! We need to go!" Aina shouted from the front door. I really need to make myself calm.

Dressed on a tight pants and a crop top, i still can move freely because of this. My tummy is not that swollen, and it's good, i still can keep it.

I jump inside Aina's car. I hope this day will get better. No worries and no over thinking.

After few minutes, we reached the school. Our group of friends was there, leaning on Phil's car, including Vincent.

The day that we argued, i didn't see Vincent since then. But the in charge nurse on my room, once told me that, Vincent was outside my room. And not leaving that spot. Well, good for him. He deserve that.

"Aina, he's there." I softly murmur, looking down on my hands that was resting on my lap.

"So? If you still don't want to talk to him, then don't. Don't stress yourself, it's not good for your baby." Aina get out of the car and after battling with myself, i get out of the car then walk towards the group.

"How are you now Isabelle?" Phil asked. I look at him, and his arms are now wrap on Aina's waist. Can i just say that i'm jealous at them because i'm alone again?

"I'm good, i think." I give him a small smile. Mitch look at me, then pulls me for a hug. Without Aina and Mitch, i have nothing.

"I've been there and it will not help if you still not talk to him." Mitch murmur on my ear then release me from her arms. I glance at Vincent and caught him, looking at me. How i miss that man.

"Thanks." I smile.


"Let's go inside and leave these two here." Justin run pulling Mitch's hand then Phil follow with Aina on his arms. They tricked me.

I lean on Phil's car, same as Vincent. His on his cross arms and i am too. This is the start. Start of silent battle.




"Please go home."

I didn't expect that. I expect some yell coming from him. I don't want him to be this soft on me. I want him mad at me, really mad.

"You don't want me, nor this baby." I blurted out, not even caring to our surrounding.

"I want you both, so please go home." Whenever it comes to Vincent, my world can turn upside down. Just a while ago, i was so mad at him, but now? I'm ready to forgive him even without apologizing.

"I'll be going back to my parents' house. I just need my things from your place." Seriously Isabelle? What am i saying?

Vincent didn't utter a word. He grab my hand then pull me towards his car. He tuck me inside of it as he jump inside then started the engine.

I can't even say a word because if i say anything i think i'm going to die, right here, right now. He's driving too fast and focus on the road.

"Go down and pack your things!" He shouted, getting out of his car, shutting the door hard.

I want to say to him to ask some forgiveness on me, so that i will not leave him. To say to him that i'm just testing his attitude towards me. But why Vincent? Why are you not stopping me?

I slowly get out of his car then enter on the building. His waiting outside the lift, while pressing the button. I enter inside of it then he follows after me.

"Vin--" But i didn't finish it, because the elevator door opens and he quickly step out.

Vincent open the front door of his pas and i'm just following him. As i step inside, my heart almost skip it's beat because of the view.


The carpet floor was filled with flower petals, there's a big "sorry" streamer hanging on the television rack, a huge pink bear sitting on the couch holding a small pink bear too.

"Sorry for the mess, i thought my fiancé will go home today." I stop checking out the place as Vincent talk. I'm just amaze about this.

"Anyway.. Isabelle, just pack your stuffs while i'm cleaning this mess." The way he deliver his words is like, his just talking with his acquiantance.

I ignore him and continue to check out the whole pad. I walk towards the kitchen, seeing my favorite chocolate, on top of the kitchen counter with those smores beside it.

"Is this mine?" I loudly asked to get Vincent's attention. I know this is for me but Vincent want to play this game, so i will play along with him.

"No. That's for my pregnant fiancé, so don't touch it." He snap at me, while fakely sweeping the petals on the floor. His not a good actor.

I ignore him again and eat one of the smores. I continue to walk around then decided to go up.

In every step of the stairs there's an arrow going up. As i reach the top floor, there's a big arrow with a note below it.

*Go check out the next room to us*

So i just follow that instruction and didn't leave a chance to get inside the next room. At first i thought it was a simple surprise but i'm wrong.

I started to cry because of what i am seeing. This feels so good. He did it? How could he?

"Vincent! Vincent!" But i receive no response.

"Vincent! My tummy's aching! Go up here babe!" I cried and in just a snap, Vincent is there standing at the doorway, hurriedly approach me then look at me suspisciously.

"You tricked--" I didn't let him finish. I pull him for an embrace, that i am keeping for the past few days. I'm so thankful to have him beside me.

"Thank you for making this." This is an empty room before but look at this now.

A nursery room, walls painted with white with sky pattern on it. On the left corner where the baby crib is placed, besides the single bed with sky blue bed covers. The floor seems to be a sight of the sky too, as well as the closets.

Everything is on it's right place. The way that the room was arrange and all the stuffs for our baby is ready, i might say that my man did great. My man? That's new.

"You never failed to surprise me. The flowers, those smores and this.." I whisper to him as i pull out from the hug. Just looking at each other, i can feel the electricity running through my body and that smile, that's been forming on his lips, it's bringing me to different world.

"I don't deserve this babe." Shaking my head and letting the tears fall, that's been forming since Vincent stepped inside this room.

"You deserve everything that life has to offer." Vincent sigh, holding both side of my face.

"You deserve me, i deserve you and our baby deserve us." He continue, caressing my left cheek with his thumb, sending comfort on my whole.

"You're the best thing i never had. And now that i have you, i will not stop showing you how much i love you."

As Vincent said those, it all stuck in my mind. For him, i was the best thing that he never had. But for me, he is the greatest thing that ever happen to me. I'm living in a bubble with him, that nobody can pop.


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