《Badboy's hired wife》Oh life!



I really wanted to go home because of Isabelle. She'll be making a dinner tonight. I know she's not good about making meals, but i trust her, she will put all her effort on that.

"Bro, i need to go." I announce, getting my friends' attention. They are too busy with their girlfriends, so i need to escape and go home to my girl.

They just nod their head then wave their hands in the air. See? They're too busy

I hurried towards my sports car. Starting the engine, i remember Isabelle. I know she's at the grocery buying stuffs for us, so i decided to call her, maybe i can pick her up.

First attempt.. No answer

Second attempt.. Still, no answer

Third attempt.. Finally

"Hell-" Isabelle's word was cut by a loud sound of something coming from her background. What was that?

"Babe are you okay?" I asked. All i can hear was people shouting and the noise was getting louder and louder. What's this?

"Help the girl! Call some ambulance!"

As i heard that coming from someone on her background, i didn't waste any time. I drive fast going to the grocery near our place.

I reached the place, seeing many people was outside the grocery. My heart keeps on beating so fast and i don't know why i'm feeling this.

Where is Isabelle? I thought to myself.

As i get near, the full view of the accident is what i see. A cab bump onto the shed of the entrance of the grocery. And as i heard from the people around here, two women was accidentally hit and one of those is pregnant.

I'm not sure with what i am seeing, but as they lifted the girl, it made me stop on my track. She's wearing a plain skinny jeans and a white shirt, matching mine.


This can't be Isabelle.

I walk slowly, but this time towards the ambulance because they are putting the girl inside of it.

No, please.

"Sir, you can't go there!" Someone block me, but i shove it away.

This can't be true.

"Isabelle? Isabelle?" That's the time that my tears burst out.

I stop those people that was carrying her. They didn't argue with me. They stopped then let me look at the girl they are carrying.

It's Isabelle.

I stay on her right side. She's still awake, thank God. I can breath now. I can finally feel that i'm a little okay.

"Please, save my baby!" Huh?

I look at Isabelle and she's clutching on her stomach. She's still not seeing me, because she's too focus on the hospital staff around her.

"Save my baby, please!" Baby? Is she pregnant?

I was rooted on my place, and they continue to wheel Isabelle towards the ambulance. I was relieve that, she's fine but what is she saying?

I just watch as the ambulance move out of the grocery's area. Tears continue to fall on my eyes, and i just can't stop this.


I asked the nurse about Isabelle, on where she is located. So they let me go up to the waiting area because Isabelle was still on the emergency room.

I waited and waited and after few hours, our friends arrived. All of a sudden, a doctor came and i quickly approach her.

"Is she okay?"

"Are you related to her?" The doctor asked. Why am i going to ask about Isabelle if i'm not related to her?

"I'm her fiancé, is she okay?" I repeated, i feel presence behind me, seeing my friends standing there.

"I need to talk to you.. privately." The doctor walk away then go towards the pathway. I stop right in front of her with this heavy feeling on my chest.


"Miss Lauren is okay and.." I let out a heavy sigh. Thank God she's okay. I don't know what will i do without her.

"And what?"

"Your baby is safe too. Congrats sir." Huh? Is this a dream?

"Is she .. Uhh-- is Isabelle really pregnant?" I asked. If she's pregnant she will say it to me. She knows that i love her and i will accept everything.

"She is. Eight weeks pregnant to be exact. Anyway, i'll be leaving you now. You can go and meet her at her room."

Stucked. I found myself looking at the empty space. This is not a dream.

My girl is carrying our child.

The fruit of our love.

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