《Badboy's hired wife》Meet his mom


"Are you sure huh?" I look at Vincent. His sitting on our bed, dress on his jeans and plain top. Too simple, yet too good looking.

"How many times do i need to tell you that you're beautiful?" I didn't find myself so beautiful, i swear. I'm chickening out because this is the first time that i'll be meeting someone related to him, what do i mean is, meeting his mom.

"Ohh, what about this, do i look pretty with this?" I didn't wait for his response. I remove my dress then put on my jeans. Leaving me with my bra and pants on.

I can change in front of Vincent. His not that pervert and thank God i think his not attracted to me. I mean, maybe his not attracted to me.

"Come here.." Vincent pulls me down onto his lap, in short straddling him. His arms quickly snake around me, as he pulls me closer to his body.

"Do you think your mom will like me, i mean, even if we're fake, you--" He covered my mouth by his hand, then kiss my forehead.

"You are the first girl that my mom will meet, my love, so stop getting tense, she will love you." My love? It's just an endearment Isabelle, it's not a big deal. But why does he call me by that?

"Let's--" He didn't let me finish my words, because he pulls me for a kiss. A kiss that i am craving for since last time that we kiss.

He kiss me hungrily as he trail kisses from my chin down to my neck. Vincent softly lifted me up on his arms then place me down to our bed. It was sweet and gentle as he continue to kiss me. I'm getting use to it.

"Babe.." I moan softly on his ear, making sure that it's only him that can hear my word. His kisses making it's way down to my chest, giving me the feeling that i needed more or should i say i want more.

"Can i?" I didn't know what he means by that, but i just nod my head. He carefully place his right hand on my back, then i feel that he unhook my bra. I mentally gasp because it happens so fast, but i think it's okay, because i want it.


He softly squeeze my breasts, pinching my nipple and kissing it thoroughly. I've never been this intimate to someone. Remember his my first boyfriend, and i keep on reminding myself that it's only a fake relationship. But i can't resist Vincent, we both know that we are sexually attracted to each other.

"Damn it!" Vincent groaned, hearing his phone ringing. It interrupted him with his business, cause his on my tummy now, placing kisses there.

"Hey Mom.." I heard him greeted as soon as he reach for his phone. Being the most innocent girl that wanted more, i get up from lying then sit on his lap.

"Yes, we're waiting for you here, Mom." I don't care if his talking to his mom. So i started to plant kisses along his jaw down to his neck.

"You'll be here in twenty, right?" Vincent's voice was changing, it's becoming husky. I softly laugh, then peck a kiss on his lips.

"Yes, she's here.. Wait mom, okay?" He remove his phone from his ear then stretch his arm. He snake his arm around me, pulling me closer to him.

"You behave baby, alright?" He softly whispered to me, then gives me a short passionate kiss. I don't know what's happening to me, but i want more from Vincent.

"Mom, we'll just see you here.. Hmmm.. Isabelle is still busy now, so talk to her later.. Bye Mom.." He throw his phone somewhere on our bed, then put me back on our bed.

"Your being bad, my love." He murmur, causing me to giggle. When did i start being this cheeky?

We ended up making out on our bed. And we're really thankful that his Mom give us some notice that she'll be a little late, so we continue our business on our bed. But when his Mom called saying that she's already near our place, we quickly fix ourselves.

So here i am, applying some lip gloss on my lips. Wondering what to do later when i face his mom. Is she going to hate me? Or what? I don't know.

I heard the doorbell and i almost jump because of that. She's here. She's already here.


"Babe! Mom's here!" I heard Vincent shouted. I deeply sigh then glance at myself in the mirror, well, i look good. Why am i nervous about this, i'm just a fake girlfriend, am i? Oh whatever.

I get out of our room, then slowly walk downstairs. Seeing him sitting down on the couch, with a very sophisticated lady sitting beside him.

She's wearing an elegant dress with that pumps and signature bag. Everything that she has, maybe cost more than my life. She looks very rich, well, they are rich.

"There she is, Mom.." Vincent said as he notice me, standing on the doorway. He pulls my hand, and we stand in front of his Mom.

"This is Isabelle, and Belle, this is my Mom, Juliet." Vincent introduced

"Good evening Mam." I extend my hand to her but she ignores it then pulls me for a hug. I didn't expect this and i don't know what to do.

"You grow up so well, Isabelle. Your still beautiful." There's a tone in her voice that keeps me thinking. Her words that she said, repeatedly run in my mind, did we met before?

Before i can answer her, Vincent asked us to move to kitchen, to have our dinner. As i was eating, i'm still looking at Juliet without her noticing it. I mean, she acts like we're close and we've met before.

"By the way, when are you going to your parents house?" Juliet looks at me, then smile. How i wish i can pull out the past memories inside my head, to see if i've met her.

"Next week mam, i need to talk to them." I shyly said. Vincent place his hand on my thigh, rubbing it like his totally nervous.

"No mam please, Belle. You can call me Mom or Juliet. You are my son's fiancé." I just nod my head and remain silent.

The rest of the dinner was just a talk about my family's life and everything about me. I know she's just protecting her son. But i don't have any bad motive, and besides we're only fake.

"I'll be going with you guys next week, alright?" His mom announced, as we walk with her through the door.

"It's okay, but like what i said a while ago, we don't have a mansion there and it's on province side of the country." I explained. It's for real, we don't have modernize house there, just the normal one for a family.

"And so? It's you and your family that is important, Isabelle." Juliet holds both side of my arms, then squeeze it.

"You are the one that my son wanted, and you'll be the only girl that i really want for him." Huh? She seriously said, while looking at me. I don't know what to respond to her, but all i know is that, she's kind and not like other rich people who were so arrogant and evil.

"Thank you mam for not seeing me as the one who was only after your son's wealth." I feel Vincent's arm, he wrap it around my waist, as his hand brushing on my tummy. His my comforter.

"You will understand everything soon." Juliet said and that get me more confuse. What does she mean?

"Bye son, bye Isabelle." She bid her goodbye before i can ask her about the last words that she said.

"Babe, what does your mom means about that, i will understand everything soon?" I asked, linking my arms to him, while walking towards our room.

"I don't know.." Vincent smirk, turning my body around to face him before we get inside our room.

"All i know is, how can i make my fiancé happy for tonight." He rubs his nose onto mine, feeling so teenager about it.

"Fake fiancé." I want to ruin the moment, that's why.

"You are my fiancé and you will understand soon." Huh? He pecks a kiss on my lips, then lifted me up from the floor.

It will be an endless one, tonight.

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