《Badboy's hired wife》The Offer


"I think I'm not going to school next year..." I bow my head, not even looking at my friends who are still concern about me.

"But you're on scholarship program Belle and we know you can." Mitch assuringly said as her hand holds mine, lightly squeezing it. I look at them both, seeing concern filling up their eyes.

"Yeah. Belle, you can borrow money from us. Just give it back when you already have... Or no! We'll just give you some." Aina said, then pulled her wallet out of her bag then get some bucks out of it but I stopped her and shook my head.

"Girls, it's okay. We all know that I'm studying here because of my scholarship. I don't have anything. Not like you both." I sighed.

Aina and Michelle were born with silver spoons on their mouths. Their families are one of the richest family here in our country. So they have the money... The cars... Everything! Everything else that life has to offer.

"You have us! There's nothing to worry about." Michelle got up from her seat then pulled me up for a hug. Without them, I'm hopeless with my life.

"Uh oh! What's up with the hug girls?"

We release each other from the hug then look for the one who said that. Of course! It's none other than the group of arrogant bad boys!

"It's not your business, idiot!" Michelle answered back while getting back on her seat.

I sit back on my place and ignore these group of guys. I'm not interested with them. I have many problems in my life and I don't want to add any now.

"Hi Isabelle!" I smiled at Ryan as he greeted me. He's the only one who is kind from that group. The remaining three were arrogant and mean.

So it's like this, they are four guys on their group. Ryan is the nicest one. Phil and Justin are the cool ones. Then there's Vincent. Let's not talk about him.

"So why are you here?" Michelle but in. She don't like these boys. I don't know why.

"My girlfriend is here kitten. So please... Just shut up!" Phil make his way to Aina. Yeah, they are together. In spite of all the things that we say to her about him. She's still in love with that idiot.

"I'm leaving. You coming Mitch?" I get up from my seat, put my bag on my shoulder then look at Mitch. I don't need to deal with these guys. I'm not one of those girls falling on their knees just to have these guys. Duh!


"Nope, I need to do this damn project because MY partner in this project is not helping me!" She rolled her eyes then glared at Justin. So, that's why.

"Excuse me little girl. I told you that I'll be helping you but you said that..." I didn't need to listen to their argument so I started to walk then head out of the cafeteria.

I still have a few minutes before my next class so I can still go to my locker. While I'm walking, I noticed some students are still in the hallway. The sound of their chatter fills up the halls and the sight of unending PDAs from different couples is contagious.

I put my things inside my locker when my phone started to ring. I rummaged my messy bag. As I found it, the ringing stopped. I look at my screen and saw that the missed call is from my boss.

A minute later I received a text message. A message that can be the reason to pursue my suicidal attempts.

From : Sir Albert

Don't report today. Effective immediately, you're on furlough. I'm sorry. We need to lessen our work force. We know that you need money but we're not getting the targeted sales of the bookstore now. Again, I'm sorry.

Furlough? Just say I'm jobless now. Right? I want to die now please.

"Wow... Great! I'm jobless!" I murmured.

I read my demise over and over... Just staring at the screen of my beaten up iPhone when tears escaped my eyes. This phone is the oldest model. The only thing years worth of left over salary, that I saved can afford. I might have to sell it. I have nothing now. This is my life... The life down on one's luck.

What will I say to my parents? My family is depending on me. My poor little sister she is suffering from asthma. Now I'm unable to support her treatment and medication because I'm unemployed.

I slump on the floor. I don't even care about the people around me. I weep heavily while holding my phone. My sorrow will crush this phone into a million pieces if I throw it. But I'm not going to do that. I'm broke and I can't afford to buy a new one. Oh my gosh, why am I even thinking about it!?

Why is my life so hard? How bad am I that I need to suffer this burden?

Since I was a kid, I know that we are poor. My parents didn't have a stable job. They raise us with the help of our other relatives. Later on, our relatives started to forget us one at a time.


I studied on a public school when I was in both grade school and high school. Fortunately when I took the entrance examination in this University, I passed and qualified on their scholarship program. Now, I don't have to pay a dime to study here.

But, I'm living far from my parents. They live in the province while I'm on the city so i need to rent an apartment with a low monthly payment. That is the reason I am... I was working on the bookstore. Now that I got laid off. I will be unable to afford my apartment's rent and monthly bills.

I need money for food and everyday living, my apartment's rent, my sister's medication and my parents' allowance. I have nothing now! i I don't know what will I do to make ends meet.

I don't know how many minutes had passed but I notice it was silent. The people were gone. I'm sure they are in their classes now. I need to go to mine.

Slowly, I try to get up from the floor but I feel weak and I can't stand firmly. My legs are feeling wimpy and my head is spinning.

"Let me help you." A hand reached out and supported me as I was still getting up from the floor. I look up to see who is this good samaritan and to my surprise, it's Vincent.

"Thanks." I barely squeaked while giving him a small smile. I've never seen him looked this way. His eyes was filled with concern and sadness.

"Are you okay?" Vincent asked as he placed his hand on my arm as I stand trying my best to look strong though I still feel weak.

"I am." I give him a bigger smile again... Trying to convince him.

I didn't notice it before that Vincent has those green dreamy warm eyes. His hair was shaded dark brown. His nose was towering in the center of his face oh so straight. And those lips, that's next to perfection. Huh?

"I don't think so. I'll walk you to your class. Come on!" He pulls my arm, causing me to stumble but he holds me firmly as we started to walk.

"So, Isabelle, spill it. I will listen." He cheekily said, showing a glance of his white teeth. I've never been this close to this guy because he belongs to the group that Michelle and I hate the most.

"Huh? What?"

"I know something's going on there. So please, just say it." I stop walking as soon as Vincent finished. Did he say please? Wow! That's new. Being an arrogant jerk on this campus. You won't hear him saying that.

"Alright. I'm only telling it because you said please." I sighed, noticing how he smirk while I was talking.

"I'm unofficially unemployed. I got furloughed. I'm not sure if I still can go to school next year. Now, I can't support my family. Especially my sister's medication. Not to mention myself, of course. That's all, happy now!?" He was just quiet. He did not speak. He just give me a blank stare.

I look back at him for what seems to be a minute or so. He was just looking at me the same way. I decided to walk past him. He's nothing. He's just a waste of time. I started to walk towards my classroom and when I was about to knock on the door. Someone stop me and turn my body around.

"What? Do I still need to ellaborate my story huh?" It's still Vincent. Why Can he just leave me? He already helped me to get up from the floor. I think that's enough. We're not friends.

"Work for me." He said while ignoring my rants.

"Work for you? As what? As your maid? No way man!" I said furiously as I remove my arm from his hold.

"No." He whispered softly.

"So as what?" I simply asked. As what? As his driver? Well I'm not good at driving. As his cook? I can cook, but not those cuisines that I know rich people eat.

I waited for him to answer me but time has been wasted. So I turn around and face the door again. I was about to knock on the door, for the second time he stopped me. I know it's him, he's the only one that still on the hallway besides me. This is just getting annoying. He stared at my with the same expression as earlier until he smirked.

"Be my wife.. Be my hired wife.."

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