《Seeing Red》Clown


The race weekend quite literally zoomed by, he wasn't on the podium but missed it narrowly. Was he going to be harsh on himself again? That's something only he could answer.

It was a sunny Tuesday afternoon, the weather had lately been good and not as awful as Harriet had described it got around this time.

He was back in Monaco, probably coping with a jetlag. I told him that he could come over later too but he insisted that a promise was a promise.

I continued my day like a happy fool, cleaning, walking to the supermarket with a spring in my and just being extremely chirpy.

This evening had to go perfectly, Harriet was finally going to meet him and hopefully she wouldn't bite his head off.

Speak of the devil and she arrives, well not literally. She was calling me up.

"What are you up to?"

"On my way back from the supermarket, they had really good stuff in the fresh produce-"

"Enough jabber, ask that boyfriend of yours by what time can we expect him. I have to plan my clocking out accordingly."

"And you called him a jerk." I sighed.

"Let me know soon, I have to go now bye!" She ended the call.

There was absolutely nothing I could do that was going to get her to even mildly like him, forget about dinner being perfect. I'd be glad if she doesn't send him home crying.

I got home and unpacked the groceries and sent him a text to see if he was awake and functioning. After a while he replied that he was very much awake and would come over at around 7. I informed Harriet and decided to get some meal prep done.

With meal prep down, I finally decided to get ready. Sure, it was just a casual dinner at home, but I wanted to look stunning. For myself, and a reminder to him that this was a game two could play.

Harriet arrived, surprisingly with a smile on her face! She told me that she had finally gotten to work on her favourite course of the meal-Desserts. The dessert she managed to plan out today impressed everyone and Julia couldn't be more proud of her.

We started cooking the meal, quickly realised the kitchen was too small for two humans to function in and so I was thrown out. It was getting closer to 7 so I asked her to go freshen up, stirring the pot for a while was not something I couldn't handle.


"It's unfair!" I cried looking at her.

"What?" She looked at me in confusion.

"You look good in everything you put on, I swear to God if you're trying to steal my boyfriend I will hit you like I did back when you were 14."

"Don't bring up those memories, besides I don't want your jerk of a boyfriend." She laughed.

"Give him a chance for crying out loud!"

"I'll try, no promises though." She smiled.

The doorbell rang, he was finally here. So did the butterflies his presence brought, I could feel little tingles and seeing him smile as I opened the door certainly didn't help.

"Hey." He smiled.

"Hi, come on in." I managed to say.

"I got you flowers!" He handed me a beautiful bouquet as he walked in. "Oh, and you look good." He flashed a grin as he walked in.

"Charles, this is my sister Harriet." I introduced him to her.

"We've met." Harriet gave her most insincere smile.

We sat down on the sofa, this was awkward. Harriet was glaring at him, while he kept fidgeting with the bracelet around his wrist.

"Good race in Singapore!" I tried breaking the silence.

"Thanks! It could have been better." He smiled.

"So for how long do you plan to keep racing?" Harriet shot at him.

"The goal's to be world champion so, as long as it takes." He smiled.

Harriet was not going to be easy on him, it was actually quite funny to sit there and watch him get literally interrogated. After a while she got up to go check on something in the kitchen, he got a phone call so he excused himself to the balcony. I decided to put the flowers in a vase.

Harriet informed that dinner was ready, so we brought it all to the dining table and she did her final plating for the dishes. Go call him, she told me. I was at the balcony door when I heard him say:

"Get those pictures down, I don't care how."

I leaned closer to get an idea of what he was talking about and to whom he was talking, I stayed quiet.

"Lorenzo, how many times do I tell you that kiss was stupid. I shouldn't have done that." He sighed.

My heart fell to the floor, it felt like the walls were closing in on me and I couldn't breathe anymore. My heart was beating so fast, I didn't have tears, just a strange pain in my heart.


He turned around to notice I was standing right there, his eyes widened. He gasped trying to say something but nothing came out of his mouth.

"Okay Charles, good to know. Leave. Now!" I croaked.

"What's the ruckus?" Harriet walked into the living room.

"Tara, let me explain myself-"

"You've said plenty. Take your stupid flowers and leave." I demanded on the verge of tears.


"Go!" I yelled completely breaking down.

"You heard her, scram!" Harriet shooed him out of the apartment.

I was on the floor, crying my eyes out while Harriet was at the door asking Charles to leave.

The look in his eyes when he realised I was standing right there kept playing in my head, forget about regret or remorse he looked embarrassed to be caught.

"He's a dolt you were right, I hope you're really happy right now." I cried.

"You think I'd rejoice to see my sister in shambles? No my dummy!" She got me off the floor and held me in a tight hug.

"I'm the biggest clown on this damn planet." I sniffled.

"You know it's scary when I see you cry, you're my pillar. To see you crushed, hurts me." She comforted me.

"I don't have any strength left in me." I let go of her and wiped my tears away.

"What happened? Why exactly where you crying?"

I was hurt Harry, I've never felt the way I did for him. I fell so hard and I fell so fast, it almost felt natural, only to learn that I was the only one falling. That kiss, it felt magical to me, it wasn't even something that big. It was an innocent kiss but I had tingles and butterflies.

I felt like I was on top of the world, and then I hear him say. It was nothing, it was a stupid kiss. Stupid, he used the word stupid. My chest is physically hurting right now, I knew I shouldn't have agreed to this and I'm going to get tangled in this web and he walked away unharmed.

"What web?" She looked at me.

It dawned on me, she didn't know the truth. She didn't know any of it, she's probably going to hate him even more after this. It didn't matter, I had made up my mind.

I took a deep breath and told her every thing, from the start. The day we met to the little exchange before the race, the kiss and what followed it.

She sat their taking it all in, shocked and only managed to say- You are dumb, looks like you've not spent enough time on Wattpad.

Her words made me laugh, but the dreaded ache came back. I needed to go, I couldn't stand running into him anymore or the idea of seeing him around.

"I want to leave Monaco, I want to start over." I sighed.

"Tara, no. Stop making impulsive decisions!"

"I have to go to Nice anyway, what if I left early?"

"How early?"

"Tomorrow 7am kind of early." I looked at the bus fares on my phone.

"What are you going to do? Where will you stay?"

"I'm texting Charlotte as we talk, she says if I can come tomorrow it's easy for her."

"Where will you live?"

"She said that I could live with her until we found an apartment I can afford to rent."

"Well, if you've figured it all out get packing!" She smiled.

And we did, in the same suitcases I packed my whole life to get to Monaco were packed again. This time to escape it.

"Tell Pascale I went back to Singapore, don't tell any of them where I disappeared." I sighed.

"What about me? What about Julia and Gabe?"

"I'll visit you my dummies! And it's only Nice, come over whenever you feel like!"

We ate dinner on the couch watching our favourite movies and drifted to sleep. Harriet acted all tough, but these movies made her bawl like a child.

The next morning, I was up before the sun. I cleaned the dishes and picked up the apartment one last time. Took a shower made us breakfast and woke her up.

She walked me to the bus stop, constantly telling me what to do, how to get to the places I needed to and most importantly move on.

The bus was here, I gave her a big hug and thanked her fall all the good times. This is where she decided to tear up, for the first time in years she said "I'll miss you."

I hopped on to the bus with my bags, apologising to people as I shoved my way to get my suitcase on to the bus. I took my seat, and then it sunk in I was beginning a new chapter in my life.

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