《Seeing Red》The home of Tifosi


Charles was finally back home, despite being in the same time it was almost impossible for me to see him. I felt like I was actually feeling something for him at this point, I needed reassurance that he felt it too.

The rest of my week went by pretty much the same, except for now being an Internet celebrity. Getting sweet messages all the time for doing the bare minimum felt good, but the hate did not.

My wishes were fulfilled by Pascale, who decided to organise lunch. I decided to call her up and see if I could help in anyway. She refused to let me come help her, all she said was come to Charles' house, I couldn't tell her I had no idea where he lived.



He quickly typed his address and I saved it as soon as I could, I decided to go on a walk to map out the location so I didn't get lost in the tunnels tomorrow.

The day was here, as always I didn't want to show up to his house empty handed. I bought fresh flowers and managed to reach his house without getting lost.

"Come on in!" She greeted me at the door, taking me by the hand.

There he was, wearing a simple button down shirt, setting up the table with so much focus. I didn't understand how someone could look so beautiful doing the simplest of things.

We sat down for a while and talked about random topics, Lorenzo who was in charge of food for the gathering informed us lunch was ready.

We spent the rest of the time at the table, eating, laughing and cracking jokes. I felt at home around them, even if this was all a ruse I was going to miss it. I loved how welcoming Pascale was, the energy Arthur radiated, how sweet Lorenzo was and Charles for well, being Charles.

"Charles, play us something for us!" She looked at the piano in the living room and then back at her son.

"No mama, you know I get conscious." He smiled sheepishly.

"We are not looking! You play the piano, we won't look." She insisted.


"Okay, come on everyone we go to the balcony and let him play the piano!" She gathered everyone.

After much reluctance, he got up and sat on the piano bench. While the four of us went and stood in the balcony, he started playing his piece. It sounded familiar, I couldn't quite put a finger on it.


Then it struck me, he was playing the same piece as the old man at the music school, I walked to the door of the balcony and leaned against it.

His back was towards me, I could see his fingers flutter across the keys playing this beautiful composition. It was slowing down, it was all coming to an end. I decided to hurry back into the balcony when he suddenly spoke up.

"I know you're there Tara."

"No- no I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay!" He turned around to look at me.

His eyes were glistening, a single tear trickling down his cheek. Almost instinctively I marched straight up to him, and wiped them away, holding his face in my hands for a while.

"Why are you crying?" I looked at him.

"I don't know!" He laughed.

"It was beautiful!" I hugged him.

All of them walked into the room again, to see me holding his face. I wasn't sure if I should let go, I didn't want to. So I held him anyway, the way he was looking at me right now, it was enough, this is all I want.

"How adorable!" Pascale smiled.

We awkwardly laughed, I drew my hands back to my lap. The rest of the afternoon went by pretty quick, with a few bumps. For me at least, this web of lies we had weaved was going to trap us some day.

As soon as I was home, I had to start gathering my things for flying to Monza. Charles was pretty stoked about it, he wanted to show me the city.

Maybe I just read too much into the details, I thought it was adorable. I couldn't help but smile, thinking about how close we had grown over the past few weeks.

The next morning, it was time to head to Monza. Once again, Charles was at my apartment. Well, at the street making his presence very known.

"What are you! Are you a freaking taxi driver!?" I scolded him getting into the car.

"I am a driver, not a taxi driver though." He laughed.

"I'm going to tell Mia how horrible your jokes are." I rolled my eyes.

"You still keep in touch?"

"I mean, she is my friend. The only one that's invited me to a party so far." I laughed.

"That's cute." He smiled.

We got on one of the helicopters prepared for him and we were on our way to Monza. After a while we started our descent, I could already see the town was painted red. The Tifosi was loud and proud!


"Okay, so first we check in and then we can go around town. I'll show you all the cool places!" He beamed.

"Okay." I smiled.

And that's what we did, as always checked into two separate rooms, freshened up but this time headed out to the city to see it, together.

First he walked me straight to a gelateria, we got a good amount of gelato and started our tour again. At first we enjoyed the freedom of not being noticed by people, it didn't take much time for people to figure out it was Charles.

He was smiling for photos and signing autographs and I stood next to him, holding both our gelatos looking like a fool.

"Tara!" Someone yelled.

I looked in confusion, a young girl waved at me. I looked at her asking if she was talking to me, she frantically nodded and started walking towards me.

"Can I take a picture with you?" She asked.

"Who me?"

"Yes you!"

"Sure!" I smiled awkwardly.

"Say cheese!" She smiled taking a selfie.

"Thanks!" She beamed before walking away.

"Tara!" I heard Charles call me.


"Come here!" He pulled me into frame for someone taking a picture.

I felt overwhelmed by the number of cameras around me and I asked him if we could go to the hotel or some place quieter.

"I know just the place!"


"Come with me!"

We walked into what looked like a park, he proudly told me it was quite a big park and people often get lost here, but not him because he knows it like the back of his hand.

Which turned out to be a lie, after an hour of walking we were lost. He decided to call Arthur for help but he didn't answer the phone, after asking for directions from a bunch of people much against his wish, we managed to find an exit.

We were quite close to it when we saw Arthur and Nat in the distance, he was saying something and Nat looked surprised. He got down on one knee, she squealed and at the same time, I let out a little yelp too.

She was nodding away as Arthur slid the ring in her finger, he had the biggest grin on his face and she was sobbing. They kissed, my heart was going to explode from how adorable all of this was.

"Congrats!" I ran up to the two of them, pulling Nat in for a big hug.

"I'm feeling a little left out here!" Arthur laughed.

"Congrats to you too!" I gave him a hug.

"What's happening here and why wasn't I invited?" Charles walked up to us.

"No one was invited! I just proposed to her and now she's crying? I thought this was supposed to be the happiest day of our lives." Arthur rambled.

"I'm happy crying you silly!" She gave him a kiss.

"This is so cute! I'm so happy for you guys!" I beamed.

"Thank you! I'm so lucky to have Arturito-" She broke into tears again.

"Now you have to tell me what exactly you said that's made such an impact on her." I smiled hugging Nat.

Nothing, I just told her what was on my mind. What had been in my heart all along, he started. I told her about the day six years ago when she came here venturing on her own and got lost.

I told her about how I got jealous that it was Callum who found her and not me, instead of feeling relieved that she was safe. This is where the oddness started, this is where I realised Ma puce, you were more than just a friend.

Oh and that day in Japan, when we went to the park even if I was playing with little Ren I kept looking back to see what you were talking about to Callum.

When I stayed over at your Grandma's house in Texas, that night I knew for sure that yeah. This is it. This is the person I want to call mine, despite all the jabs in my sides, I woke up in the middle of the night to realise you were sleeping on top of my chest with a smile.

That's what I want, to wake up to your smiling face on top of my chest, to be the one that hears all the pig noises you make when you cry and most importantly to be your favourite human for the rest of my life. Will you let me be your husband?

I was in tears, these were words straight from his heart. I could only dream of being loved so much, before we knew it Nat and I were both ugly crying.

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