《Seeing Red》The Cinderella Evening


Canada turned out to be a good weekend for the Ferraris with both the brothers on the podium, I was getting looked at everywhere I went and was learning to accept it.

Mia created cards and artwork to celebrate her uncle and father's good job, she spent hours trying to draw the car and their faces to perfection.

Charles was back, I joined them on a family dinner. I thought it would be very awkward but it was quite the contrary, the Leclercs were very warm and welcoming.

He announced to them that we were going to go to the ball together, Pascale was beyond happy to see her son smiling. I felt a piece of me break inside, I felt terrible about lying to her.

While he was in town, we didn't spend any time together because well, we weren't really together. That gave Harriet a reason to indulge in more slander about him, she went far enough to say he was the shittiest boyfriend I've had.

The day was finally here, in the evening Mia and I headed to Pascale's salon. She offered to help me do my hair and that was something I couldn't refuse, she spent a good amount of time on my hair, setting it to perfection.

When I reached home, Julia and Harriet had already set up everything, I walked in and before I could even set things down Harriet had me seated and both of them started!

I was pruned and primed for about two hours, and that resulted in me looking the prettiest I have ever looked. I felt like a Goddess, as promised I put on the dress and shoes and called FaceTimed Mia, she said that she wanted to see me once I was dressed for the evening.

"You look like a princess!" She squealed.

"Thank you! Thanks to you and Pascale!"

"What about us!" Cried Harriet.

"Julia and Harriet too! My dream team couldn't have done it without you!" I blew them kisses.

I thanked them and ended the call, I decided to check on Charles and see where he was.

"Hello? Where are you? Just wanted to let you know I'm ready."

"Yeah...About that."

"I don't like where this is going." I sighed.


"I'm running much later than I expected, start the hike to, you should start the hike to Salle des Etoiles."

"It's like two kilometres from my house! And I'm wearing heels." I cried.

"I'm so sorry but get walking I'll pick you up on the way." He sounded apologetic.

"Just so you know I'm going to be angry the whole time." I ended the call.

I stormed out of the apartment, and turned heads for obvious reasons. I definitely looked like an idiot, wearing a gown walking on the streets of Monte Carlo late in the evening.

After walking a few blocks my feet were killing me, they were blistering for sure. He was no where to be seen, I accepted that I was walking the whole way, maybe he wasn't even going to show up to the event and I was going to not be allowed in.

I heard honks, a sleek looking Ferrari pulled up next to me. He rolled down the window, and asked me to hop in.

"My feet are killing me." I slid into the seat.

"You look nice." He smiled.

"You don't look too bad yourself." I looked at him.

I was lying to him, and myself. He looked like a prince, with his hair neatly gelled back, in a button down and tuxedo. There was absolutely nothing this man couldn't pull off and it drove me insane.

"I'm sorry." He sighed.

"You aren't." I looked out of the window.


"Save it Charles. I know you owe me nothing but a little human decency would be appreciated, I know you're using me but make it a little bearable please." I choked on tears.

"No no no! The last thing I want to do is make you cry!" He placed his hand on my shoulder.

I looked at him, he almost instantly withdrew his hand and continued speaking, "You're still my friend right?"

"You said that we're-"

"We will always be friends." He smiled, "We're here now."

"I can see." I rolled my eyes.

We walked out the car and I was blinded by the lights, more people than my brain could process, so many flashes and all the lighting.


I felt his hand brush against mine, guiding me to follow his lead. We posed together, smiling and laughing about how our cheeks are going to fall off from the fake laughing.

Once we walked into the venue, I quite literally lost him. He was pulled in by the other socialites, engaging in conversations with all of them.

I decided to stand by one of the big bay windows, admire the night sky while sipping on my champagne.

He was like a social butterfly, floating from person to person laughing and mingling with them. I'm pretty sure I saw a couple Hollywood celebrities.

The ball had commenced people were partnering up and dancing, Charles was no where to be seen. If I couldn't dance, I might as well explore the place.

I found a balcony overlooking sea, I decided to pause there. The sea reflected the pale moonlight, it was a good break from seeing rich, beautiful people.

"What are you doing here?" A feminine voice called out.

I turned around to see a gorgeous lady with dark hair, her face had a frown on it. I was frowning too, in an ideal world, this would be the moment Charles is supposed to come looking for me.

Right now it looked like she was one of the organisers and I was going to be thrown out, for being an irrelevant commoner.

"Nothing, just getting some air." I smiled, "I'll head back in if I'm not supposed to be here."

"No, feel free to stand here! I'm Alice." She smiled, giving me her hand.

"I'm Tara." I smiled taking her hand.

"You're the girl who walked in with Charles! What are you doing here? You should be dancing the night away with him!"

"Sadly not, business comes first-"

"Here you are!" I heard Charles' voice.

He looked tired from all the talking and walking, but he still looked undeniably good. I walked to him, leaving Alice behind. He gave her a curt nod and we were off to the ballroom floor.

"Place your hand here." He took my hand and placed it on his chest.

"Is it okay if I place my hand here?" He asked placing his hand on the small of my back.

My heart was racing, I nodded my head and continued looking at my feet. Did he not feel any of this awkwardness?

"I'll take the lead, you just follow me."

"Okay." I managed to say.

And we were off, slow dancing to the waltz. Shaky at first because I had a hard time understanding how he was moving his feet.

"Tara, why are you so nervous?"

"What if I step on your foot!" I finally met his eyes.

"You haven't...Yet!" He laughed.


"Don't get so worried about that! If you step on my foot then be it, let go. Have fun!" He smiled.

I looked into his eyes, how did I never notice the little amber specks in them? I felt the gap between us close, we continued waltzing in a slow circle.

We were both beaming, my heart couldn't possibly take how charming he was right now. I felt like Cinderella, nothing else mattered in this moment. He was holding me and I was holding onto him, I didn't have eyes for anything else.

The waltz ended, we heard applause and suddenly I was brought back to reality. I wish it didn't have to stop, I'd slow dance in his arms everyday if I could.

"Should we get going?" He asked.

"Yes, I don't think I can walk anymore."

"About that-"

"I swear to God if you make me walk home I will-"

"I'm kidding!" He laughed. "Let's go."

We hopped into the car and we were off, tearing through the lanes of the city that was now starting to fall asleep. There was so much I wanted to tell him, so much I wanted to ask, yet we sat there quietly.

He stopped the car in front of the apartment, I thanked him and got out of the car. I was about to shut the door when I heard myself ask him a question.


"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Why did you slow dance with me? You weren't obliged to, you were having a busy evening."

"I promised you, I'll give you your Cinderella evening." He winked.

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