《Treegan {A PLL Story}》Chapter 5


I plop myself into Keegan's comfy passenger seat and blow my blonde hair out of my face. "So whats up?" I ask him. He looks dreary as he stares out his window, "We need to break up." My heart shatters into a million pieces and a few sharp ones stab me. "Wh-why? Is this about Troian? Because she will never love you," I defend myself. "Get out," he grits his teeth against each other. "Excuse me?" I ask, taken back by his sudden outburst.

"You heard me, get the freak out of my car," he says angrily and I quickly get out. I jump on my motorcycle and put on my helmet before starting it up, "You two a-holes deserve each other." I zoom off.

I sigh and step out of the car after she leaves. I slowly walk into my apartment and grab a bottle of beer from my fridge.


Three beers later I reach for the blurry black box that I think is my phone and dial Troian's number.

~~~ the phone call ~~~

Troian Hello?

Keegan Heyyyyy babe

Troian Keegan are you freaking drunk?!

Keegan Whattttt of course nottttttt

Troian I'm coming to your aparment right now

Keegan NooOOoOo don't do that Spence

Troian Don't call me that. And why can't I come over

Keegan Because if you do then I'll just want to kiss you

Troian Keegan...

Keegan I love you Troian.... and not just as friends. Bye sexy

~~~ end of phone call ~~~

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