《Forever - A Treegan Story》Chapter 2


Troian's POV

I was woken by the loud sound of my alarm, I turned it off and hopped out of bed. It was 5:30am and we were all meeting at my house at 7am. I was taking all the girls in my car and Tyler was taking all the boys in his. I walked over to my closet to start packing my suitcase. My suitcase was light blue and was fairly small. I put a few tops, a pair of black leggings, a pair of dark blue jeans, a pair of shorts, bra's, panties, a jumper and a few pairs of shoes all into my suitcase. It was now 6am, so I went to have a shower and get ready for everyone to arrive. After I has finished my shower, I packed my toothbrush, toothpaste, shampoo, conditioner, hairbrush, deotarant, perfume and my hair straightener. I quickly took my bag downstairs into my living room and I made myself some breakfast. Just as I finished my breakfast I heard my doorbell ring. I opened the door and Keegan was standing there with his suitcase.

Keegan's POV

I was the first one to get to Troians house. I was very happy to have some alone time with her, but I don't know if she feels the same way about me. I mean, we have been best friends since the first season of PLL, so I really have no idea how she feels. As she opens the door she had a big smile on her face. She looks to beautiful. She has on a grey t-shirt and black leggings, with her hair in loose curls sitting on her shoulders.

"Come in" she said as she walks back over to her kitchen. I follow her inside and close her front door.

"How long have you been awake for?" I ask looking over at her. She looked like she had spend a long time getting ready.


"I've got up at 5:30" she said and she laughed.

Troian's POV

Keegan and I ended up just sitting and chatting about the new season of PLL. Before we knew of there was another knock at the door. By 6:50 everyone had arrived.

"Does anyone want a coffee to take in the car?" I asked as I turned on my coffee machine. They all said that they already brought there's on travel mugs. I quickly finished making my very strong coffee and we all got into the two cars. It took about three hours to get to Keegan's lake house, but when we did, I'm glad we came. It was so pretty and it had a really big pool.

Keegan's POV

When we finally got to my lake house, I opened the door and let everyone in.

"Go and choose your rooms. There are 3 up the top and 1 down the bottom." I said. Everyone apart from Troian and me ran up the stairs, fighting over what room they wanted. All of the rooms have 1 double and 1 single bed. So they will have to fight over who gets what bed too. " well, I guess that leaves us with this room" I say to Troian and I carry her bag to our room.

"You don't have to carry my bag"

"It's ok" I said as I put her bag on the double bed. "You can have the bigger bed"

"No, it's ok, I can have the smaller one." As she said this we hear everyone else come back down the stairs.

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