《Code Vein Oneshots》Fuzzy Hat || Mia Karnstein x Reader


With a yawn, (Y/n) pushed herself out of bed. She rubbed her eyes as she threw her legs over the side of the bed. Reaching upward, she stretched her arms before hearing and feeling a pop in her lower back. Still feeling a slight bit dazed from just waking up, the revenant pushed herself to her feet and headed over to the dresser. She stood in front of the mirror and combed her fingers through her (h/c) locks due to lacking a proper hairbrush. When all the knots were gone, she sighed tiredly and left her room.

(Y/n) sauntered past the hot spring, waving at Coco before sitting at the bar beside Davis. She noticed the glass in front of him and the remnants of the scotch that once was held within. A frown found its way onto her face. "Isn't it a little early to be drinking, Davis?"

"It is, but..." Davis voice trailed off. He picked up the glass, swirling around the last bit of scotch at the bottom.

The girl peered into his face, noticing the bags under his eyes. "How long has it been since you've slept?"

"Three days now," he answered, downing the rest of his shot.

When (Y/n) wondered what happened three days ago, she remembered how she purified one of the vestiges belonging to him. She had a feeling his lack of sleep is due to his memories he received that day. "Will you be all right?"

"I am grateful you've returned some of my missing memories, but it's a shame they weren't all good."

"You should take it easy today," (Y/n) patted him on the arm. "And keep the drinking to a minimum."

Davis nodded with a faint smile. "Will do, (Y/n)."

The (e/c)-eyed girl smiled at him before getting to her feet and leaving the bar. Before she could read a book Louis recommended to her, someone grabbed her hand and dragged her along toward the hot spring. "M-Mia?" She stuttered, seeing who was holding her hand tightly.

Mia didn't say a word until they arrived in the changing room. "Sorry for suddenly dragging you along, but I wanted some company in the hot spring. You don't mind, do you?"


(Y/n) shook her head with a smile. "Not at all."

Both girls stripped off their clothes and grabbed towels, wrapping them around their bodies and leaving the changing room. They were giggling as they entered the warm water, already enjoying each other's company. Sitting next to each other, the two girls leaned against the stony side and rested their heads on their arms as they chatted with one another. They talked about whatever came to mind no matter how random it was.

When the girls fell silent, Mia reached out and placed a hand over (Y/n)'s. She squeezed it gently with a smile. "I know I've thanked you already, but I don't think I could ever thank you enough for saving Nicola."

(Y/n) flipped her hand around and held Mia's. "I'm glad I could help him. I must say, I'm kinda jealous."

Mia blinked owlishly in bewilderment. "Why's that?"

"I wish I had a bond with someone like you and Nicola have. I've always wondered what it's like to have a sibling."

"We may not be siblings, but...I care about you just as much as I do Nicola," Mia confesses, her cheeks turning a light pink from embarrassment and the steam. "You've done so much for the both of us without asking for anything in return."

(Y/n) was taken aback for a few seconds before smiling warmly at her. "I-I don't know what to say, Mia."

The blonde smiled joyfully in return. Before she could speak, the door to the hot spring opened and Murasame entered. Mia and (Y/n) pulled away from one another, their cheeks a deep crimson. They looked toward Murasame, who waved at them before sitting a few feet away. "Ah, the hot spring always feel the best in the morning!"

The (h/c)-haired revenant managed to keep her voice from shaking as she spoke. "True, but the warm water kinda makes me wanna go back to sleep."

Marasame nodded. "That's also true. Well, since it's everyone's day off, you could always spend the rest of the day in bed, (Y/n)."


"She's right," Mia said. "Out of everyone, you've been working the hardest. You spend many days out in the Gaol without coming back and getting proper rest."

(Y/n) didn't register her true sluggishness from her long days exploring the Gaol until the warm waters of the hot spring relaxed the achy, tired muscles all over her body. Now she had a hankering for more sleep. "Maybe I will head back to my room after this. I slept all through the night, but I still feel exhausted."

"I can't believe you go out there for days on end without returning," Murasame comments in awe. "I would've collapsed by now."

A heavy sigh escaped (Y/n) as she sank deeper into the water. "Now I'm getting sleepy again..."

"We have been in here for a while," Mia stated. "Let's go change. That way, you can get some more rest."

She nodded in agreement, getting to her feet. "I could fall asleep here and now. Sorry to leave you by yourself out here, Murasame."

The merchant snickered. "I'm totally a-okay with having the hot spring all to myself."

(Y/n) and Mia exited the hot spring and headed into the changing room. While they were changing into their usual attire, the (h/c)-haired revenant spotted the blonde's furry hat. She noticed Mia's back was turned and couldn't resist. In the next instant, she placed the hat on her head and admired herself in a nearby mirror. "Now I want one..." She whispered to herself.

"(Y/n)," Mia called out to the taller girl. "Have you seen my—" Her emerald eyes widen when she spots what she was looking for being worn by her fellow revenant.

An innocent smile appeared on (Y/n)'s face as she turned and faced Mia. "You definitely have to tell me where you got this! It's so warm!" She turned back to the mirror and traced her fingers along the hat's soft texture. When her fingers came across something else, she took off the hat and saw a pale blue bow attached to the back. "Oh, the bow's a really cute touch! Could I wear this for a little bit?"

"I-I thought you were going to rest."

"So did I, but your hat changed my mind," (Y/n) snorted with laughter. "So, could I?"

"I don't think that's such a good idea," Mia stated, reaching toward her hat. "May I have it back?"

"Please, Mia?" She begged with puppy dog eyes. "Only just for a little bit?"

"No, (Y/n)."

A mischievous glint crossed through (Y/n)'s eyes, which didn't go unnoticed by Mia. When the blonde tried to snatch her hat off the girl's head, she was too slow. With a giggle, the (e/c)-eyed girl dashed out of the changing room while wearing the hat.

Mia promptly took chase. She pursued (Y/n) through the church in a desperate attempt to reclaim her hat, receiving puzzled glances from Louis, Murasame, Yakumo, Coco, and Davis. Io, on the other hand, wasn't startled awake from the ruckus the two girls were making as they ran around in circles.

Laughing and screaming filled the building. Through her giggles, (Y/n) managed to bellow, "Sharing is caring!"

"That doesn't apply here, (Y/n)!" Mia protested, managing to catch up with the girl. "Gotcha!" She leapt forward, tackling her to the ground. She snatched her hat off (Y/n)'s head and placed it on her own. She grinned triumphantly as she adjusted her hat slightly.

(Y/n), who was still pinned underneath the girl, sported a disappointing expression. "I can't even wear it for a little bit?"

"No," Mia shook her head. "But, I could make you a hat like mine if we find the right materials. How does that sound?"

She nodded frantically, a smile replacing her frown. "I'd like that very much, Mia."

Mia smiled back at her. "Then we'll keep our eyes open when we have to search for bloodsprings tomorrow. For now, you should rest." She climbed off (Y/n) and helped her to her feet.

The taller girl didn't argue. "Time to spend the rest of the day in bed."

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