《WWE Harem x Male Reader (REMASTER)》25: Mia Yim
The video is a two minute clip of Taynara riding you on the couch. You're both unmistakable in the short video, so that sucks. The perspective is from someone recording with their phone through the slightly open door... damn, you never even heard it open. A fellow superstar likel did it, but who would among your coworkers would do that to you so willingly?
"Is this real?" Dakota asks, and you nod while groaning loudly. How are you going to explain this to Vince? He only barely let the first one slide; you might as well kiss your job goodbye now. Dakota hugs you and whispers, "I'm so sorry, I can't imagine how this must feel."
"It fucking sucks," you sigh, sitting down on the edge of the bed with Dakota in your lap. For something to do, you stroke her hair and rub her thigh
"What are you going to tell Vince? After that first one..."
"I dunno. Maybe he'll believe me when I say that someone's trying to fuck me over." After all, the first one did look kind of staged. The camera was propped up against the rear windshield of a car and pointed right at you, so that one's a little tricky to explain, but how about the second one? The point of view of the second camera was through a cracked door. You had no way of knowing that you were being recorded!
You lay down with Dakota and she quickly falls asleep. You, on the other hand, can't even imagine sleeping right now. Who could have possibly known you were with Taynara? No one was in that room but you two. No one was even in that hallway.
Maybe Tay did it? She was awfully quick to fuck you, but then again so are all the other women. It's just your aura, man. The only other woman you can think of is Shayna Baszler, but even then it's a reach. Like, did she hear the two of you and peek in to investigate, then record you for revenge once she saw what you were doing?
You'll find out tomorrow, but tonight you need rest...
You wake up the next morning and find Dakota gone. Upon checking the clock you find that it's 1 in the afternoon... you almost smile at the fact that she just let you sleep. Instead, you get up and prepare to head to work. Today is cleanup, and all superstars are required to show up. You're bound to find out who it is, starting with Taynara.
As soon as you're dressed and fed, you hop into your car and speed towards the arena. You'll find out who's doing this to you if it's the last thing you do.
No sooner than when you entered the arena do you find Taynara, and she looks really upset. She probably hasn't gone in yet strictly to avoid the looks from the rest of the superstars, especially Shayna and her goons. It's incredibly depressing to think what must be going through her mind; this might ruin her entire career.
"Taynara! We need to talk," you call out, marching up to her. She groans angrily and turns to walk away, but you grab her by the arm and force her against the wall. The two of you are very close right now.
"If you want to have sex again, the answer's no."
"As much as I'd love to, you know it's not why I'm here. Tay, there wasn't anyone around. Whoever recorded us either followed us or knew we'd be there."
"Okay, so who do you think did it?"
"That's the problem: I don't know."
"So you're saying we're at a dead end?" she asks accusingly, angry that you don't know anything more than she does.
"Yup," you reply; there's no point in denying your cluelessness so you ask, "Do you think Shayna could've done it?"
"I wouldn't put it past her. Maybe you should start with her."
"You're not coming with?" You figured that Tay would be dying to help you figure out who fucked the two of you over, but she doesn't seem very eager.
"I really like you (Y/N)... more than anyone else here, in fact... but I don't want to be seen anywhere near you after last night."
"Fair enough," you turn to go, but it's her turn to grab your wrist. You turn around and she embraces you in a long kiss. She breaks away after a few seconds and blushes. "Trust me Taynara, I'll get to the bottom of this."
You get as far as around the corner before being stopped by someone else. Mia Yim stands in front of you looking rather curious. Her stiff and defensive posture make you think you're about to be interrogated.
"You're just gonna go after Shayna, then?" Mia asks, raising an eyebrow. You're rather pissed that she was eavesdropping on your conversation with Taynara, but there are currently more pressing matters at hand.
"What's that supposed to mean?" you reply. She's making it seem like confronting Shayna is going to be some insanely difficult task.
"She can't hurt you or Tay here, despite how much she claims she can. Out there, though..."
"Mia, if you're asking to come with me then the answer's yes. I could use a little backup."
"Fine, I'll tag along."
You and Mia go and hop into your car. Since Mia knows where Shayna is staying, she's the one driving. Surprisingly though, her hotel is only a few blocks from where yours is.
"Do we know which room she's staying in?"
"Nah. Neither Shayna or her goons should be here right now, so we can just hang out in the lobby. It should only be another hour or so before they get back."
Mia gets out and storms into the hotel, and you manage to stay on her tail. The two of you sit down in chairs and pretend to just be hanging out. The employee at the front desk looks at you funny but eventually ignores you like everyone else.
Jessamyn is the only one that you see walk into the lobby, so you wait for a minute to see if either of the other two will join her. They don't, so you and Mia slip into the elevator with her. With the hood of your jacket up she doesn't recognize you, and the sight of Mia doesn't bother her much at all.
Hell, she doesn't even think anything of it when all three of you file out of the elevator and begin walking in the same direction. The two of you slow down and wait for Jessamyn to stop at a door before advancing on her. Finally she does, and Mia shoves her into the room as soon as the door has been opened.
Suddenly she recognizes you and Mia, and a look of horror spreads across her face. She's trapped in a room with two people that really don't like her.
"Where's Shayna?" Mia growls, shoving Jessamyn to the floor. You grab Mia by the shoulders and yank her back, looking her in the eyes with enough ferocity to make a lion squeak like a kitten. She asks, "What?"
"Cool it! We don't even know if any of them did it!" you say, trying to reason with her. She seems pretty sure that Shayna's the culprit, but you're not as convinced. Something doesn't add up. A piece of the puzzle is missing.
"It's so obvious!" Mia shouts in reply.
"W-what are you guys talking about?" Jessamyn stumbles through her words, scooting back against the wall to get away from you two.
"You know exactly what we're talking about," Mia replies, looking ready to pounce on Jessamyn a second time. If you don't do something about her quickly, things are going to get out of hand.
"Mia, go wait for me in the lobby. You obviously can't control yourself." Though she's very angry about it, she does as she's told. When the door has shut behind her, you turn back to the woman on the floor. She looks a little relieved, but still terrified.
"Get up," you say, offering your hand. She takes it and gets to her feet, but is still hesitant to be anywhere near you.
"Thanks," she mumbles.
"No problem, but I need some information: Where's Shayna?" You're trying to be as gentle with her as possible. It's pretty clear that she's not as mean as her friend; it's more the kind of thing where she got caught up in the wrong place at the wrong time and this is just kinda what she does now.
Now that your angry partner is gone, she's a little more eager to talk, "Why do you want to know?"
"I think you can figure it out, Jess."
"Woah, we didn't film you and Taynara."
"I wouldn't try to squeeze it out of you even if I think you did, but you three were standing in a perfect position to see anyone going down that hallway. So if you don't wanna tell me yourself, tell me where Shayna is."
"I like you (Y/N), but Shayna will kill me if I go around telling people where she is all the time. The girl likes her secrets," Jessamyn looks around like she's genuinely afraid that someone will hear. You begin to wonder what Shayna does to these girls.
"It's only this one time, I promise."
"Fine." Jessamyn sighs tells you where Shayna is, and you thank her and turn to leave. However, she grabs your wrist and you turn to face her. She blushes and says, "If you ever wanna come see me... you know..."
"Maybe I will," you reply before leaving the room and getting back into the elevator. Down in the lobby you find a very angry looking Mia Yim glaring at you.
"Took you long enough," she says as you lead her back to your car. Suddenly you stop and turn around to face her. She raises her eyebrow like earlier, but this time it's a lot more menacing.
"What's the matter with you? Why are you so out of control?"
"What? What could she have possibly done to make you this angry?"
Mia ignores your question and pushes past you, but before she can get in the car you pin her back to the car door and get face-to-face with her.
"Mia, you need to tell me what's going on with you."
"Fine. Last Takeover I had a match for the Women's title. I was supposed to win, but Shayna Baszler didn't like that idea."
"So she went off script and beat you," you infer. The defeated look on her face tells you that you hit it right on the nail.
"Yup. She did a dirty pin on me using the bottom rope for leverage and it stirred up so much chaos with the fans that management absolutely loved her for it."
"She ruined your moment and you won't get another."
"Yeah. I want to make her pay!" she growls, pounding her fist against your rental. Her rage is back, but you press her harder into the car to prevent her from going back inside or doing some other stupid thing.
"I know it's ironic considering our jobs, but not everything gets solved with violence," you say gently, trying to reason with Mia before things escalate to the point where someone does something they're going to regret later.
"Whatever. All of your problems get solved with sex."
"No they don't." If anything, it seems like your various flings have caused more problems than they've solved. Like... not one but TWO sextapes are floating around the internet. On the bright side, there are less flattering encounters that could've been filmed. If even half of your fun with Alexa has secretly been recorded... forget your career, your LIFE would be over.
"Yes they do. Literally every girl wants to fuck you."
"Do you, Mia?" you ask, and she blushes profusely before mumbling something under her breath. You didn't hear her sentence, but you're pretty sure you know exactly what she said.
After another few seconds of uncomfortable silence, you bend down slightly and lightly kiss Mia on the lips.
She tries to push you away saying, "We shouldn't (Y/N)..."
"It'll be fine, Mia. I think you need this right now," you whisper as you unfasten the button of her jeans. She looks uncertainly at you, and considering your recent unluckiness you don't blame her.
That same look fades away as your hand slips into her panties. The idea that anyone who's looking could see you is exciting. You've got nothing left to lose; how will this affect you any differently that those other sextapes? The third time's the charm!
Mia covers her mouth, suppressing a moan at the feeling of your finger sliding into her pussy. Her hand falls away and you press your lips into hers. The uneven rate of her breathing makes the kiss a little awkward, but that's not what either of you are focused on.
"In the car. NOW," she orders, shoving you away. You open the door and return the favor, pushing her into the backseat and climbing in after her. Once the door is closed behind you, she grabs your head and pulls you into another kiss.
You pull away from the kiss and position yourself in front of her on the floorboard. She looks down at you with pure lust as you pull her jeans down and spread her legs. The idea that you could get caught again and probably fired kind of turns you on, but Mia is definitely into it.
"How long have you been waiting for this?" you ask, teasing her clit with your finger as you suck on her neck.
"I'd rather-ahh-not say..."
"Aight then, have it your way," you reply with a mischievous smile. The car slightly rocks as you slide down onto the floorboard. Your face is inches from her wet pussy.
Without any further hesitation, you hook your arms underneath Mia's juicy thighs and dig right into her honey pot. She moans loudly as you begin to lick and kiss her lovely snatch. The taste of it drives you wild; before you know it you're face-deep in her cunt, tongue fucking her slit like there's no tomorrow.
If she was trying to be quiet before, she's definitely not now. Mia bucks her hips as you eat her out, moaning and screaming your name as she does so. One of her hands is firmly on the headrest of her seat for support, and the other has a fistful of your hair and is forcing you even deeper into her pussy.
Her walls begin to tighten around your tongue, so you say, "Cum for me, Mia. I wanna taste you so bad..."
Her face tightens as your mouth envelopes her threshold, and she releases her juices with a scream of pleasure. You make sure to suck up every last drop of her delicious girl cum, and you climb back up to kiss Mia. Her exhausted frame lays nearly motionless in the seat, the only real movements being the rising and falling of her chest.
"You good now?" you ask, giving her an open-mouth kiss to let her taste her own cum. She coos at the taste of herself.
"Yeah... I think so."
"Nice. I'm going to take you home now, okay?"
Mia nods and reaches for her pants as you hop into the driver's seat and start the car. After giving you her address she stretches out across the backseat and yawns. It's been a long day.
"What are you going to do about Shayna?" she finally asks, addressing the elephant in the room. You literally have no plan as to how you're going to confront Shayna, and you're about to ditch your only backup.
"Don't worry Mia, I'll deal with her. Even if she isn't the one who's fucking me over, she won't bother any of you ever again when I'm through with her."
The conversation dies and the car is silent except for the radio. A lot is running through your mind; what if it isn't Baszler? If you consider the idea that whoever did it was at both that episode of NXT and the Japan tour, then she fits perfectly. The motive even fits: Io Shirai had the NXT Women's Championship, which Shayna wanted. Now that Io lost the belt, guess who has an opportunity for the belt? Also, she was really angry at Taynara, so it would make sense that she went and fucked her over.
The problem is that in both scenarios, you're collateral damage. That doesn't make any sense, considering that you're clearly the target. It's too much of a coincidence that you're in both tapes, and how could Io and Tay be the targets anyways? The person recording had made sure in both videos to clearly capture your tattoo.
Before you know it you're pulling into Mia's driveway. She leans forward and kisses your cheek as you park the car.
"Be careful, alright (Y/N)? I don't want you getting hurt," Mia says as she opens the car door. You roll down the window and she leans through and kisses you on the lips.
"Don't worry about me, Mia. Something about the situation is fishy... I have a feeling Shayna is going to be more helpful than harmful."
Mia shrugs and departs after one more quick kiss. The moment you put the car into reverse, your phone begins to ring. You look at it and raise an eyebrow. Why is Tegan calling you?
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