《WWE Harem x Male Reader (REMASTER)》16: Becky Lynch and Dakota Kai
The afternoon was quiet, and otherwise boring. Ruby, Sarah, and Renee all went home, and you were sitting around with nothing you wanted to do. Dinner has passed by now, and you notice Becky tying her shoes off to the side.
"Where are you off to?" you ask casually, hoping she's going somewhere interesting. You've been dying for an excuse to leave now that the storm's died down.
"The bar. Join me?" she replies with a wink, and you shoot up from the couch. You get ready to go and hop into the passenger seat of her car. As she drives, she begins to talk.
"Sooo... what's your favorite drink?" she asks, and you let out a thoughtful sigh. This isn't a question you debate often.
"I'm not much of a drinker, I guess."
"Oh come on, you've gotta have some sort of preference!"
"Okay, fine. If I had to choose, it's probably (Fav Alcoholic Drink)."
Becky looks over at you and smiles, as if you just shared some embarrassing secret with her. Like, she knows you don't keep alcohol in the house. Even if you had any, it would now be gone thanks to her. She drank her entire reserve in one night and is now miserable because of it.
"Just don't get too drunk, (Y/N)," Becky said cheekily as she parks and you both get out of the car. Upon first glance, this isn't some high-end joint. As far as star rating goes, this has to be a 3 star place. It's somewhere a celebrity would go so as to not get recognized.
The interior is nice, put together like some of the pubs you've seen in Ireland (the memories make you shudder), but you like the vibe. Becky, who looks like a biker, fits right in. She's got your drinks as soon as you've sat down at the table.
"C'mon, don't just sit there! Let's play darts or something!" Becky says after downing her whisky. (I've seen people from the US spell it 'whiskey', but in Canada, we spell it like 'whisky'. Deal with it.) You're perfectly content with just sitting and sipping on your drink, though.
"You know," you reply slowly, smacking your lips after taking a drink, "Alcohol is actually a depressant. In theory, bars are supposed to be laid back and chill, like coffee shops. The caffeine in coffee, however, makes it a stimulant. So the whole system is ass-backwards."
"Huh. Well, come on, we're playing pool." She takes you by the hand and brings you to the pool table. She stacks the balls and you grab cues.
"I'm pretty sure I can beat you," you say confidently, breaking the stack. You manage to sink a solid ball, so you get to go again. The next shot's a miss, but you've still got the edge.
The game goes on, and it finally boils down to you with two left and Becky on the 8 ball. She pockets it easily and turns to you, standing victorious. The smug look on her face lets you know exactly what's coming next.
"'I'm pretty sure I can beat you'," she mocks, doing an impression of you. Your voice fed through and Irish girl doesn't sound half bad. Unfortunately, her impression of you is at your own expense.
"Oh, just shut it," you grumble, leaning back against the pool table. It's a good thing that no one here recognizes you, because otherwise... no, it's unbearable. A leaked video of the L Becky just handed you would be devastating. The thought of it sends shivers down your spine. Imagine all the fans you'd lose if they found out that you lost a game of pool to Becky Lynch.
"Lighten up, (Y/N)! Here, have a sip of the happy sauce." Becky offers you her whisky, and you hesitantly take a sip. It's all you can do to not spit it out and vomit. The shit's disgusting, but you down it like a champ.
"Oh fer Christ's sake, man! Stop being so negative! Here, let's have some fun." Becky turns and walks away to the other side of the bar, a more crowded one. She ducks behind a person and chucks a half-full beer bottle like a Molotov. It shatters against a burly dude's back, and he stands up furiously.
The guy's an easy 6'5", and he's looking right at the guy who Becky was hiding behind. All hell breaks loose, and Becky disappears into the massive brawl. With a groan, you rush in to help, but that's not exactly the way it goes.
A wooden chair majestically sails over the crowd in a spectacular arc, and it comes down at high speed. Unfortunately, your face is in the way of its downward progression. It slams against your face, slicing a nasty scar as it does so. Then, it hits the ground and splits into about three parts.
You fall harder than the chair, and the last thing you remember is Becky standing over you with a grin. That fucking bitch...
A few hours after the bar brawl, you wake up in a hotel room. Your eyes flutter open, and you sit up with a groan. Your head hurts like crazy, and it's quite distracting. It's difficult to focus on the details from the bar, but you recall everything with some effort.
"Oh good, you're awake," Becky says off to your left. Though still a bit dazed, you turn your head and glare at her. She continues, unfazed by your murderous gaze, "God, I'm so sorry, this is my fault."
"No shit, Sherlock," You grumble, feeling the scar on your face. Hopefully it just feels worse than it really is. You turn back to the mirror and groan loudly. It's so much worse than it feels.
"I did the best I could, but we'll have to have someone else take care of it. Tegan told me that Dakota is good with that sort of thing." Becky sits down beside you on the bed, holding your hand in hers.
"It's fine I guess, but you owe me," you sigh, leaning into her as she rests her head on your shoulder. For a few minutes, the two of you just sit there and cuddle, enjoying the moment you two have alone. When you go back home, the girls aren't going to leave you alone. They never do.
"Maybe I can pay that back right now?" Becky's hand slowly creeps down towards your crotch, and she lifts her head to kiss your cheek.
"I may have gotten taken out by a chair, but I can still fuck you into oblivion."
"I'd like to see you try Anakin!"
In response to this insult to your injury (which was caused by her), you grab onto her and hold her tightly, kissing her lips as fiercely as possible. She giggles as you continue to press into her, but she's losing control. Her lust for you is getting the better of her, and she strips her lower half away.
She ditches her upper half as you strip completely and neither of you waste any time getting into the dirty. Without hesitation, you pull Becky into your lap and suck her boobs, enjoying the taste of her tits as she tries to keep up her usual tough act. The feeling of your mouth on her breasts and your throbbing erection against her drenched slit make her throw her head back and moan, allowing you full control.
Not for long, however. Using full force she pushes you backwards onto the bed and lays on top of you, smothering you with her rack as she grinds against your cock. It's already wet, only from rubbing against her folds.
"You're so hard," Becky marvels, staring behind her at your rock-hard penis. What does she expect, when she's laying naked on top of you, smothering you with her big boobies?
Becky stands up over you and takes a step forward. The view you have of... well, her everything, is truly a sight to behold. She drops to her knees, planting her sex right onto your face.
Okay then, you decide as you lick and tease her pussy. The noises she makes are tame compared to most girls, and you're amazed at how determined she is to act tough. She slides her fingers underneath your head and applies force, pressing you firmly against her vulva.
"Fuck yes...!" she moans, grabbing you so hard it hurts. To help her out, you grab her waist and continue to eat her out, so she lets go of your head. Instead, her hands wander. One teases her clit, and the other gropes one of her tits.
You sit up as she nears her orgasm, and she bucks her hips as you continue sucking on her pussy upright. With one final primitive moan of ecstasy, Becky squirts all over your face. She falls into your lap, breathing heavily and looking quite satisfied. With some effort, she sits up and wipes her girl cum from your face.
"Was it everything you hoped it would be?" you ask grinning dumbly. She huffs, but it's more playful than icy.
"Just shut the fuck up and rail me," she replies, poking your scar. With a small grimace, you turn sideways and lay her on her back, climbing on top of her with confidence.
"If you want me to rail you..." You pin her wrists to the bed above her head. She doesn't squirm but looks you dead in the eye. Her intense gaze falters as you rub and prod her pussy with your enormous cock. "... ask, and you shall receive."
There's no bother to start slow, like you usually do. This bitch caused the free-for-all that scarred your face after beating you in pool, AND made you drink disgusting alcohol. She deserves every bit of this pounding.
"(Y/N)!" she screams as you ram into her, giving it to her full force. The room shakes with the force of your sex, but you have no desire to stop. Especially not when you see what you're doing to the woman beneath you.
The swagger she's tried so hard to maintain is gone, replaced by pleasure in its purest form. Her face is bright red and caked with sweat, which no doubt mimics your own. Her beautiful brown eyes have trouble focusing on you, her senses are that overloaded.
Neither of you will last much longer if you keep this up. You're already growing tired from this insane pace, and Becky isn't exactly helping you. The way she turns you on isn't something she does, it's what she's not doing. She's not holding back her voice anymore, letting out every little moan, gasp, and squeak. There's no point in her trying to match or resist your speed/rhythm either, so she's gone essentially limp, letting you have your way with her gorgeous body. Her tits jiggle with every thrust, giving you the urge to press on.
Finally, with a moan of satisfaction, your climax arises. Your seed erupts into Becky's pussy, and you continue fucking her as you do this, and within a few seconds of the end of your orgasm, she has her second. Her walls tighten and squeeze your softening dick, almost as if metaphorically begging for you to carry on.
You look down at her, and she meets your gaze. In an instant you dive in and kiss her, overtaken by a sudden passion. It's a strange thing, love...
What feels like several minutes later, the two of you break apart and lay side by side. Becky rests comfortably in your arms, dozing off to your warmth and heavy breathing.
"Should we just stay here for the night?" you ask lazily, sharing one more sloppy kiss with her before relaxing for good. Tonight, you'll sleep cuddled up with a hot redhead in a hotel bed. Doesn't sound like much of a bad time.
"Hey, wake up." A quiet voice synchronizes with the gentle shaking against your arm, but you ignore it. You're still tired from last night; this sleep is necessary. The soft hands gentle press into you again, but a little more forcefully. Your eyes open slightly, and a figure stands in the warmth of the sunlight that pours through the window. "(Y/N), it's nearly noon."
"I don't wanna get up," you grunt, trying to pull the covers over your head and ignore her. Who fucking cares if it's noon? Can't she see you busy you are?
Becky slowly removes the covers and kisses you on the lips, and it leaves you no choice but to hold her face to yours and kiss back. With a grin she turns away to complete her morning routine. She put her clothes back on as you slept, but like... you would rather have her leave them off.
You're in no rush to get out of bed, so you take your time waking up for the day. However, before you know it Becky has basically forced your clothes back on and shoved you out the door. Y'all wouldn't want to worry the others, you suppose.
You push the door open and enter your home only to be instantly 'attacked' by nearly all of the girls who stuck around. Funny how you said for all of them to leave, and almost none of them actually did. The company is nice nonetheless.
"What happened to your eye? You look like Anakin fuckin' Skywalker," Tegan laughs, bringing notice to your damaged face. Alexa gently rubs her thumb over it, and you wince.
"Hurts, huh?" she asks softly, allowing a small smile. It's nice to see that at least someone cares about you, unlike your best friend.
"You're gonna look ten times more badass once it's all patched up," adds Liv, the ever-helpful crazy blonde chick. Having her around is... interesting, to say the least. She's obviously madly in love with you, so her trying to hide it always leads to interesting conversations.
"Speaking of which," you reply, turning to Dakota. Now that the attention is on her, she blushes. You finish, motioning to your scar, "I heard that you can properly deal with this?"
"Hey! I told you I didn't know what I was doing!"
"How could you, when I was knocked out when you patched it?"
You and Becky stare each other down, locked in a silent as the girls look on in confusion. Finally, she caves and heads to her room. Dakota takes your hand and leads you to the main floor wash closet, next to your room.
She sits you down on the edge of the bathtub and digs through the stuff in the mirror cabinet before turning back to you. She examines your eye, figuring out what she's going to need to patch it up. You keep that cabinet stocked with first aid supplies in case anything happens to you. The upstairs is stocked with stuff like makeup and face paint. (The makeup is Alexa's, but the face paint is absolutely yours.)
"It looks disinfected, at least, so I'll just open it up and sew it," Dakota mutters, reaching into the sink and grabbing a slew of materials. The scissors don't look very appealing, but she's only going to make a small cut in the stitches that Becky attempted.
"You do that, pretty lady."
Dakota scoffs and blushes as she begins to work, apologizing when you grimace. You look at yourself in the mirror, examining her work as it's happening. She seems to be doing a much better job than Becky did, that's for sure.
"So how did you get this?" she asks, trying to lighten the mood as she sews the bloody cut on your face. Reluctantly, you fill her in on the details of getting taken out by a U.F.W.C. (Unidentified Flying Wooden Chair) She's a great audience, nodding and smiling until you're finished. By the time you wrap your story up, she cuts the thread on your last stitch.
"Thanks, Dakota," you say, getting up to leave. As you reach for the door, however, she grabs your hand and pulls you back towards her. You open your mouth to ask if something's wrong, but one look at her face tells you otherwise.
"Do you wanna... uh..."
"Honestly, yeah I do," you laugh, pressing her into the wall. She leans into you and moans, unable to get enough. You lift one of her thighs to your waist and yank her pants far enough down to give her ass an upward spank.
She strips herself of her pants completely, and you do the same. This trend continues, and soon you're both completely naked. Dakota is still really cute. There's something about her that separates her from the hot category. It's her shy demeanor, mixed in with the idea that she doesn't think she's that beautiful. In reality, she's fucking gorgeous.
Alexa on the other hand... she knows she's hot. That woman can fucking melt a dude just by staring into his eyes, but Dakota can't. She's like the girl next door that you don't notice until it's almost too late to be with her.
Speaking of melting, though, if someone hadn't showered earlier, there wouldn't be a floor towel draped over the side of the tub. So someone inadvertently saved your entire nervous system by showering, because sitting down on the uncovered bathtub... it's the choice of death. Same caliber as sitting down on leather or wooden furniture with no shirt on.
"Fuck yes..." you sigh as Dakota begins to stroke your cock. Her soft hands are warm, making it a very pleasant sensation. The fact that she's touching your wiener helps, too.
After about another minute of that, Dakota kisses the tip of your stiff rod. Slowly, she takes only the tip in her mouth, sucking on it gently. She teases you, and this picture of innocence you had of her begins to change a little bit.
Dakota isn't a complete pro, however. She struggles to take more than a few inches of your cock in as she descends, and you push her head farther down like before. Instead of you taking over for her, she sucks your dick all on her own, but with difficulty.
Her movement becomes so fluid that it's distracting. Before you know it, you've lost all concentration in general, and your cum starts to flood into her mouth. Dakota takes it, her eyes wide and on the brink of tears, and swallows it in a few gulps.
"Yummy," she says, though you can tell she's lying. Some girls don't like the taste, whatever. You help her to her feet, and she stands over your lap, aligning your dick with her pussy. With one swift motion, she drops onto you with a loud moan and begins to ride you.
Her pussy is so tight that you can see the bulge of your penis against her skin. You didn't know that's actually a thing, but it's oddly satisfying to watch.
After a few more minutes, Dakota wraps her arms around your neck and silently cries out, rocked by her orgasm. You know your second one can't be too far off, so you pick her up and press her back into the wall, holding her up to your waist by the ass.
You speed up, going faster and faster, and Dakota buries her face in your neck to silence herself. At this point, you're right on the edge of climax, so you bury your cock as deep inside her as you can go. You kiss Dakota to silence both of you as you erupt inside of Dakota's tight little snatch.
"Thank you," she says quietly as the two of you redress. A small kiss on the cheek tells her everything she needs to know... and hopefully, you haven't been in here long enough for the other girls to know you two fucked.
Upon reentering the kitchen, you discover that Becky came back out of her room. She looks at you comically, and you keep a straight face.
"Well, that sure took a while."
"Don't fuck me up and do a shitty job fixing me, then."
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