《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 6: Happy Birthday


I rode in Emmett's car as we arrived at school. Edward parked across from us as I spotted Bella taking a picture of her human friends. Once Edward began to walk towards her, I listened in.

"Happy Birthday." I heard him say. Yeah I was eavesdropping on them, but what makes it seem like my other siblings aren't?...Actually they aren't...oh well.

"Don't remind me." Bella retorted.

"Your birth is definitely a day to celebrate." Edward commented back.

"My aging's not-"

"Your aging? I think 18 is a little early to be worrying about that."

"It's one year older than you."

"No it isn't, I'm 109."

"Maybe I shouldn't be dating such an old man, Its gross."

That's when I giggled a bit. "What are you giggling about munchkin?" Emmett nudged me using the nickname for me.

"Bella and Edward. Bella's a little grouchy that it's her birthday today. She thinks because she's 18 that it makes her older than Edward." I said giggling a bit again. That's when the bell rang so I followed the rest of my siblings to the buildings.

Though, before I entered, I noticed someone else's thoughts, one I didn't recognize. I looked back and saw Bella hugging a tall tan guy with long hair. All his thoughts were about Bella.

I know him. Bella talked about him a few times and Sam pointed him out to me once from afar. I think that's Billy Black's kid, Jacob. Sam says he's probably going to phase soon. Maybe I'll get to meet him someday...

I read Edward's mind as he waited, he was just trying not to be jealous.

I shook my head in annoyance, unblocking my mind shield to think to him.

I saw Edward glance towards me then nodded. I then entered the building.

I caught up with Alice but was stopped when she jumped a rail of stairs and headed towards Bella with a gift in her hands. I rolled my eyes at my overly excited sister and joined them.

"Bella! Happy Birthday!" Alice hugged Bella, giving her the gift as they pulled away. Bella shushed her, "Alice, I thought I said no presents."

"Sorry, that is partly my fault. I saw her getting the dress and I couldn't stop her. And much as you hate birthdays, Alice can be very persuasive. I on the other hand saved my gift for later. Happy Birthday Bella." I chuckled and hugged her.

"And I saw you opening it and guess what? You'll love it. You're going to wear it tonight, our place" Alice subtly added. Bella looked at her unsure, "Come on please? It'll be fun."

Bella caved in. Alice and I jumped in excitement, "We'll see you at 7." I stated as Alice pulled me to join Jasper as we walked off, but before we left, Bella called to us, "Jasper, Avalei, no fair with the mood changing thing."


I looked at her with my hands up in surrender, "Don't look at me." We turned to Jasper, he smirked, "Sorry Bella. Happy...Nevermind." We laughed as we walked off.

I was just about done getting ready for Bella's party, when I heard Edward and Bella across the hall, in the family library room.

"Francesco Solimena painted this, he depicted them as Gods, the Volturi are the closest thing to royalty my world has." Edward began.

Ugh, the Volturi. Carlisle told me about them before, I somewhat gathered everything together and came to the conclusion that they were fancy ruling jerks. Think they can just get anyone to join them just to make themselves stronger and powerful. Dad told me that they wanted Alice and Edward to join them but since they're somewhat civilized, the Volturi gave them a choice to either join them or stay with our family. And obviously we know the answer to that.

I've been a little paranoid because they don't know about me, especially about being a hybrid either. And I don't plan on letting them know unless I have no other choice. In fact, Alice and I have been watching their futures as well just to make sure they don't get the hint of what I am.

"Is that...Carlisle?" I heard Bella say, which snapped me out of my inner monologue.

"Yeah, he lived with them for a few decades. He described them as being well refined, no respect for human life of course, but respects for the arts and sciences at least, and the law. Above all."

"Vampires have laws?" Bella questioned.

"Not very many. Only one is regularly enforced..."

"What is it?"

"That we keep the existence of our kind a secret. We don't make spectacles of ourselves. And we don't kill conspicuously. Unless of course you want to die."

"You have to stop talking about that. I can't even think about someone hurting you." Bella said sternly.

"Bella, the only thing that can hurt me is you. And I don't have anything else to be afraid of."

"That's not true."

"Victoria will come for me one day. Alice and Avalei will see when she decides and then...we'll be ready."

"I could protect you. If you change me." Bella assured.

"Bella, you already do protect me. You're my only reason to stay alive. If that's what I am. But it's my job to protect you...from everyone except my sisters."

I finally came over along with Alice and interrupted the two love birds, "It's time! Its time its time its time!" Alice said excitedly, while pulling Bella towards the stairs.

I hung back a bit, "She is right with the protection thing" that made Edward lift up a brow, "I mean the closest thing that can actually hurt you is...well me." I joked. He pushed me slightly then caught my head in a headlock and gave me a noogie.


"Hey! Watch the hair!" I laughed as he let me go. We then met the others in the living room for the party.

"We're sorry about all this, we tried to reign Alice in." Dad greeted Bella.

"Like that's even possible. Happy Birthday Bella." Mom greeted.

I went to stand next to Rosalie and Emmett when I saw a flash.

"I found it in your bag. You mind?" Alice said after snapping the picture, Bella didn't mind.

"Dating an older woman...Hot." I heard Emmett comment to Edward. I rolled my eyes at him and smacked his arm. Edward looked at him amused and Emmett questioned what he said.

"You first Rosalie." Alice said while handing a gift to Rosalie who subtly passed it to Bella.

"It's a necklace. Alice picked it out." Rosalie blankly said.

"Thanks." Bella replied.

Alice then grabbed Edward and placed him next to Bella, "Show me the love!" Alice chorused as she snapped another picture then went back to the gift table.

I soon realized I forgot Bella's gift in my room. "Oh shoot, I forgot my present in my room. I'll be right back. Just go on without me." I then raced up the stairs to my room.

Once I got there, it had to take me a second to remember where I hid it, knowing Alice would've spoiled it. That's when I lifted my bed and got the small gift out. It was a dream catcher charm that she could hang on her truck's mirror. It had little beads and tinier charms hanging that represented things she liked.

I made sure the bow wasn't wrinkled and was about to walk out of my room when a vision came up that made me freeze.

"Ow, paper cut." Bella announced as drops of blood hit the floor.

Suddenly Edward looked up to Jasper who began to charge towards Bella, but at the same time Edward pushed Bella back as she hit the wall, crashing into some glass vases and onto the floor. As Jasper ran to Bella, but before he could get to her, Edward pushed him as well, Jasper landed right on top of the piano, breaking it.

Jasper got up again, dodging Emmett and Dad but soon got distracted by Alice, "Jas, Jas shhhh its okay. Its just a little...blood" That's when they all turned towards Bella, who tried to cover up her bloody arm.

Growls filled the room.

I gasped as I heard crashes downstairs. I immediately ran towards the commotion...but I was too late.

I saw Jasper being held by Emmett and Dad, Alice stood there next to them as well. I then spotted Bella on the floor, all bloody, like my vision. I immediately ran to her side, holding my hand up just in case anything else happens and I'd have to use my powers. I thought over to Jasper.

"Get Jasper out of here." Dad ordered as he sped over to us, examining Bella's wounds. Once Emmett took Jasper away, I lowered my hand.

"I'm so- I'm sorry I can't" Alice stuttered as she too ran away. The others soon followed. All except Edward. He was just staring at Bella.

I also sat there, looking at the ground, a few drops of Bella's blood stained the carpet. I was disappointed. Not at my family, but at myself, knowing that I wasn't there fast enough to stop all of this.

"I'll have to stitch this up in my office." Dad started then sighed, "Check on Jasper," he ordered Edward, "I'm sure he's very upset with himself and I doubt he'll listen to anyone but you right now...Edward."

I then looked up at Edward, more guilt engulfed me. He gave one last look to me, then to Bella and left.

I looked back over to Bella and Dad, "I'll go make sure they're all okay." Dad nodded and Bella smiled softly as I left.

Once I got outside, I used my senses to find out where the others went. It didn't take me long to find that they were close to the stream.

I felt so much emotions but the ones that stood out were guilt and disappointment.

"I'm sorry this all happened. If only-If only I saw the future sooner, I could've stopped everything." I rushed.

Alice soon came over to comfort me, "Shhh Avalei, it wasn't your fault. It wasn't anyone's fault. I didn't even see that coming. All that could've happened even if you didn't see it beforehand. It was good enough that you came in when you could."

"I guess you're right. But I'm still disappointed in myself for not doing any more to help. I wish I had the power to turn back time."

"You did help." I looked up to see Jasper next to me now, "If it wasn't for Alice and your mind talk to calm me down, things could've gotten a lot worse." That made Edward almost flinch.

"Ed, everything is going to be alright. Bella's going to be fine. You should go to her, it's getting late. And she'll probably want to see you." I assured. He nodded and ran off.

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