《Avalei Cullen (A Twilight Saga Fanfic)》Ch 2: Hey Bella


"Avalei, you know we aren't allowed to socialize with humans unless we have to." My loving annoying mind reading brother came in the kitchen as I ate my breakfast.

"Seriously Ed, you butting into my thoughts gets on my nerves sometimes. And why cant I? I am human too. I should be able to socialize with other people who aren't my family, no offense." I stated.

"We've been through this before Avalei, you are allowed, its just-" Esme started to say until I interrupted her, knowing this conversation too well, "Yeah I know, protecting the family secret and all that. But mom, can't I have one human friend? Besides, she's new, she wouldn't know a thing about any of us." I persuaded.

Esme sighed, "We'll see how things work out. Now hurry, go change and get to school."

I hugged her and went upstairs to change into an outfit that Alice already picked out for me, she does that all the time since she can see the future. Once I was done, I hopped into Emmett's jeep as we headed towards the school.

We haven't seen the new girl yet but we have heard a lot of talk about her and I have a feeling we will see her now since its lunch.

As usual, my family and I were one of the last ones to enter the cafeteria. And like always, we'd get looks from the other students as we walked pass them to our table. One pair of eyes being the new girl's.

"Who are they?" I asked as these couple of beautifully pale beings entered the cafeteria.

"The Cullens" Angela answered. Jessica leaned in to join the conversation, "They're Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids. They moved here a few years ago."

"They kinda keep to themselves." Angela included.

"Because they're all together. Like, together together. The blonde girl, Rosalie and the big dark haired guy Emmett, they're a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela commented.

"But they live together. And the little dark haired girl, Alice, she's really weird, she's with Jasper, the blonde who looks like he's in pain. I mean, Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad slash match maker." Jessica stated.

"Maybe he'll adopt me." Angela joked, making me laugh a little.

I faced the doors of the cafeteria again as 2 more people entered, a short, black haired tan girl laughed playfully pushed this beautiful bronze haired boy in front of her.

"Who are they?" I asked again.

"Oh, that's Edward and Avalei Cullen." Angela stated. I looked over at them again as the boy, Edward went ahead of Avalei. He caught eyes with me for a second as I looked away.


"Now those two, they're not dating. They're the only ones that aren't together in that house. Avalei looks nothing like the others but she is equally pretty and seems pretty nice, she's the youngest but extremely smart. She's in some of our upper grade classes." Angela stated.

"They're all totally gorgeous obviously but for Edward, apparently no one here is good enough for him. Like I care. Anyway, don't waste your time." Jessica finished.

I nodded my head, "I wasn't planning on it." Though, I couldn't help but peek at them at their table, mainly at Edward who stared back, looking frustrated which made me look away, letting my hair hide my face.

As I ate my lunch, me being the only one actually eating at this table, I noticed Edward staring off somewhere and locked target on the new girl, Bella. He looked off though.

"Ed, what's wrong?" I asked him out loud.

He finally took his eyes off of Bella, blinking in frustration, "I can't read her mind." That made all of us look at him.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused, I thought he could read everyone's mind.

"I can read everyone's mind in this room, except hers." Edward replied. That made all of us glance at Bella, who was trying not to peek at us from behind her hair.

I may be younger but I am smart due to the fact of having 100+ years old family members teaching you the past 10 years. So it is reasonable that I am stuck in advanced classes, but hey, I'm not complaining since I get to have at least 1 of my siblings in each of my classes.

I sit behind Edward, drawing in my notebook waiting for class to start as I suddenly see Bella walk into the room and approach Mr. Molina. "Welcome Miss Swan, Follow along as best you can till you get caught up." He then gestured towards the seat next to my brother.

She passed by the class fan which made my brother tense up in his chair, covering his mouth and nose with his hand. Before Bella got to her seat, I mind-talked to Edward, "Ed, calm down." He calmed a little until she finally sat next to him. She looked at him as he too looked back at her, but more, intense.

"Ed, stop looking at her like that. You're creeping her out. You can make it. Just concentrate on my thoughts." I knew my something was wrong the way my brother reacted when the fan blew Bella's scent across the room. She made him thirsty.

I soon thought about random stuff, mainly jokes and pranks to distract Edward.

I was so caught up in my thoughts that the bell finally rang and Edward was out the door a little too fast. I looked up to see Bella sort of hurt and as much as I wanted to avoid her, I just couldn't leave her hanging.


As she was packing her stuff into her bag, I approached her, "Hey, uh it's Bella right?" She looked a little shocked as I spoke to her, even others around us stole glances at us. What? They haven't seen a Cullen-oh right, I'm supposed to be antisocial. Oh well, too late.

Bella finally snapped out of her trance and nodded, "Uh yeah. Hey."

"I'm Avalei Cullen, sorry about my brother, he's not really social. Well not any of us are but sorry again." I joked a little.

"Oh um, its okay. Thanks" She said shyly.

"So I gotta go. I'll see you around." I smiled slightly at her and waved as I exited the classroom.

It was finally after school and we were standing around our cars. Edward being a little more weirder than usual.

"Ed, what happened back there in Bio? You looked like you were ready to-you know." I stated. The others looked concerned.

"I wanted to, but thanks for distracting me." Edward thanked me. I nodded my head. It wasn't until we saw Bella walk out of the school and to her truck where we all glanced at her.

"What do you mean you're leaving?" I asked aggravated by my brother. We were all in the living room talking.

"I have to go away for awhile. Its the new girl, she's nothing like I've ever encountered before. I need to satisfy my thirst." Edward explained. Just before I was going to object he spoke again, "I'm sorry Avalei, I need to do this, I don't want to risk hurting you. I need to control myself again. I promise I'll be back."

As soon as he said that I understood. I then went up to him and hugged him, "Be safe." He nodded then said goodbye to the others then he was gone.

"There's been killings around town. Must be nomads passing through. I'm surprised the Volturi doesn't intervene." Carlisle announced.

"Its not Edward right? I mean he wouldn't-" I tried to say but Esme interrupted, "Of course not. He wouldn't do that. Don't worry Avalei, things will calm down, and Edward will come back soon."

"Sooner than you think." A voice I recognize anywhere came at the doorway.

I smiled, "Edward!" I ran up to hug him. I love my brothers equally, its just I've been so attached to my family that I'd hate to see them hurt or gone even if it was just a few days.

"So you're alright now?" I asked concerned of my brother.

"Yes, I'll just learn to deal with it." He answered.

Edward and I were already seated in our seats, a minute after, Bella walks in, she stops shortly at the door as she sees Edward. Once she sat down, my brother introduced himself.

I smiled in amusement as I watched my brother and Bella get along nicely. There was a sparkle in my brother's eyes that I've never seen before. I followed shortly behind them in the halls until Edward closed his eyes and walked away from her. I caught up to him as we exited the school building.

Once we got to our rides I spoke to Edward, "So how is talking with Bella Ed?" I joked until Rosalie stopped my giggling.

"You talked to her? Edward you know we're not supposed to interact with them." She said, I was about to defend him until we all heard a screeching sound coming from across the parking lot.

Tyler's car skidded around the corner and was headed towards Bella's truck, with Bella standing between them. Before any of us could react, Edward disappeared at my side and something stopped the car from crushing Bella. Or should I say someone.

My family and I knew it was Edward that stopped the van from crushing Bella and so we all rushed to get in our cars and drove home.

Edward's going to get it. Especially from the look of Rosalie.

I didn't really know what happened during the trip but I do know that Edward was talking to Bella again. Right when we were leaving, Alice asked Bella if she was riding in our bus, but Edward coldly replied that our bus was full.

The next day Bella invited Edward to La Push beach and of course, he had to deny her offer.

I know all the tension between our family and La Push territories but it didn't really phase me. I've been to La Push a few times, well in my younger years because I didn't know better but every time I went there, it seems very calm and soothing to me. But now, I'm not really allowed there since I am a Cullen, although I'm technically not a vampire. The whole vampire wolf debate there. Yes the whole deal.

Its been a few days since that La Push invite and our family is out on our sunny family outing. Our excuse from school is our parents like to take us hiking and camping on sunny days but really, I would tag along sometimes as my family goes out to hunt since its dangerous to be at school with the sun and all.

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