《To Escape a Possessive Mate》Wolf-Vincent
A million things were running through my mind as Vincent entered the forest, carrying me in his arms. The main thing was that once Jason finds out Vincent's intentions, he's going to be so pissed off. I just prayed that when he murdered Vincent, he wouldn't accidentally injure me in his blind fury.
Vincent still appeared like he was in his human form. The only differences I noticed visually were his much pointier ears, his sharper teeth, and his new permanent yellow eyes. When he talked, his voice sounded deeper and scratchy. Plus, he couldn't found sentences real well, instead choosing to communicate with grunts, growls, barks, yips, pretty much everything dog. I suppose this is what people mean when they say that the wolf's inner wolf takes over their body.
It's kind of weird.
I looked around. It seemed like Vincent knew where he was going. He stared on ahead, keeping me cradled to his bare chest as he ran faster than any human I know. We swished past trees, jumped over branches, and dodged giant rocks that lay in our path. He has a plan. I know it.
"Vincent," I said, "where are you taking me?"
"Keep Mate," he growled, and that was it. He didn't even glance down at me or anything. His inner wolf was only focused on keeping me at his side. He went down the checklist, passing the making sure I was nearby, then making sure I was protected, and now making sure he could keep me. I hope to
God that there's no more steps that he wants to do...unless there's a Free Mate part, but I highly doubt that.
My stomach growled and I felt it tighten. "Vincent, I'm hungry," I whined.
Immediately Vincent froze in his tracks, coming to an abrupt stop. He looked down at me, concern all over his creepy face. "Comfort Mate," he growled. Okay, I guess that's the third one on the checklist. At least that doesn't sound too bad.
Vincent set me down on my feet gently, keeping his hands on my waist to make sure I was steady. He perked up his head and sniffed around the area before a wide smile formed, showing off his dagger-like teeth. For a second, he looked like he was about to run off, but then he looked at me and a worried expression appeared. I was then thrown over his shoulder and he was off running again.
Vincent didn't run far. He ran up to a tall pine tree and jumped, wrapped both of his arms around the trunk, while we were about fifteen feet above the ground. Because I was over his shoulder, I was so lucky to see him climbing the very tell tree, watching as the ground grew farther and farther away with every passing second. Soon Vincent reached one of high branches and set me on it, placing my hands on the trunk, telling me to hold onto it.
"Mate stay here," he said.
I nodded, having absolutely no intent on attempting to climb down this giant tree by myself.
Vincent smiled and leaned forward, licking the side of my face.
I grimaced, but waited for him to look away before I wiped the saliva off. Vincent climbed, or rather jumped, down the tree and then took off running into the foliage where I couldn't see him.
I kept my arms wrapped around the tree and looked down at the ground, which must have been about thirty or forty feet away. Now Vincent did this for one of two reasons. The first being he wanted to make sure that I was in a position where I would end up needing him, just as I need him to get out of this stupid tree. The second, and most likely, is that he put me out of the reach of predators...or Jason.
I waited up in that idiotic tree for a good three minutes before I heard some rustling in the bushes on the ground. A part of me hoped that it was Jason so that he could save me from this predicament, but then I realize that he'll also be turned into a possessive animal due to the full moon as well. Another thing too, how in the world does a space rock turn men into animals?
Vincent jumped through the brush and looked at up at me, a huge smile on his face...so large that I could see it even from up here. However, there looked like there was something around his lips, but I couldn't tell what it was.
He started to climb the tree, reaching me in a matter of seconds. Once he was up close and personal, I saw that the substance around his mouth was blood. It was dark red and dripped from his lips. Oh my God. He ate somebody...wait, if he eats a human, then I think he can go to the prison on the territory. I know that werewolves are forbidden from killing a human who lives on the territory.
Vincent wrapped his arms around me and pulled me into him, having to tug a little because I didn't want to let go of the tree trunk. Soon I was once again trapped in his arms and he carried me back down onto stable ground. He set me on my feet, keeping a firm grip on my hand, leading me through the bushes.
On the other side was dead deer. I think that this deer must have been on steroids or something, because it was so frickin' huge! And it was one of those deer that had to horns, or antlers, on their head, so it totally could have fought back.
I cringed.
Vincent let go of my hand and walked over to the dead deer, which had only been recently killed because its blood was still gushing out of its body. This must have been what Vincent had set out to get when I said I was hungry. Stupid wolf!
Vincent bent down, picking up the deer as if it wasn't made of rock-hard muscle, but feathers, and carried it over to me. I was inwardly pleading that he wouldn't bring that carcass to me, but I knew that his wolf didn't understand humans...at all.
Vincent stopped two feet in front of me, an eager look on his face. It appeared as if he were one of those house cats that kills a mouse and leaves it on the owner's pillow. Disgusting animals.
He set the deer on the ground at my feet and pushed it forward. He then leaned back, staring at me with anticipation. "Vincent get for Mate," he said.
Ugh, his horrible English is really starting to get on my nerves.
"Comfort Mate," he added, nudging the dead deer towards me once more.
I looked down at the carcass that lay at my feet. The deer had been freshly killed, so it corneas weren't clouded up yet, and it looked like it was staring at me. It was giant, surprising me a little bit that Vincent could kill in just a few moments. However, it was not a cheeseburger or anything that I could possibly stomach. This stupid wolf must have forgotten the fact that I'm human, and as a human, I don't eat deer! Especially raw deer!
"Yeah, I'm not touching that," I scoffed, crossing my arms over my chest.
Vincent looked at me in confusion. He tilted his head slightly for a second and then nudged the deer towards me again. Okay, so he obviously doesn't get it, so maybe I'll have to say it in a way he'll understand.
"I. Don't. Want!" I shouted, putting emphasis on the want, to show that I didn't want him or the nasty deer. Seriously though. A dead deer? Hasn't this fool ever heard of Cheerios?
Vincent's face fell. His ears, which looked kind of like wolf ears, sort of flattened. I'm sure that if he had a tail, he would have curled it in between his legs as well. He let out a little whimper and sort of shuffled on his feet.
"Sorry Mate," he mumbled. I couldn't help but think that if I were with Jason during this full moon stupidity, he would have remembered that I'm a human and at least would have broken into someone's home to get me some food.
"Let's just go," I whined, wanting to get out of the forest.
Vincent nodded and grabbed my hand again. This time, he didn't put too much force on it, but was gentle. He led the way, guiding me through this stupid forest and eventually we reached an edge to it. There was a field that had a little river running through it. The field was covered in tall grass that came up to my waist, and the river was rather large and the water actually looked blue like it does on TV. This water wasn't a dirty brown or green.
"Why'd you bring me here?" I asked. This place was...pretty. There were little song birds flying in the blue sky. This field seemed to be full of green, and the pretty Easter green that I see on cards and wrapping paper, not the nasty green. The sky was a pale blue, without a cloud anywhere in it. I could even see the full moon, as it looked like a pale white floating up in that deep blue.
"Love Mate," Vincent said, wrapping both of his arms around my waist. He pulled me tightly into his body, keeping me trapped to his chest. He began to nuzzle my cheek with his when I felt something sticky on my face.
The deer blood!
"EWW!" I shrieked. "Get off!" I pushed on Vincent's chest with all my might, only earning a growl in response.
He took his right arm and gripped both of my hands in his mighty one, giving me a look of pure fury.
"Mine!" he snarled.
I rolled my eyes. "The blood!" I shouted.
Vincent looked a lot less angry and cocked his eyebrow. "Blood?" he asked.
This is going to be gross, but I have to do it in order to prove my point. I pulled one of hands loose and brought my finger up to Vincent's face. I wiped some of blood off his lip onto my finger, pulling it back to show him.
Vincent's eyes widened and he grabbed my hand, inspecting my finger. He sniffed at it and licked it a little. He was most likely doing this to make sure that it wasn't my blood that I was showing him. Soon Vincent licked his own lips, tasting the blood there and he let out a hearty laugh. I didn't know that dogs could laugh.
He kept a grip on my hand and ran over to the river, dragging me behind. When we reached it, he let go of me and walked over to the water, shoving his head under and shaking it from side to side to get the blood off. At least he's starting to understand.
I knelt down in front of the water and began to scoop some into my hands to bring to my face to wash off the blood that Vincent had rubbed on there. Once I was sure I was all clean, I looked over at Vincent, who had his gaze locked on me. When he saw me catch him staring, he smiled and scooted closer to me. His hair was soaked and sticking to his head. He shook to dry himself, spraying the water all over.
I held up my hands to try to keep dry.
Once again, Vincent laughed. Well, I'm glad to know that his wolf has a sense of humor at least. Once I had wiped all the water droplets from my face with my hand, Vincent scooted even closer to me.
He wrapped one of his arms around my shoulder and leaned in close. "Vincent love Mate," he said. With that, he leaned in and licked the side of my face again. I fought to hide the look of disgust, and surprisingly managed to.
"Thanks," I muttered.
"Mate love Vincent?" he asked, nudging me with his head.
Now, here's a man who ruined my life beyond repair asking me if I loved him. He forced me to be bound to a dog for the rest of my life. He made me get kicked out of my house. He's made it so that I'm unable to ever leave this Godforsaken wasteland he calls the territory. My life isn't mine anymore, it's his.
I didn't answer. Instead I submerged my feet in the river, a little shocked at how warm the water was. I always picked the water here being freezing cold, but this one was warm. It reminded me a little bit of the beach at Florida. That water is nice and warm, almost as if it's heated, just for my comfort.
Vincent huffed. I felt myself being thrown on my back. Vincent positioned himself on top of me, both arms on either side of me. "Mate love Vincent?" he asked again.
This man on top of me, he tries to get me to love him on an hourly basis. I insult him, fight him, berate him, and ignore him every chance I get. Yet, he still comes back and claims to be in love with me. I wear skimpy clothes around his friends and pack members, and he teaches me how to swim. I choose his best friend over him to go to the bathroom with me, and he claims to want to give the world to me. I get him demoted to the lowest rank in werewolf hierarchy, and he claims that he'll be happy as long as I'm by his side. I refuse to eat the deer he killed just for me, and he brings me to this field where the grass is green and the water is Florida-warm.
I shrugged. I know that I should feel something for Vincent, something good. However, all I can summon in his company is anger.
Vincent stared down at me, his eyes looking into mine. Finally he sighed and laid down on top of me, our chests touching.
"Vincent keep Mate," he said. "Not Jason."
There was Jason too. What do I feel for him? He saved me from a vampire. He claims to be in love with me, just as must as Vincent. He respects me. He calls me Nora, not Mate. He asks for my permission before he does something. But I've only known him for one day. What if he's lying, and his kindness is all a charade?
"Protect Mate. Keep Mate. Comfort Mate. Love Mate," Vincent said, going over the checklist again. I felt his grip get tighter on me and his body shook. "Mate?"
"What?" I asked, shocked at how calm I was now. Usually I'd be wanting to rip Vincent a new asshole, but right now, I feel totally at peace, even with his body on top of me.
"Mate love Jason?" he whimpered.
I lightly laughed, a little more at myself. Jason's kindness. That's all I can think about, and worry about. I just met him, and I like him a little more, but at the same time, I don't trust him as must as I trust Vincent.
"I'm afraid of Jason," I murmured. Maybe it wasn't the right thing to say at the time, but it was true. I'm afraid of Jason and Vincent. At least I was telling half the truth.
Vincent growled. "Vincent protect Ma-" he stopped for a brief second and cleared his throat. "Vincent protect Nora. Vincent love Nora."
Well damn.
"Thank you," I mumbled again, unsure how to react at this. Vincent was finally calling me by my name, as if I wasn't just a possession, but an actual person. Then again, he's most likely doing this to get on my good side.
I heard him whimper again.
"What?" I asked. Here's my logic: I'm under a werewolf who could kill me at any second, so therefore I'd want him to be as comfortable as possible. I do not, I repeat, do not, care for him in the least.
"At night," Vincent said slowly, struggling to put the sentences together –although I do have to admit, his wolf is rather smart- "Nora run away."
I should have figured that Vincent would want to talk about this eventually. He'd seemed a little mad/sad the morning I was brought back by Jason.
"Yes?" I pressed on.
Vincent's composure broke. He attempted to look strong, but I could see him struggling. Soon he just let loose and I saw his eyes get teary and his emotions pour all out.
"Vincent was scared," he cried, his tears slowly crawly down his face. I couldn't believe that my leaving for one measly night had the power to reduce a full-grown werewolf to tears. "And sad. And lonely."
What does one say in this sort of position? Do I apologize? Or do I keep quiet? I suppose that the latter's the best choice. I kept my mouth shut.
"Nora is Vincent's only family and friend," Vincent cried. "Nora no leave again."
I nodded. "I'll stay," I said, knowing very well that I had no real intention of staying. However, if, God forbid, I can't escape to Florida, I guess I could attempt to tolerate Vincent.
"Vincent love Nora," Vincent sobbed, tucking his head into the crook of my neck. We stayed there for a while, Vincent crying on me while I rubbed soothing circles on his broad back.
We stayed like that until I felt myself grow bored and drift off to sleep.
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