《A miracle for demons .》Ralations and practice
Chapter 14
Relations and practice.
Dali: "Are you worried because you are chaste?"
Annabel: "Huh?"
Dali: "Or why are you still a minor?"
Annabel: "Ah? First get out of your head that all priestesses are pure and chaste, we can get married, have relationships, always contained and even children like everyone else."
Dali: "Oooo but seriously, interesting!"
"When I entered the temple, I signed a special sheet where it said that I could take off my chastity and then ... I have been an adult for a long time! You can also enter as adults, and it is a spiritual journey not a mandatory step ! "
"Woooow seriously? Then you hold on very well haha! I really thought you were still a student!"
"But how could you have thought that Dali! I'm of age!"
"Come on, do not take it and is it perhaps because of your height that we mistaken you for a minor?" With the gesture of her hands, where he emphasizes that she is shorter than them.
"Enough ... I don't speak anymore ...." She replies embarrassed while the other laughs, because once again they have more information about them.
Kalego, on the other hand, has listened to everything and it is better for him that she is of age, in reality he did not believe she was a minor at first for her way of thinking and that then she does not maintain chastity is another point in his favor, so he will have less trouble. Meanwhile and in secret, he has once again updated his diary, where he also wrote that priestesses are vulnerable to abilities that are inherited in a family, as in the case of Balam, where his keen eyesight worked without. problems.
Dali: "Anyway, let's go back to the question of the bracelets ... the principal sometimes exaggerates in reality, so don't make too many problems but in fact maybe it could be someone outside the school?"
Annabel: "But where? I don't understand...."
Kalego: "You go around the shopping area and you even wonder where? Who knows who you attracted since I always told you that you attract too much attention, and here is the result! Another problem that piles up to others!"
Dali: "Come on and even if that's the case? For me it's not a problem, sooner then this alleged suitor will come out or the obsession will disappear and so will the bracelets."
Annabel: "Yeah .. maybe."
Dali: "In the meantime, why don't you go and get Professor Raim to tell you something more, since she is more experienced in this field?"
"Yes, great idea, I'll go there immediately, where can I find it?"
Dali: "I'll take you, Kalego are you coming?"
"I have other things to think about now. But make sure you don't screw this thing up!"
Dali: "Okay, just omit the story of the bracelets ... then it's just us."
She thinks it's a great idea, since she doesn't know anything about how love relationships work in that world, so she follows him more than willingly.
The only thing he didn't tell her is that prof. of her he is a succubus of her, which she does not like at all because he begins to have strange aims on her.
Raim: "Ooooooh but how cute! You really have the face of naivety in person!"
Annabel: "Naive?"
"And you are also uninhibited hahaha but how tender!"
And she touches both her breasts and then her ass as well and her, visibly uncomfortable:
"Please... don't touch me...."
"You're in good shape for a uhuhuh priestess who knows in bed then that she surprises! She Pure and chaste all to discover uhuhuh!" Her tells her in a more than mischievous tone.
"Ah? What?" With shame painted on her face.
"I'm not chaste!"
"Oh really? Then it's even more fun!"
Dali: "Well, since you've made friends, you can talk about even more intimate things, see you later!"
"No, wait! Don't leave me alone with her sig... damn...."
Raim: "So what did you want to ask me?"
"Beeh ... if someone or someone has an obsession with me ... what does it mean? With us it has a very negative meaning ...."
Raim: "Uuuuum I understand, heart problems in short."
"Eh? From the heart?"
"Oh yes, in this world it works that if a demon is interested in having a relationship with the other sex, he has a strong fixation for her or him, in other words, he feels 'love'."
"Eeeeh? But it's twisted!"
"Yes a lot! But the more you suffer, the more there is attraction and therefore interest and if ever there will be, expect so many material gifts; where the more expensive they are, the more it means that you are serious my dear! And where finally he or she first or then he will declare himself! "
"Serious interests?"
"How to possess you or marry you! Uhuhuu one thing that I modestly always avoid haha, males fascinate me, but only when they fill me with gifts and do me many favors, then who knows if they will have their prize!"
"Yes ... I think I understand ... you rely on materialism ..."
"That is a fundamental part that never fails in courtship, as well as other special attention!"
"Details how?"
"This you will have to find out!" Winking at her and again.
Raim: "So, do you really have a demon suitor? It would be the first time in our history... ."
"No ... no ... I ... actually ... I was just curious to know how a relationship works that's all ..."
"I see." She Then he approaches her and licks her face sensually, making her stunned saying:
"Uhuhuuh how cute you are blushing!"
With this Annabel closes the speech by leaving that classroom in a hurry, with prof. still having fun behind her.
Annabel: "Succubus demons..brrrr!"
Dali later tells her that the day, as in the next few days, will be spent together with the other caretaker, orders from the principal so she cannot refuse; so she takes her to him while he is teaching a third year class on advanced magic and here he tells her.
"Sit back there and don't get in the way of my clear work?" Pointing to a bench behind the desk, where the curious pupils murmur, which he immediately silences with a clap of his hand, plus a murderous look.
"Of course ... don't worry."
With this he proceeds and where he notices that he punishes them in the most creative and severe ways possible. How to hang them upside down when them answer with a rude tone, or in the practical magic lesson, he even uses a whip with a flat head, where he also gives shocks against those who cheat or do not practice well!
Or again, to those who are more insistent and do not listen to him at all, he makes them tease them with pins by black creatures, in short, all punishments as rigid and questionable and even sadistic when it comes to learning something from him, which he has the priestess frightened, but she did not allow herself to say a word. Because she is not her world of hers and she has no right to judge or intervene.
Then out of a tower, the rookie Robin, he slipped some books that he made to fall from this and Kalego with a violent kick sent him down the tower too shouting!
"Stupid of a novice! Those are old books, go get them!"
Luckily they have wings and so the other comes back flying and apologizing but the pissed tuft just can't stand his simpleton ways and therefore always finds the opportunity to 'teach him' something useful in his own way.
The priestess is alone and uniquely stunned, she ok she must admit that he is excellent in various subjects that she has almost been hypnotized by his clear way of explaining and not surprisingly he is eighth grade. In addition to that of magic, with also attended the initial ritual of the familiars and he was very bad for them to kick at least twenty students out of school in a bad way. Because they haven't conjured up something satisfying. Then to that of the beasts, where to those of the third year he sent them in the field, against a magical beast so that they had to teach them, but they all ran away or injured and he punished them by making them stay there in those cages for at least one another hour, between desperate screams and blood-thirsty beasts that attacked them.
But in the end he pulled them all out, thanks to his purple shield with black veins, which no one can penetrate and a paw to the right and missing from his three-headed Cerberus to the most stubborn beasts; with a sigh of relief from the priestess. He also attended the flight competition, in the valley, for those of the first year, where there he watched as he watched them one by one from a large monitor and finally someone got lost, but he simply crossed their name from the list, without blink an eye and at this point she intervenes saying:
"But sorry, aren't you going to look for them?"
Kalego: "Why should I? They got themselves into trouble and therefore take their responsibilities, young demons must learn that there is not always someone to help them!"
"So we can say that in your case it is the same thing too?"
Referring to the times she always helped him even if she didn't have to and he:
"Do you want to give me lessons in demonic life?"
"No, I don't dare." Where once again they look intensely in the eyes and then Kalego:
"Mph! Make sure you always stay in your place when it comes to priestess teachings, that the one of the highest rank here is me!" He does not allow anyone to judge his work, especially one who has only three degrees, he is the expert there and has been for a long time!
With this he closes the conversation, and once again, she has a bitter taste in her mouth.
Finally she goes to rest in that garden and under that tree where she gave her the bottle with the ointment, thinking back to everything she witnessed.
With the end of all the lessons, where Annabel has received updates via her sensitive papyrus, which is like a human tablet, but it is a real sheet that allows her to interact on it. Another Inbarian technology, and at Kalego's home, she used normal sheets to avoid attracting attention. So they concern something new that the principal will announce to her teachers very soon. In collaboration between inventors and sorcerers of the two worlds, they will install pyramids that will emit special frequencies that will keep the magical beasts infected away from inhabited centers.
So Kalego is looking for her, but not for the news, because she hasn't seen her anymore and so she's wondering what the hell she's doing. Courtship can only be done in great secrecy and not while working, it goes against his code to create problems between private life and the learning environment, after all he also wrote the basic guide for all teachers and it would not make sense to go against his own thinking ; so he just sends her messages, which she doesn't perceive and therefore he has to come up with something else. Also because he wants to know who she is that she has been staring at his towards her and therefore, if he finds out that she is of a low rank he can easily get rid of it. The competition has to take it out from the start, before those bracelets get busy even more! Then he receives a strange communication from comrade Balam who tells him:
"The priestess is around asking about the basic magic of the book to the various colleagues, did you know that?"
"No, I didn't know anything!"
"It is interesting, because you have a sheet with a magical symbol drawn on it and you are asking for advice from Prof. Orias."
" Thing?"
"Yes and he ... he kissed her hand."
"Whaaat ?!"
And in thought: "But how dare you? That damned playboy!"
"That's not all, she didn't tell her anything about the symbol, same thing did Prof. Momonoki and so now she is headed by Prof. Blushenko."
But that just closes the connection with a grimace and heads like a train to them, since he knows very well where they are and thinking:
"That idiot, but what do you think you're doing? Do you want to do it from behind ?! She definitely got it from the book I gave her!"
He is actually jealous and will therefore not allow anyone to touch her or explain to her outside of him!
So he arrives furiously in front of the door, approaches and puts his hand on it with the intention of making his usual entrance but he stops hearing this.
Annabel: "I don't quite understand how I have to hold my hand, to use this spell with this symbol. Can you help me please?"
Blushenko: "Why? You priestesses don't use magic, so what's the point if I tell you? And where did you see it?"
"Actually I'm just exploring this side, I know I don't have it ... I saw it in a book in the library located in the shopping area and I was intrigued by his explanation."
Obviously it is a lie that Kalego also receives, disturbed even more, because he is making fun of a colleague who is unaware of the situation!
The priestess is playing the same game as Dali, that is, she is being polite to get information and wants to avoid asking pissed off, given how she treats everyone and with her methods that are too rigid, she prefers to ask others who are more understanding.
Blushenko thinks about it for a few seconds, after all she is their savior, why not, she is only satisfying her curiosity, but always omitting some parts of her so he replies:
"This is a very basic symbol, it is explained to first year students and it is used to create something from an object and the correct hand position is this."
He shows her his outstretched arm and open palm.
"Then through the flow of the magic that is immediately felt and reaches the hand and fingers, you have to say those words." After all, he can't do anything wrong without magic.
But Annabel claps her hands and assuming the same position, she begins to come out of this fire of hers which immediately transforms!
What the two professors see is unbelievable, around this, green circles have appeared, with hieroglyphs spinning in the center and in the center of these, there is a strange cross, which is an ankh! Then one of these circles breaks, letting out the words that go against the object, transforming the vase into a living being; more precisely, in a huge plant with flaming flowers!
The two were left speechless, also because now Kalego has entered in silence closing the door behind him and thrilled, look at those circles that are still around his hand with his eyes that shine, for how much magnificence they are emanating! The glorious Anubian race is back!
Annabel who then turns everything off with a gesture:
"It was fine?"
the other with a shocked and bleached face at the same time:
"Well ... here ... it was just fine ... I'm amazed ... and without pronouncing the spell ... so your blood of fire ... brings witchcraft ..."
"Mmm? I did it with the thought, it seemed more comfortable."
Then she turns and finally becomes aware of the presence of the blue-horned demon looking at her more than angry.
Kalego is now thinking that maybe it was a mistake to give her the basics, that was something totally different from the magic they usually use and he didn't expect that it was already at that level, which almost matches his eighth rank one, so he takes the sheet with the symbol drawn from above and then tears it off in front of them, leaving the woman stunned, because she understood that he discovered it!
"What you did ... you ... you are really dangerous ... from now on I forbid you to use any symbol or magic formula!"
And she changes and only a drop of sweat falls on her face.
Kalego again: "And you Blushenko from now on I forbid you to talk to her about spells and spells!"
The other poor fellow who didn't know anything just answers him:
"Yes of course ... my mouth will remain closed."
And he icing on the cake, he gets in touch with all the teachers of the school, always with telepathy saying:
"To all teachers, from now on I forbid to lend practical and theoretical help on witchcraft to the priestess Annabel but also to the others! Anyone who is caught doing so will be immediately downgraded!"
And all who have heard have stayed there, but of course they obey, the higher rank has spoken and his is the law! And then they don't want to lose theirs!
She who thinks: "Woe went down too hard ... poor people."
Kalego directed again to the colleague: "And keep your mouth shut on what you have just seen and discovered, nobody has to know! Or a lot of fuss will be raised!"
"Sure ... it will never happen ... you can rest assured ..."
Also because she doesn't want to lose her rank, so she obeys and finally:
"You come with me!" He tells her in a pissed tone, that even the walls have echoed him and she, nothing changes and follows him.
The school is almost deserted and in an isolated room, away from nosy eyes and ears.
Kalego: "What the hell do you think you're doing ?! Using the book spell inside the school, an unacceptable thing!"
Annabel: "But if you gave it to me to practice! So what's the problem? And what an exaggeration towards the other teachers!"
He then clenches his fists and activates his dark purple aura, because brazenness is something that just doesn't go down and he replies:
"Listen to me, what I do or say to them is not your concern! The thing you shouldn't have done is perform in front of one of the teachers!"
"If not here and with the help of some teachers, where and with whom? Tell me! At the base of the priestesses perhaps? You told me to feed what I have inside!"
And he comes even closer and pointing his finger at her, as he does with the pupils in an accusatory tone, he replies again:
"You should have come to me! Since the only ones who know about that book are me and foolish Balam who is nothing else!"
"You always insulted me, beat me and I also saw how you teach your students, did you really think I would come to you after all this? To get a few lashes too? I will also be your old enemy, but I am not your student and you cannot treat me like them! "
And now her eyes are green like her blood and her aura even greener, with white writings twirling in this one and where Kalego can perceive an absurd force plus a gust of wind, which also makes the objects around them move. , indeed everything is now covered by this one that seems almost to be on fire, where it puts him in difficulty, but then; she calms down by breathing deeply and returning her normal eye color to the rest that stops. Instead, he stares at her only silently.
Annabel: "Kalego Naberius, I don't want a sadistic mentor and don't worry, I won't open that book again!"
With this she dodges him and then exits the door making the other remain stiff and only says in a low voice:
"You are ... really dangerous ... and also so naive ...."
End of chapter 14.
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