《Arctic love》Bonus Chapter
{this bonus chapter is Alex on his mission before the wedding, the one where he gets stabbed}
Stuffing my phone into my pocket I sigh entering the bedroom, Penny was propped up on the headboard, work on her lap, she was getting ready to present a new art piece at the museum.
"I know that sigh," Penny says with a small smile, she doesn't look up from her laptop. I flop onto the bed.
"I'm being called in," I sigh rubbing my jaw. Penny sighs beside me. I move up and lean forward, placing a kiss on her cheek and then her ear.
"I'll be back before you know it,"
"Well don't be reckless," She eyes me and I smile.
"I'd never, I gotta meet you at the alter anyways," I wink and she smiles. "Hey," I say and she turns to me. "I love you."
She flashes me a beautiful smile, "I love you too," she nods and I lean forward kissing her. I pull away and move off the bed, grabbing whatever I needed.
"I'm gonna go kiss Addie, I'll be back," I tell my fiancée as I adjust my watch and she nods. Slowly pushing Addie's door open, her night light providing dim light in her room.
My daughter was practically falling out of the bed as I approached her, I smiled and held in a laugh. She's a more reckless sleeper than her mother. Slowly lifting Addie back into her bed and tucking her underneath the covers, I crouch down and brush the hair out of her face.
She had my chocolate brown locks and her mother's fiery personality but definitely didn't have either of our eyes, she had blue ones. I smile as I caress her cheek, I lean forward and kiss the top of her head "daddy loves you, Addie," I whisper before standing up and closing her bedroom door behind me.
I shove my wallet into my back pocket as Penny hands me my go bag, "be careful," Penny sighs and I nod.
"I'll text you when I get to Philly," I tell her pulling her closer to me. She nods but bites her lip.
I grab her chin, "hey," I say softly. "I'll be okay," I assure her.
"I know I just have this anxiety and fear every time you walk out of that door with your gun strapped to your hip," she confesses. This wasn't the first time she had told me this.
"I know baby," I say, "I know and I wish I could take that fear and anxiety but this is who I am," I tell her.
"I know and I love that about you but I still can't help but worry,"
"And I love that you worry and it's okay to worry,"
Penny sighs "you should go, I don't want you to be late," she smiles and I return the gesture before leaning forward and kissing her. She hums against me and grabs my jacket in her hands.
As much as I didn't want to, I pulled away, "I'll be back soon," I promise her.
"Good, if your not I'll leave you at the alter," she teases and I roll my eyes. I give her a quick kiss again.
"I love you," I say pulling away and opening the front door.
"I love you too and be careful," she says holding onto the door.
"Aye Aye Captain," I wink at her and she blushes, even in the darkness, I could see her blush.
I hated leaving Penny and Addie, I really did. When I first joined the FBI and specifically the terrorist task team, I left my house without a second thought because I never had anyone but now with a family and two people I loved and would move mountains for, it was hard to leave home and hop onto a plane, it honestly got harder and harder every time and I knew I'd have to get a grip because this would be my life.
I couldn't live without being a part of the FBI and for years that's all I thought my life would be consumed by but not I couldn't live without Penny and Addie, and now the FBI, and that worried the hell out of me.
"So how's the house building?" Lauren asks me as we slide into the black SUV.
"Good, almost done at this point, we should be able to move in a couple of weeks after the wedding," I tell her.
"And the wedding?"
"Planning is finished, perks of a small wedding," I wink at her as I pull out of the parking spot, she smacks me and I laugh.
"I've never been to a wedding that had less than one hundred people," she confesses.
"Penny and I aren't big social butterflies so we don't have many friends and plus she thinks a small wedding is more intimate," I shrug.
"True I guess, it's a lot more personal," She nods. "Are you two gonna try for another kid?" She asks.
"I hate you and your no filters," I mumble and she laughs.
Penny and I had talked about the idea of more kids, we obviously want more, honestly surprised by our sex drive she hasn't gotten pregnant but I think she's on the pill. We at least want to wait until after the wedding and we've moved into our house but if shit happens, shit happens. We honestly are expecting an unplanned pregnancy because of Addie but nonetheless, we still want more.
"We at least want to wait until we're moved in but honestly we're prepared for anything," I shrug.
"Right because Addie was clearly not expected and you two have sex like fucking rabbits," Lauren says.
"I wish I could punch you," I mumble and she laughs.
"Was my sentence a lie? Because I don't think so," she sticks out her tongue.
"How is that I always get stuck with you as a partner?"
Lauren scoffs, "Please you'd rather have me as a partner than like Scout,"
"Scout wouldn't handle my ass, he'd kick it, thinking I'm the unsub," I mumble. Soon Lauren and I slide out of the car, I pull out my gun as we circle in at the front of the dark buildings. William assigns our tasks and I was leading a team down to the basements, with a bigger gun. That made the twelve-year-old in me pump my fist and yell hell yea.
Throwing the strap of the larger gun over my head, my phone buzzed in my back pocket but I don't take it out, fully knowing it was Penny answering my last text, Penny and Addie were making homemade pizza's for dinner tonight and my fiancé sent me a video of them kneading the dough.
"Ready?" My unit chief asks and we nod. He flicks his wrist pointing to the sections we were assigned to.
"Phillips," Lauren calls out, she'd be leading her group after mine. I glance at her over my shoulder as I lead my group away. "I got your ass," she winks at me and I flip her off.
Checking the doorknob of a side door, it was locked. I nod to the man beside me and he nods before kicking it down, I raise my gun and lead the group further into the pure darkness of the building.
This is when my adrenaline rush comes into play, the blood pumping throughout my body, my heart pounding quickly, if it weren't for the men behind me I swear you could hear my heart beating loudly.
Stopping in the middle of the room, I motion for the group to split up seeing as there were two corridors. I slowly check the doorknob of my door and glance down at the rest of my team and nod before we kick it open.
I raise my gun slowly and pull my flashlight out of my back pocket, a round of gunshots, quickly turning back around I suddenly fall to the ground and groan.
"You know I hate FBI agents," a voice says. I blink furiously as try to regain my sight back. I groan again as the person kicks me in the stomach.
"Stand up and fight back you coward," The man spits out just as I get my sight back. Groaning again I roll onto my hands and knees and the asshole strikes me again. He rips the gun off my back taking my FBI vest with it as I stumble up.
I grunt out and throw myself against him, sending us to the floor, rolling around like kids in the dirt we throw in punches and jabs, I get on top of him and throw in punches, repeatedly.
"I hate killers," I grunt out as I stumble off him and grab my gun, I was sent to my feet again. I was getting really annoyed with this asshole.
"Alex!" I hear Lauren yell before I could call out the male on top of me jabs a knife into my chest.
I don't even remember how many times he shoved the knife into my chest until Lauren pops into my blurry version, it looks like she was yelling but I couldn't hear her.
"Hey," she says and I blink groaning "I got you, Alex stay with me!" She yells, I watch as she grabs the earpiece again yelling for help.
"Lauren," I grumble out, "it's too late," I tell her as I taste copper on my mouth.
"Fuck no, never. Okay, I'm not letting go so shut the fuck up," Lauren reaches over me and I blink trying to keep my eyes open. Suddenly my phone was placed in front of me and I was starring at my phone lock screen, a picture of all of us.
On one of my days off, we had a picnic at the park, the picture was of me laying on my side, me propped up on my elbow, Penny leaned back into me with Addie in front of us.
"I'm not letting go, because of these two. Because you have a daughter and a fiancée who's waiting to marry you. I'm not letting go Alex so don't you dare let go, because your family needs you so please fight," she begs me.
I wanna tell her to tell Penny and Addie I love them but my body was in pain and I don't think my mouth could even open again.
"Alex come on," I hear Lauren beg one more time before my eyes shut.
Entering the office, grandma and grandpa were standing by the desk, I glance up at Stephanie as we enter slowly.
"Grandma? Grandpa? What's wrong?" Stephanie asks we stop in front of them. Grandpa slowly sits us down on the office chairs.
"What is it?" I question. Even though I was young I could tell from the sad expression on my grandparent's faces something was wrong.
"It's your mom and dad," Grandpa begins crouching down in front of us. I look up at Grandma and she was covering her mouth, tears streaming down her cheeks.
"What's wrong? Where are they?" Stephanie questions.
"There was an accident," he tells us. I watch as he tells us they're dead, Stephanie asks what happened and grandpa says it was a bad man and couldn't control his car. A hit and run, their car flipped off a bridge and they ended up drowning.
My parents were dead just after they dropped us off at school.
We left school that day and didn't return for a week, I was stone cold during their funeral, Stephanie was the complete opposite and cried hysterically.
I remember the ceiling of an ambulance and a medic and Lauren's faces hovering above me, Lauren looked to be yelling at the medic and I wanted so badly to tell her to fuck off cause she was causing stress to the medic.
"This man is supposed to get married in four weeks so you better got damn safe him!" Lauren yells before my eyes flutter shut again.
"Alex," Mom says. I smile at her. "My baby," she says turning towards me from her seat in dad's car. "I'm so proud of you,"
"We both are," dad smiles as he turns around too.
"I can't tell you how much I've missed you," I confess. They both smile at me.
"We miss you too," Mom smiles.
"What's going on?" I ask tugging on the seatbelt, that wouldn't unlock.
"It's time for you to come with us," Dad says. I furrow my eyebrows and shake my head immediately.
"No." I deadpan, "hell no. I've got Penny and Addie a-nd, no," I said tugging on the seatbelt.
"You've put up a good fight Alex but it's time,"
"Fuck no it's not time," I shake my head.
"Xander buddy," dad says and I glance up at them.
"No, I've gotta get back to Penny and Addie. I can't leave them," I tell them. "You can't make me go, no matter how much I want to, I do, but I can't leave my girls," I tell them.
Mom reaches forward and places her hand on my thigh, "I always knew you would put up such a stubborn fight," she chuckles. Music to my ears, I realize now that Addie had the same laugh as my mom. Dad reaches for the driver's door.
"I get it from you mom," I tell her as dad slides out of the car.
"I love you Alex and I'm so proud of you," she smiles at me, she looked like she was about to cry. The back door opens and suddenly my seatbelt was snapped off.
I glance at the door and dad smiles at me, "we'll be here when you need us," he says. "Love you, son," He tells me as I slide across the leather seats and slide out of the car and letting the light consume me.
Instead of the ceiling of an ambulance, it looked like a hospital and the smell that wafted over me confirmed my whereabouts. I blink slowly, the light wasn't on but the light coming in was natural sunlight.
Slowly turning my head from the door I find Penny and Addie on a cot, Addie's special blanket draped over them. Her blanket was a blanket my mom knitted and was kept in storage until grandma pulled it and gifted Addie on her first birthday.
I glance over Penny, her hair up in a ponytail, one of my hoodies on her, and leggings, my daughter was the complete opposite, a bright neon shirt, and a light blue tutu. I smile weakly as I listen to Penny and Addie read a book. Turning my head I watch proudly as Addie sounds out words and even signs a few.
Penny has been teaching sign language, and honestly, I don't want to sound cocky but my daughter is smart.
"Green eggs and ham sound good huh?" Penny jokes to our daughter. Addie immediately shakes her head and she laughs, music to my ears.
"Don't listen to mommy, she doesn't like green eggs and ham," I cough out as I sit up slowly.
Penny's head snaps around quickly and in a flash, she was hoisting Addie onto her hip and rushing towards me.
I wrap my arms around both my girls and sigh, I kiss Addie on the forehead, "I'm okay," I mumble as Penny sniffles in my ear. "We're okay," I say.
Penny leans back and I smile at her a bit as I cup her cheek and wipe a tear away, "hey no tears," I remind her.
Addie moves off Penny and crawls up to me, I smile and grab her, holding her on my lap as she hugs me.
I sigh as I hold her against my chest, "I'm okay, I promise," I assure both my girls. "Can't get rid of me that easily Valentine," I tell her as she rolls her eyes, wiping her tears away. I extend an arm out for Penny and she immediately falls into my side, this is my home.
Penny and I would never admit this to each other but Addie was a grade-A clinger, especially towards me. My heart breaks thinking about how Addie was sobbing against me, it took Penny and me at least ten minutes to calm her down and when she went down for a nap, I held Penny as she silently cried and told me how scared she was because there was a moment where I was most likely not going to make it off the table.
"I don't know why everyone is annoyed, I shot him because he shoved a knife into Alex's chest, if I didn't kill him, we would've been giving Alex a funeral instead of sitting in a hospital," Lauren huffs and I smile.
"I didn't me-" Scout begins rolling his eyes.
"I don't care how many shots your fired Lauren, you saved my butt and I wouldn't be sitting here so thank you," I tell her and she shrugs at me. I glance down at Addie who was wrapped up in her blanket and laying on me, the door opens revealing my unit chief and Penny.
My fiancée was quick to come to my side and slide down beside me, "well our job here is done," William sighs.
"Everyone dead?" Dave asks. Our unit chief gives a brief nod.
"Let's all head back for some much-needed sleep and get out of Phillips' hair," William says and my team stands up, Penny and I say our goodbyes before the door closes behind them.
Penny reaches over and tucks Addie's hair behind her ear before pulling back and leaning her head on my shoulder.
"I saw my mom and dad," I tell her.
"You did?" She questions.
"I mean I think it was just like some dream or something or old memory but they were there and," I trail off.
"And what?" Penny asks sitting up and turning to me a bit. I reach up to push her hair off her shoulders before tugging it. "And what?" She repeats.
"And they were just telling me I should go with them and all this shit, but I told them I couldn't."
"You turned them down?" She raises an eyebrow. I chuckle.
"Yea I did because I told them I had to get back to my family, my girls," I say and she smiles, for the first time since I've woken up. "Plus I couldn't leave you at the alter, I'd rather be alive to see you get cold feet for marrying me."
She scoffs softly "please if anything it's your one up that you're marrying me."
I laugh, "I would never leave you and Addie," I say squeezing her arm. She leans forward and kisses me.
"I love you," She murmurs against my lips.
"I love you too."
"If you weren't on a hospital bed, I would kick your butt for scaring the crap out of me," she tells me and I roll my eyes.
"Shut the heck up and kiss me dammit Valentine," I mumble and she smiles as I pull her head closer to mine, capturing her lips on mine.
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Lineage Saga (Kingdom Building Fantasy)
[participant in the Royal Road Writathon challenge] The continent of Erdenia is in flux, nations large and small move to swallow their neighbors. Roving bands of marauders pillage the countryside, and the seas are choked with piracy. Against this backdrop upon the central island of Syroneika exists the Mercan League, an alliance of city states ruled by the Archon from his seat in the Capital, Merlabria. Yet all is not well beneath the surface. The Archon’s health is waning, while the House of Mercan appears on the verge of conflict. Both princes vie for the Archonship, with the aristocracy close behind looking to settle old scores. In the immediate west the Althai Federation is in a state of civil war, the conflict spilling over the border into the League, while nobles’ squabble over petty slights. In this time of growing conflict, the Archon has summoned the warlord of the southern frontier, bulwark against the horrors of the dark forest, and former Grand Scholar of the court. Behind the scenes pieces are in play, and the Scholar possesses numerous enemies, many still envious of his meteoric rise to power. A simple trip to the capital may be more than it appears. However, the branches of fate are fickle things, a single encounter could change the course of history. Or perhaps that is simply the will of fate, and nothing has changed at all, who could know? Could the meeting between a simple slave and a warlord truly be fate’s bough? And if so, where could that lead? Read this if you like: Army Building Rational Combat War and Strategy Gritty Violence in a Dark unforgiving world Realistic and engaging characters Medieval/Classical Economics and R&D Do not read if: Looking for OP MC (power gain is gradual) Last minute Deus Ex Machina moments Want Evil enemies who are evil just to be villains Can't stand Slow Development and extensive world building You can join the Discord here: Lineage Discord Channel Cover Art created by: Illusstation Check out their work: Illusstation's page Updates Monday-Thursday (Guaranteed) [more chapter releases per week are possible depending on buffer and as rewards for events I announce]
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a collect of naruto! character one shots from the shippuden era {akatsuki included} modern & naruto verse ;also from my quotev acct
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