《Arctic love》Seventeen
7 years later
I grunt as Penny falls on top of me, our heavy breathing being drowned out by the shower running. I hold Penny tightly by her ass as I lean us against the wall and she leans her head back. I kiss her collarbone "who knew it would still be as fun," Penny sighs tugging on my wet hair. I chuckle.
"With you being sexy as fuck I think it'll always be fun," I tell her running a hand by her flat stomach and then trailing down and smacking her ass. She squeals with a smile bucking up. Her boobs bounced in front of me and I couldn't help myself as I leaned in and took it in my mouth. I shift on my feet, widening my stance as I devour her boob in my mouth, sucking on it.
"Xander," Penny sighs her walls unconsciously tightening around my hard member, she pulls my head back. "We have to get out, the kids need breakfast," she tells me.
"Well I'm having mine first," I shrug and she smacks me on the head lightly. I sigh and pull out of my wife with a pop before putting her back on the floor. I watch as Penny leans over and grabs her body wash handing it to me, "can I at least tap your ass quickly?" I question jokingly.
"No," she laughs, "if you wash me and wash me only, I'll give you a good dessert tonight," she smirks.
Pouring her orange-scented body wash, the same she's been using since I knew her, on the loofa "oh yea? What do you have in mind?" I ask raising an eyebrow.
She brings her hand up as I move the loofa between her breasts, she makes a motion of moving her hand up and down, bobbing her head.
"So why wait on the sucking dick? Get on your knees baby," I demand and she laughs.
"How is your sex drive still so high?" She asks me.
"As I said, baby, it's you, it's all you," I tell her truthfully. She stands up on her tippy toes and kisses me.
"I love you," She tells me and I respond back with a smile. As we finished showering, we quickly changed into our work clothes and Penny went downstairs to start breakfast while I got the kids up.
I started with our youngest, Derek, our five-year-old, who slept like a lunatic. We could put him in bed the right way and he'd up at the foot of the bed. This morning he was turned to the end of the bed, half off his bed. I chuckle to myself before crouching down and patting his back "buddy, let's go you crazy bones, school," I tell him and his eyes flutter open. "Mommy's making waffles," I smile and he shoots up.
I chuckle as I turn back to the door "get changed buddy," I tell him as he literally rolls out of bed and sleepily walks to his closet.
Knocking on our middle child, Gwyneth, our seven-year-old, "Gwyneth! Shake it or bake it, sweetie!" I exclaim loudly as I open her door, "Gwen baby let's go," I knock on her door and she groans. Walking further into her room I pat her back, "mom's making waffles let's go," I say before walking out.
I knock on the last door of this side of the corridor, Addie's, she was eleven now, "Addie, Princess let's roll!" I exclaim opening her door. She mumbles and whines a quick dad.
I walk back into Penny and I's room, quickly strapping on my gun holster. Penny and I moved houses from my townhouse into one we were building in a new neighborhood a few months after our small wedding, I kept one gun inside a locked drawer on my side of the bed and the one I brought to work were left in a safe in the mudroom.
"Let's go! I wanna see all those smiling faces as you stuff yourself with waffles!" I exclaimed, clapping my hands jogging down the steps now. Entering the kitchen and I chuckle. "Of course your down here first," I say to Derek, ruffling his curly brunette hair.
Derek smiles at me with his mouth stuffed as I round the counter and chuckle. Kissing Penny on the cheek, "smell's good Pens," I whisper in her ear.
"Boxed recipe," She muses and I chuckle passing her and begin to pour myself some coffee.
"Mum, can you do my hair?" Gwen asks yawning as she entered the kitchen, she slides into a barstool beside Derek, reaching over and grabbing a waffle.
"Yea baby what we doing today?" Penny asks rounding the counter.
"Addie! Sweets! Let's go!" I yell popping a blueberry in my mouth.
"Xander," Penny says and I raise an eyebrow. "Packed lunches," she reminds me. I nod and turn to the fridge. We normally did the lunches and snacks the night before so all we had to do was put them in lunch bags and shove them into their backpacks.
"Dad, why do you look like your going to work?" Addie asks walking into the kitchen yawns, I glance at her zipping up the backpacks.
"Because I am baby, after I talk to your class," I tell her. Addie's teacher had asked me a couple of weeks to join in on a few parents talking about their jobs. Addie loved it when I talked all FBI and she promised she wouldn't talk to me for a week if I said no, I obviously said yes.
"Are you gonna bring your gun inside the school?" Gwen asks me. I nod slowly.
"Just the gun, no shells, it'll be completely empty. I'm not going to give it around though," I tell her.
"Boo, people want to hold a gun," Addie pouts as I hand her orange juice. I narrow my eyes at her and she gives me a smile and I can't hold back my own smile.
"They'll have to join the police or FBI themselves," I wink at her and she smiles. Once every kid was involved with stuffing their face, Penny slipped out to finish getting ready for the day.
"Dad, you gonna flash your badge?" Addie asks me putting her homework in her backpack, I down the rest of my coffee and quickly look over my emails.
"Well, I'm worried you might get to it first," I chuckle, shoving my phone into my back pocket. She mocks me slightly. She gets it from her mom.
I check my watch, "okay Woah, we are gonna be late, so I want everyone upstairs and brushing their teeth, asap," I demand. Both girls stand up from their stools. I quickly sweep Derek up "and I'm running on FBI time, come on," I tell my youngest, dropping him onto the floor and pushing him forward.
As the kids run upstairs I stack the breakfast plates up and put them in the sink, sadly they won't get clean until tonight when we're all home.
"FBI time!" I remind the kids as I grab all keys and badge by the coffee marker and walk towards the front door. I quickly put my shoes and shrug on my jacket as everyone else comes downstairs.
I hold open the door for the kids as Derek and Gwen slide into the backseat, Penny stops beside me and I wrap my arm around her.
"Text me when you're at work?" I ask, tucking a piece of hair behind her ear, she nods with a smile.
"Have a good day telling kids what a badass you are," Penny muses as Addie passes us and towards the passenger seat.
"You know I will," I smile and lean down kissing her as I close the car door. "I love you, baby," I tell whisper as I squeeze her ass gently.
"I love you too," she smiles pulling away. She looked so good in her work clothes, her white blouse and her skirt was paired with heels today. She pats my chest and kisses me on the side of the mouth before we finally pull away and slide into our own cars. I let Penny pull out first, she honks gently before turning left.
"Woohoo! School!" I exclaim as I pull out of the driveway, my kids groan and I chuckle. "Love the enthusiasm kiddos," I mumble with a smile.
Instead of pulling up to the drop off section of the kids school, I pulled into the parking lot. It seemed like all three of my kids were excited that I would be walking them into the school instead of watching them from the curb. I know they hate it when I leave but that's not something I can control.
"Everyone this is my dad!" Addie exclaims excitedly. I chuckle. "He's in the FBI!" She says. The other adults in the room chuckle.
"Okay sweets, thank you," I laugh and nudge her towards the seat in front of me. "Well like Adelaide said I'm a special agent for the FBI, I specialize in a specific task force, the joint terrorist task force," I tell the group of eleven-year-olds.
"What does that mean?" A girl in the back asks.
"He fights bad guys," Addie blurts out. I chuckle and shake my head.
"I do fight bad guys, sometimes. I actually hunt down bad groups of people who danger a city," I say.
"Do you travel?" A boy asks. I nod.
"All the time, I've been all over the country," I nod.
"Do you kick doors?" Another one asks.
"It's my favorite part of the job," I smile.
"What's your least favorite part?" A girl asks.
I sigh and rub my wrist, "well working as an FBI agent has its problems, sometimes my cases don't go as smoothly as everyone hopes, and sometimes the good guys die," I tell them truthfully.
"What was your hardest case?" The same girl asks.
"Well I've experienced a lot of hard cases but one, in particular, was actually when Addie was a baby," I say, glancing at my daughter. She had heard this story multiple times. "I had stopped a bad group of men and one had escaped and sometimes cases can turn personal and one of the men in the bad group I stopped came after me and my family. To keep them safe we spent time away from each other, as an agent I'm always traveling but this was hard because I couldn't see my family for four months," I tell them, stuffing my hands into my pants.
"Do you have a gun?" A boy asks and I smile. Slowly pulling it out, I assure everyone that it's empty. I quickly go over the gun safety rules I did for all my kids.
"That's so cool," a boy blurts out. I agree kid, it's one of the things that fascinated me when I was a kid.
"It is, but it does suck when you're firing the gun sometimes because my job is to help people never intentionally hurt them."
"So have you shot someone?"
I nod again, "I have, multiple times."
My phone buzzes and I quickly pull it out. It was a quick text from Dave, an SOS text, and to call him quickly. I glance at Addie and I see her proud demeanour slowly fade away as she sees my phone in my hand. My face softens and she slowly nods at me telling me it's okay.
I clear my throat "I've actually got to step out and take a call but Addie," I say beckoning for her to stand. "Addie is gonna tell you about her day at my work," I say. Addie slides out of the desk and I squeeze her shoulder before excusing myself and calling Dave.
"What's wrong?" I ask Dave.
"Aquarium, ten minutes, shooters, suspected bombs. We're back up." He tells me and I mentally curse.
"Okay, I'll meet you there," I tell him before hanging up. I walk back into the classroom just as Addie finishes. Her teacher thanks us both, I quickly pull Addie out of the classroom and fall to one knee.
"Baby, I've got to go," I sigh gripping her forearms. She nods slowly, I push back her hair so I could see her face. She tried to hide herself from me.
"I know," she sighs sadly. I hate to leave, especially because she's been so excited to have me here. She hasn't stopped talking about it since I agreed to come.
"I really am sorry and I will make it up to you but daddy's got to go to work," I tell her and she nods.
"Be careful," she tells me and I smile softly at her. I cup her cheeks and lean forward kissing her forehead.
"I always am, now get back inside, I'll be home later," I assure her. She nods, I kiss the top of her head before watching her walk into the classroom afterward I jogged down the hall and towards my car.
Shutting the front door behind me quietly, I sigh throwing my keys onto the table and walking to the adjacent room, putting my guns away.
The downstairs floor was dark so I'm amusing every one was already upstairs, it made sense because it is a past ten and bedtime is eight pm. The light in Penny and I's room was on and I walk in.
"Xander?" Penny's soft voice says and I sigh at the sound of it. She has the ability to relax me in every way possible.
"Yea baby it's me," I announce walking into the bathroom where she was seated in the tub. She glances back and smiles at me. I lean over and kiss her.
"There are leftovers in the fridge for you," She tells me as I tuck a piece of her hair behind her ear before stepping to the side, I watch her drink me up in my FBI uniform.
"It's fine, I'm not hungry," I tell her.
"Well strip down and get in with me," she muses and I give her a tight-lipped smile.
"I will, is Addie still awake?" I ask her. She nods and tells me she's in her room reading. "How was she? She wasn't mad right?" I ask. Penny shakes her head. I kiss her once more before walking out of the room. Knocking on Addie's door I step in.
"Addie baby?" I ask, she looks up from her book and smiles. I smile back and sit down beside her. Grabbing her book gently, I make sure to bookmark it before closing it. "I really am sorry about today," I tell her and she shrugs.
"Dad, I've gotten used to whenever your phone calls you go running, it's no big deal," she chuckles. I lean over and put the book on her nightstand.
"I know but it still doesn't dismiss the fact that you were excited about me and I had to leave early," I say, "and I'm sorry." and I wish you were never use to me running off when my phone rings.
She shrugs again "Did you catch him? The bad guy?" She asks and I nod standing up.
"I did," I say bringing the covers up around her more and she smiles. "You know I love you right?" I ask and she nods.
"I know, and I love you too," she smiles her blue eyes shining up at me. I smile back.
"Okay good, now go to bed," I say leaning forward and kissing her forehead. "Night baby," I say.
"Night dad," she says as I turn the lamp off. I exit her room and softly close the door behind me. I walked into the bathroom again, grabbing the back of my shirt I pull it over my head as I kick off my shoes and strip my jeans and boxers off. Penny moves around in the tub as I slide behind her. She settles into me.
"You okay?" She asks me, putting her head on my shoulder. I hum, trailing my hand up her arm.
"Yea, I just felt bad." I shrug.
"You're a good dad Xander Phillips," she muses and I smile.
"How was your day Pens?" I ask, needing a distraction from my hard day. She tells me about her day and the newest art pieces they were looking at getting in the museum.
She continues to talk as I slowly nuzzle my nose against her bareback, thankfully her hair was pulled up and away from her body.
My wife leans back against me as I slowly caress her boob in my hand, "Xander," She says softly.
"Yea?" I ask. She leans back and I lean back too.
"Thank you for this life," She smiles at me. I turn her chin and smile.
"Thank you for this life," I reply back before kissing her placing my hand on her neck gently. We stayed in the tub for a bit before I got angsty. I pulled on a pair of boxers as Penny threw on one of my shirts and we slide into bed.
I had my right arm underneath her head as she was turned to me, I slowly turn to her, tucking a stray hair behind her ear "have I ever told you how beautiful you are?" I mumble. She blushes.
"Quite a lot," she nods, "but today? Not a lot," she teases me, tugging her leg between mine. I smile.
"You are beautiful, my dear dear wife," I say and lean down kissing her. She leans up kissing me as our tongues collide. Penny pulls away flustered and leans her head on my shoulder as I wrap my arm around her back, I hook my hand underneath her thigh and swing it over my body.
"Hey Phillips," Penny yawns nuzzling into my neck. I smile.
"What's up, Valentine?" I ask.
"I love you, you big idiot, but you're my idiot husband," She says and I chuckle.
"I love you, you fiery blondie, but my fiery blondie," I whisper softly caressing her thigh and kissing her head.
I never thought in my entire life at the age of thirty-eight this is where my life would be. The FBI can be very lonely especially when you don't find anyone who understands the schedule but I got blindsided and soon extremely lucky that I wasn't alone because when I joined I nearly did think I'd be alone forever but with a house full of amazing kids and a wife at my side every day, I wouldn't trade it anything.
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