《Arctic love》Thirteen
"Crazy how this is our last New Year's Eve as adults without a kid," I say as I sit down beside Penny, handing her the bowl of popcorn. We were invited to go out for New Year's Eve but considering Penny was pregnant and could be due at any time and we have a crazy stalker hunting us down we opted out and now we're on our second movie of the night, Lord of the Rings.
"Weird," she mumbles "you know you could've gone out, live life as a single dude for one more night," she tells me as I drape her legs over my lap. I roll my eyes, throwing my arm around the back of the couch, bringing the beer bottles to my lips Penny chuckles.
"Going out to clubs aren't my thing anymore since I joined the FBI, and plus I'd rather be here," I tell her.
"Here, with an overly pregnant twenty-six-year-old with swollen feet and back problems?" She tilts her head at me. I look down at her and nod.
"If this is how my New Year's Eve is gonna look like, plus a little girl, yea I wouldn't give two flying fucks," I tell her and she nudges me with her heel.
"We can't swear anymore," she points out changing the topic "oh we have to substitute our swear words for something else," she mumbles, I reach over and grab a hand full of popcorn.
"Like what?" I ask.
"Well fudge equals out fuck, uh shoot is shit," she counts off.
"Oh, so you're telling me I can't mention the word dick and pussy around Addie?" I tease her.
"Yes, exactly, don't say that," She nods.
"Do any of these substitutions cancel out anywhere?" I ask her.
"What do you mean?" She asks confused, her eyes trained on the flat screen.
"Do the swear word substitutions cancel out in you know? Perhaps the bedroom?" I ask, immediately blushes and I smile.
"Who the hell is gonna say I'm gonna want to have sex with you after I've pushed this baby out of me," She points to her stomach and I chuckle.
"You will," I shrug and look back to the flat screen.
"Don't be so cocky Xander," she grumbles. I glance at the clock above the flat screen seeing that it finally hit twelve am.
"Hey Pens," I say, leaning closer to her, her baby bump keeping quite the distance between us.
"Yeah?" She questions turning her head and looking at me.
"Happy New Year Baby," I say smiling a bit my finger caressing her cheek, She smiles back as I place my palm on her cheek.
"Happy New Year," she says leaning into my touch. I lean forward as much as I could and kissed her. I hum as I pull away.
"You taste like butter and popcorn," I joke and she blushes.
"It's better than pickles and peanut butter, you can't deny it,"
"Touché," I nod leaning forward and kissing her again before pulling back completely and back into my initial position.
An hour or so later, the movie had ended and Penny was fast asleep. Even though she was pregnant she was still light to pick up and carry, I didn't have any problems carrying her to bed and sliding her under the covers. Brushing her hair back, she seemed to lean into my warm touch, her silky Victoria Secret pajama pants and my very oversized hoodie wasn't enough from the cold.
With one hand on her cheek and the other on her pillow, I smile "I love you," I mumble before leaning forward and kissing her forehead.
Back in the main area of the apartment, I quietly begin to clean up a bit. I should've slipped into bed with Penny but my brain was wired to stay awake at the moment.
I didn't even dare to touch her art supplies because then my head would've been ripped to shreds and stuck on a stick or something. Us two being the lazy humans we are didn't do the dishes after we had dinner.
I decided to cook for once, making some roast beef, mash potatoes, and asparagus. Penny decided to make cookies, she said she was craving them and I didn't stop her. Picking up the things from the coffee table I carry them to the kitchen and begin the process of cleaning it up, it wasn't messy but the sink was kinda overflowing.
I hear footsteps outside the door and shut the water off, turning to the front door I see a pair of feet stop right outside the door before something slides underneath the door. Slowly reaching into a drawer I pull out one of my extra guns.
Walking towards the door I listen to the footsteps retreating before I pick up the large brown envelope. I had a feeling what this was but I begged I was wrong.
As I opened it up, I wasn't wrong because candid pictures of Penny walking in from stores, coffee shops, work even her apartment were included, I was included in some too.
"Fuck," I mumble. Grabbing my phone and dialing Dave.
"What's up?" He asks me, I knew he was one of the ones working tonight.
"Someone personally dropped by candid pics of Penny and me," I say.
"Fuck," Dave begins as I hear movement. I repeat what I had gotten to the rest of the team that was at work as I walk towards the window checking on the policemen outside the apartment.
"Alex," William says. I hum, "it's time to get Penny to the safe house."
I sigh. I didn't have an issue with the safe house, the only problem was that I wouldn't be with her. That was the deal.
"William," I sigh.
"Do what's best for your family, think about them," he reminds me and I sigh.
"Okay, we'll be there soon," I mumble before hanging up. I groan and rub a hand down my face before moving towards the bedroom.
"Xander!" Penny suddenly yells, I swing open the door.
"What?" I ask rushing towards her, grabbing her hand. She squirms in pain, squeezing my hand tightly. I cringe.
"I think my water just broke," she gasps. My eyes widen.
"Wait what?" I ask shocked.
"It's too early, way too early, Xander," she gasps.
"Fuck, let's go," I say as I slowly help her out of bed.
It was such a fever dream as we rushed into the hospital, thankfully Sav and Ed beat us there. The doctor had told us she wasn't dilated enough so it would be a few hours.
I hated how much she was in pain, I could tell she was in a lot of pain. Sav and Ed stayed with Penny as I went out and talked to my team who were all there for security.
"I'm sorry Alex but the second she's clear, she'll have to go with Lauren, she's at a much greater risk now that your daughter is born," William tells me quietly. I shake my head and rub my jaw.
"Alex this has to happen," Bill says. I nod.
"I know but I'd rather not be away from Penny and Adelaide the minute she's born, they are gonna need me,"
"They'll be safe with me, I promise," Lauren assures, "I've done this before," She assures me.
"I don't doubt you but come on," I sigh. I glance around at my team and sigh. "Okay," I nod and walk away. Entering the room I could hear Penny groan in pain.
"Ed, Sav, give us a minute?" I question the married couple. The two glance at each other but nod. I settle down into a chair as they close the door behind them. Penny intertwines our hands together as she falls against the pillows with a sigh.
"What's wrong? I know that look," she sighs. Grabbing her hand with both of mine, I bring it up to my mouth, kissing her knuckles.
"I got an envelope today before we got here, pictures of you and me and just," I shake my head. "Baby we aren't safe anymore," I tell her.
"There's more isn't there?" She asks squeezing my hand as another contraction begins.
"Once your cleared here and Addie is healthy, you have to leave with Lauren, go somewhere safe," I tell her.
"What?" She practically screams in pain. I let her breathe it out before she falls back into the bed. "What the hell do you mean?" She asks.
"You and Addie are going to a safe house, I don't know where it is for safety reasons. Lauren will be with you, it's better if I don't come,"
"Xander," she grits out, "I need you, you can't leave me," She says and I rub my jaw quickly.
"Baby this has to happen, he's gonna get more aggressive and I can't let him hurt you two. I can't,"
"Xander no," she shakes her head.
"I have to protect my family Pens," I sigh and she stares at me, tears now coming down her cheeks. Leaning forward I wipe them away. "I'm so sorry baby, I really am," I whisper. She winces in pain again.
"Oh god I'm gonna kick your ass Xander, fuck," she screams out. I stifle a chuckle and sit up, kissing her cheek.
"We'll be okay baby, I promise," I assure her, kissing her hand.
Adelaide Valentine Phillips was born fourteen hours after we had arrived at the hospital and despite her being born two and a half weeks early she was healthy, she would be monitored for the next couple of days only because she was born premature but other than that our daughter was healthy.
Slowly cradling Addie in my arms, I smile as I stroke her cheek. Addie was awake and for once silent in my arms. Her blue eyes were somewhat wide as I held her. A flash goes off and I look up.
"Seriously Sav?" I chuckle softly as she lowers the Polaroid camera.
"What?" Sav shrugs, "it's for the scrapbook," she tells me. She had been taking pictures on both Penny's Polaroid and our phones for us.
I roll my eyes at her as I slowly move towards Penny who was smiling at us. I slowly lower myself and Penny takes Addie from me.
"Hi baby," Penny smiles softly, stroking her cheek. I crouch down beside them, placing my hand over the top of hers, my other hand tucking her hair behind her ear.
From the corner of my eye, I see Savannah take more pictures before Ed hauls her out of the room.
"She's so beautiful Pens, she gets it from you," I whisper and she chuckles.
"I'm gonna love you so hard," Penny tells Adelaide and I laugh, kissing her arm. "Hey Xander," she says softly and turns to look down at me. I hum smiling at Addie. "We'll be okay," Penny says. I look up at her and nod.
"We will be," I promise her before reaching up and kissing her. As I lean back my eyes widen. "Oh, I actually have something for you," I say reaching back and grabbing my coat. I pull out the velvet box and wave it to her.
I open the velvet box for her and grab her left hand slipping the gold ring onto her middle finger, "what is it?" She asks.
"It's the January birth flower on a ring, the January birth flower basically is admiration and love and crap," I cover up and she chuckles. "It's a push present," I confirm.
"You are so swoon-worthy," She tells me looking at the ring. I chuckle. "Please tell me you have one too," she says. Leaning back I reach under my shirt and show her the ring on a chain. She smiles.
"Thank you," she says to me. I smile up at her.
"No thank you," I tell her smiling at Addie quickly before leaning up and kiss her. As the day went on, we learned how to change diapers and Penny learned how to breastfeed. We got lucky because Adelaide wasn't as fussy when we learning to do all these things, but when she did get fussy good lord that little girl's screams and cries could take down a whole building.
"knock knock," a soft voice says, I turn around from Penny and Adelaide to see my grandparents walk in. "hi hun," Grandma smiles as they enter. I sigh and greet them. Grandma immediately rushes past me and towards Penny.
"Oh sweetheart, she's beautiful" Grandma awes.
"Would you like to hold her?" Penny asks tiredly. Grandma nods and they slowly switch Adelaide. My grandma begins to rock Adelaide back and forth.
"Nana, don't cry," I chuckle as I move towards Penny and settle down beside her.
"I can cry all I want too," She sniffs. Penny looks up at me and smiles, I interlock our hands and she squeezes my hand.
"Both your parents would be so proud of you," Grandma says softly stroking Adelaide's cheek.
I lean over to Penny, "they really would Pens," I whisper in her ear. She doesn't respond but squeezes my hand again, smiling at my grandma and Addie.
Sav and Ed came back after my grandparents left, Sav had told me she had packed both Penny and Addie's bags and gave them to Lauren. I had simply nodded and moved on. Penny was tired by the time hospital hours were up. I myself couldn't sleep at all, so while she slept I cradled Adelaide in my arms.
"hi, princess," I mumble stroking her cheek "you and mommy are gonna have to go away for a bit, and daddy will be gone. I'm not sure how long I'll be gone but I promise everything will be okay," I whisper. Addie scrunches up her face and yawns, I stifle a laugh. "you know your mommy makes that face too, especially when she's mad at me, which is a lot of the time"
I glance over at Penny, "you have to promise me not to be too tough on mommy okay? you've already shown that you are just as much as a firecracker as her but give her a little credit and break," I smile.
It looked like Addie was listening to me since her blue eyes were wide and watching me. I immediately clear my throat and suddenly feel myself tearing up. It was true, I didn't know when I'd see Penny and Addie again, it could be months and this could be it. I sighed shaking my head.
"I love you so much," I say quietly. "I love you and mommy so much," I say. A soft knock comes from the door and I glance up.
"Alex," Dave says softly. From his expression something was wrong.
"What is it?" I question him as he enters the slightly dark room.
"There was a package that came for you at headquarters, it's about Penny again," he sighs. I shake my head and my arms tighten around Adelaide "Chief wants you to come in but," he trails off looking down at Adelaide.
"We have to do this now huh?" I question and he nods. I look back down at Addie my jaw ticking. "okay I'll be out soon," I tell him and he nods taking his leave. Leaning forward I press my lips against my daughter's forehead. Slowly moving back towards Penny as the door opens.
I kiss Penny on the forehead too, "I love you Pens, I'll see you soon. I'm so sorry baby but we'll be okay, I promise" I whisper against her head before kissing her again. Lauren walks in and gives me a sad expression.
I slowly hand Addie to her and she takes her willingly, "Alex," Lauren says as I shrug on my jacket.
Shaking my head, "Lauren please take care of them," I plead. She nods immediately.
"I will, you know I will," She replies.
I step up to her and caress Addie's check, her blue eyes locking with mine "daddy loves you, Addie," I mumble for a final time, kissing her forehead again. I glance up at Lauren. "Take care of my family," I tell her and she nods numbingly. I move towards the door and pull it open. Glancing over my shoulder I look at Penny and then Addie, I walk out of the hospital room, pulling the door shut behind me.
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